Another Hollywood Scandal - Charlie Sheen

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I found this report by his ex-wife to be very concerning. Also the interview that follows about who was responsible for molesting and driving another young actor to suicide. Watch these interviews and realize it is time to cut the cords to your televisions and part ways with Hollywood TV, Movies, etc. Enough is enough. God is going to judge that place in due time. Lets' not have any part of it, people. Could it get any worse? This story is shocking!

The Illuminati, North Koreans, Russians, Communists, Muslims, Actors, there anyone you aren't afraid of or have a conspiracy about?
My son and his fiance both work in Hollywood. Neither have molested anyone, nor have they driven a single soul to suicide.

You're scaring me, Jerms.

BTW- is there any any place that God can't/won't judge? :dunno:

PS- I enjoy masturbation.


My son and his fiance both work in Hollywood. Neither have molested anyone, nor have they driven a single soul to suicide.

You're scaring me, Jerms.

BTW- is there any any place that God can't/won't judge? :dunno:

PS- I enjoy masturbation.


If hollywood didn't get them..the North Koreans surely will.
But, if I cut the cords to television, how will I be able to watch televangelists? :dunno:

You don't need them. You have a bible and if you don't, you have the bible on USMB (much of it) and a whole religion forum too! You'll do fine without it!
Now I decided to look up the latest on his ex-wife and I found this article that Charlie had turned on his wife in this video and wanted to reduce the child support because she won't let him see his daughters. If he is a paedophile who could blame her?

Look at this story. He leaves the ex and then goes with this porn star.

Charlie Sheen s Ex-Wife Brooke Mueller So Happy With Current Situation She s This-Close To His Porn Star Fianc e Radar

Charlie Sheen’s Ex-Wife Brooke Mueller 'So Happy' With Current Situation — She’s This-Close To His Porn Star Fiancée!
Posted on Apr 1, 2014 @

Now Denise Richards had serious concerns that the two boys in photo - sons of the second wife and Charlie were being molested by him. They were showing classic signs of abuse according to video info - so this woman gets out of rehab after 20 trips there and suddenly is now doing her best to get along with "Charlie".. Hmmm... Something does not seem right here.
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Brooke Mueller is a druggie herself. She already lost custody and got it back once.

If there is one thing I would doubt it's that Charlie Sheen is a pedophile. He's too wacked out over women for that and doesn't show a preference for those who look young. His taste runs more to the obvious skank.
So after being accused of molesting children, and accused of molesting Corey Feldman the child actor - he divorces two women - both do not trust him with their children and he makes plans to marry this one! Brett Rossi!
Charlie Sheen Brett Rossi Wedding Disaster - Anger Management Actor Porn Star Fiancee Fight Over Upcoming Nuptials Mstarz

Sheen's porn star bride-to-be is reportedly very demanding when it comes to her fall wedding to the Anger Management actor.

Sources are telling RadarOnline that Rossi has already fired one wedding planner, and is in the process of looking for another one to make all her wedding day dreams come true.

So what happens after the wedding disaster?
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Please. He's a severe drug addict and alcoholic. He shouldn't ever be around children. His wives and girlfriends say he's a hard core porn addict as well. Who wants kids around a guy who can't stop watching porn?
Democrats may have just found their 2016 candidate!

Sheen has all the proclivities of the REAL Clinton, not the mere spouse of one.

As much experience as had Obama at the corresponding point in his career.

And the name recognition!

He is the living embodiment of all that IS Democrat!
So here is what happens to the fiance - they are calling it a bad reaction to some medicine which landed her in ICU. that means she could have died. But Denise Richards asked him if he had anything to do with it and he said "no comment"..... innocent? hmm.....

Charlie Sheen s ex-fianc e Brett Rossi hospitalized - NY Daily News

Charlie Sheen and then-fiancée Brett Rossi, aka Scottine Sheen, at an event in Toronto in June.

Charlie Sheen's ex-fiance was rushed to a hospital after a drug overdose over the weekend, a report said.

Brett Rossi, 25, was found passed out at her home by a friend and rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where she spent a night in the intensive care unit after doctors pumped her stomach, sources told the gossip site Radar.

She recovered, and was later transferred to a regular unit, the site said.

It wasn't clear what kind of drugs were involved.

However, on Tuesday, a source close to Rossi refuted the OD report to US Weekly, saying the former porn starlet suffered an adverse reaction to prescription medication.

"Her hospital stay was due to an adverse reaction to a newly prescribed medication," ...

Sounds like an overdose.

Charlie Sheen was raised by uber lib Martin Sheen. The difference between Charlie and Hillary is Charlie is a likeable guy when he's not strung out.
And after the accidental misdose of drugs to her body she suddenly changes her mind and these two are parting ways as "Friends". This young lady should be very thankful she didn't end up having children with him. What a horrific nightmare. Imagine a paedophile turns out to be the father of your children - you divorce - he pays 10K a month for support and has unlimited access to your boys whenever he wants. For 10K a month. This is most likely happening throughout Hollywood but these mothers are too terrified to speak up. I respect Denise Richards for putting her children first. She's doing the right thing.

Oh and Mr. H? Hollywood is a cesspool. But I think you already knew that.


"She's a terrific gal — but we've mutually decided to go our separate ways and not spend the rest of our lives together," he said.

Sheen's camp acknowledged Rossi's health troubles in a statement Tuesday.

"Charlie and Scotty have been in communication and Charlie still has a tremendous fondness for Scotty and continues to wish her all the best," the actor's rep, Jeff Ballard, the Daily News.
Anyone who would abuse children is the worst scum on the earth, and if Charlie Sheen was involved in that in any way, he will pay the price. However, he is just an actor. He doesn't represent any political, or religious, or any other group I can think of. The video portrays him in a very damning light, but I have no idea whether there is any truth in it or not. There is enough to be concerned about without worrying about every individual in the world. I don't know the details of this Jerry Springer like story, and am quite comfortable leaving the resolution to those that do.
And after the accidental misdose of drugs to her body she suddenly changes her mind and these two are parting ways as "Friends". This young lady should be very thankful she didn't end up having children with him. What a horrific nightmare. Imagine a paedophile turns out to be the father of your children - you divorce - he pays 10K a month for support and has unlimited access to your boys whenever he wants. For 10K a month. This is most likely happening throughout Hollywood but these mothers are too terrified to speak up. I respect Denise Richards for putting her children first. She's doing the right thing.

Oh and Mr. H? Hollywood is a cesspool. But I think you already knew that.


"She's a terrific gal — but we've mutually decided to go our separate ways and not spend the rest of our lives together," he said.

Sheen's camp acknowledged Rossi's health troubles in a statement Tuesday.

"Charlie and Scotty have been in communication and Charlie still has a tremendous fondness for Scotty and continues to wish her all the best," the actor's rep, Jeff Ballard, the Daily News.

Is your life so empty that you have to worry about things you will never know the complete facts about? You strike me as someone who would peak into someone's medicine cabinet just to be nosy.
I found this report by his ex-wife to be very concerning. Also the interview that follows about who was responsible for molesting and driving another young actor to suicide. Watch these interviews and realize it is time to cut the cords to your televisions and part ways with Hollywood TV, Movies, etc. Enough is enough. God is going to judge that place in due time. Lets' not have any part of it, people. Could it get any worse? This story is shocking!

When someone delves into the occult, child sex abuse, rape, murder, whatever, their very countenance (on their face) changes. It becomes very dark, twisted, perverted. They become as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside because although Satan appears as an angel of light (and some say he is even beautiful in that state) his true state has yet to be recognized - and on that day people will say that is the one?! It will be as if the truth is unveiled before their eyes and they realize finally that they were deceived. They will also realize that they never had anything to fear! God is Almighty. God is Omnipotent. God is the Creator of heaven and earth. His name is Jesus Christ. Not Lucifer. People need to fear the LORD and realize that HE is their refuge. Jesus is all any person needs. Jesus will forgive the worst sinner and save them. Jesus will forgive and gloriously save this man, Charlie Sheen. But Charlie Sheen must be willing to repent and turn from his sins and follow Jesus Christ. Otherwise he will be in hell for all eternity.

Last night I felt a heavy burden for the people in this story, especially the children and Denise Richards who seems to be the only one who is trying to put the welfare of the children first. I did pray for them. I am also praying that Charlie Sheen receives Jesus Christ and that God uses whatever it takes to bring him to his knees. I am praying that whoever has assisted Sheen in being able to have access to young children knowing that he has been suspected of paedophile behavior be judged by Almighty God. (Lawyers, agents, anyone involved - will go down with him to hell if they do not repent immediately) May the Judgment of God be pronounced upon them. These children have suffered enough.

I have no idea how he is currently doing on his television show but I can see by the countenance on his face that he is used up already and I doubt if he will last 7 more months. He looks to be on deaths door even now. Very sad to see a human permit Satan to bring them to destruction like this but when you set about to destroy the lives of others, such as the young actor in the story, to harm the small children who have been given as a gift to protect not abuse, I can see where God would have no choice but to step aside and let him take that final fall into hell. His only hope is repent and throw himself at the mercy seat of God which is the very Cross of Jesus Christ.

It doesn't take a thoroughly wicked person such as Sheen to be sent to hell. Good people go to hell all the time because they have been offered Jesus Christ and rejected Him. Not doing the right thing when you know what the right thing to do is - will send you to hell. Rejecting Jesus Christ and obedience to Christ is what sends a soul to hell. The people in hell would all quickly confess that if they were able to be here and tell others.
I have one more response in response to Sheen's response to the woman who interviewed him. She said, Do you think you are a good father? The response was alarming. In the end, you see a demon manifest before your eyes - in his anger - he says it's none of anyone's business. (whether he is a good father or not) He says, That is between me and my kids.

To that, I say, No, Mr. Sheen. You are mistaken. That is not between you and your kids. Your children are not your property for you to do whatever you wish with. Your children are a gift from God that are to be protected, nurtured and loved. Not abused.

The laws of this land should apply to you also in the case of not being a good father to your children and to be suspected of being a paedophile who is abusing their sons is not only not considered being a bad father but it is also called criminal behavior in the USA and although you may have gotten away with it through your lawyers, law enforcement and political / media buddies - the party is over. God is going to judge you and He is going to judge all those who assisted you and you are going to spend eternity in hell together blaming each other for why you're there with no hope of escape.

It's that or the Cross of Jesus Christ. Repent while there is breath in you to do so. You are in deep trouble. All of you.
The Illuminati, North Koreans, Russians, Communists, Muslims, Actors, there anyone you aren't afraid of or have a conspiracy about?

Is there anyone who is a role model to you who is not a cold blooded murderer, a rapist, a paedophile, a KGB murderer, an Islamic Jihadist, a known monster to their own people? You need help, Nutz. You need Jesus Christ. It is a sin to call evil good and good evil. Those who do it will not have evil depart from their own house.

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