Another healthy athlete collapses on the ground with chest pain

This has been happening as long as there has been games being played.

In the past you never would have heard about it if you were not a fan of one of the two teams.

But now every rightwing site is scouring the web for every story and feeding them to you.

Did you hear about the Gator basketball player that collapsed in 2020 when there was no vaccine?
I don't remember athletes that young dying this often.
Of course what you don't know/admit to is that up until recently with the onset of the internet and worthless trolls like yourself is that athlete deaths in the 80's and 90's were not universally covered unless it was professional or major college athletes.

I'm sure you're upset that the player from Buffalo survived. Better luck next time.
Because they didn't happen as often. But please get your booster!
I responded to your link, not your meme.

Fauci is a scientist with no legal power and he pissed Trump off so of course your pro Trump media outlets feed you anti fauci propaganda. Same with the IRS. Same with the FBI. Same with judges. Same with everything that pisses Trump off.

How old are you? You don't remember Fauci saying, if you doubt him. You doubt science? Anyway what he did to those dog's, he deserves death.
You don't have to search for it, it's happening on a regular basis now.

You do not have to search for it because the rightwing sites are doing it for you and letting you know about them all.

In 2020 a Gator basketball player collapsed on the floor in a game and almost died. I am willing to bet none of you knew about it because you are not Gator fans.

In the past you would not have known about 90% of these.

There is literally no data to support the claim it is happening more often.
You do not have to search for it because the rightwing sites are doing it for you and letting you know about them all.

In 2020 a Gator basketball player collapsed on the floor in a game and almost died. I am willing to bet none of you knew about it because you are not Gator fans.

In the past you would not have known about 90% of these.

There is literally no data to support the claim it is happening more often.
Then continue to get your clot shots. I'll continue not doing so.
Then continue to get your clot shots. I'll continue not doing so.

I got the first two, no reason for any more.

But I do appreciate that you can at least admit you have no data to support your claims so you have to try this stupid diversion.

My Sig line was put there just for people like you.
Trump never mandated the shots.
So? Trump throws socialist money at big pharma and fast tracks the vaccine against Fauci's advice then brags about how great the vaccine is and people should take it but Biden mandated it for federal employees so Trump is off the hook?

Hyper partison much?
So? Trump throws socialist money at big pharma and fast tracks the vaccine against Fauci's advice then brags about how great the vaccine is and people should take it but Biden mandated it for federal employees so Trump is off the hook?

Hyper partison much?

Not at all.
Why would it be? Some people opposed the release of a new vaccine without long term testing early on.

Is this news to you?
No it's not new news to me. I think the FDA did too but Trump called them the deep state and that they were trying to derail his reelection bid.

"Trump had tweeted on Saturday that “deep state” elements at the FDA were delaying progress on drugs and vaccines until after the Nov. 3 election in order to hurt his reelection bid."


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