Another founding father bites the dust, Thomas Jefferson


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Say, I wonder what they're teaching in college these days that leftists completely miss the historical end of things, the warnings, historical operations leading to the worst of societies and so forth? Perhaps they're educated and like things this way? Hmm!

Well Thomas Jefferson is offensive, someone bitched and complained. We're going to consistently bow to the lowest common denominators in order to meet them, an essential piece of left-run operations.

Stand up & cast the first stone MFers. Oh that's right, leftists are righteous. Everyday is opposite day in PROG.

RELEVANT entries, written in 1963:: 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,

Say, I wonder what they're teaching in college these days that leftists completely miss the historical end of things, the warnings, historical operations leading to the worst of societies and so forth? Perhaps they're educated and like things this way? Hmm!

Well Thomas Jefferson is offensive, someone bitched and complained. We're going to consistently bow to the lowest common denominators in order to meet them, an essential piece of left-run operations.

Stand up & cast the first stone MFers. Oh that's right, leftists are righteous. Everyday is opposite day in PROG.

RELEVANT entries, written in 1963:: 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,

Removing from City Hall is gayer than gay because Jefferson stood for separation of church and state, not the State Theologian marrying crotch-clowns whose Jones is for recognition.
People should be thanking the "racist founding fathers" for creating a country where these people are able to have a life so easy that they just sit around all day and complain about a man that died 200 years ago.

Yeah a lot of not so nice stuff went on back then but it's thanks to all of that that we have our country now with our rights and freedoms.
Jefferson owned over 2,000 slaves. His plantation was a town, with black barbers, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, barrel makers, candle makers, potters, you name it. All of them working for no wages.

Slavery hurt the working class white man just as much as it hurt the slave. How do you compete with zero wages? You don't.

You should read some history on the subject of Jefferson & slavery. He was far smarter and wise than you and I for sure. What he wasn't is perfect.

Take a wild guess which world geographical area never had slavery? That would be the Antarctic, nobody lives there. And slavery was never limited to blacks. Black Americans aren't even the last to be slaves. Heck even whites were slaves more recently than any black American, surely the Jews can tell you all about it. Same with sex slaves today, and slaves in the middle east and Africa too.
Yeah a lot of not so nice stuff went on back then...

The "not so nice stuff" was actually the administration of justice on "not so nice" Blacks and Browns who today push random people in front of subway trains when they are not raping them on subway trains.
Jefferson owned over 2,000 slaves. His plantation was a town, with black barbers, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, barrel makers, candle makers, potters, you name it. All of them working for no wages.

Slavery hurt the working class white man just as much as it hurt the slave. How do you compete with zero wages? You don't.
Jefferson owned 600 plus slaves. His plantation was like all other large plantations with the exception that he worked to make sure that his slaves had skills as he wanted to free them but was financially unable to. ANd sorry even your comment about no wages is bullshit---Jefferson freed some slaves and even paid atleast one wages after..

Slavery did hurt the working class whites/others.

Sounds like Trump was right again
YES, he was.

When do we rewrite the history books?

October 19,2021.

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Well, it’s finally happened. The late, great Thomas Jefferson, one of our most important Founding Fathers, and a principal writer of the Constitution of the United States, is being “evicted” from the magnificent New York City Council Chamber.

'Principal writer'?
Jefferson didn't write a sentence of the constitution.
Thomas was in France at the time.
All of them working for no wages.
Are you sure those black blacksmiths and other skilled black workers would have been better off if they had remained captured slaves in Africa? That's what they were before they were brought to America. The people in that town were most likely living better and more peaceful lives than most Africans at the time.

EDIT: And I am not trying to justify slavery. I am making my argument for why Thomas Jefferson wasn't some piece of shit. It was a different time, and the world isn't as simple as some seem to think it is.
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People should be thanking the "racist founding fathers" for creating a country where these people are able to have a life so easy that they just sit around all day and complain about a man that died 200 years ago.
No kidding. Well said.
YES, he was.

When do we rewrite the history books?

October 19,2021.

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Well, it’s finally happened. The late, great Thomas Jefferson, one of our most important Founding Fathers, and a principal writer of the Constitution of the United States, is being “evicted” from the magnificent New York City Council Chamber.

'Principal writer'?
Jefferson didn't write a sentence of the constitution.
Thomas was in France at the time.
He was write that the demafasict wouldn’t stop ripping down monuments.
Jefferson owned over 2,000 slaves. His plantation was a town, with black barbers, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, barrel makers, candle makers, potters, you name it. All of them working for no wages.

Slavery hurt the working class white man just as much as it hurt the slave. How do you compete with zero wages? You don't.
First thing is that how did the slaves live? Not approving of it, but it is a legitimate question. The second thing is, why you say competing with zero wages you have no issue at all purchasing products from people overseas who earn very little to make them. By your statements you and others like yourself should, be foreign your own manufacturing and production facilities to prove your independent individual fortitude. The reality is that Documents for the rights of humans is not something that is the norm in world history. The Declaration of Independence, The articles of Confederation and the Constitution are rare. Even with flaws in it. Truthfully, the Constitution ended up bringing us to tyranny as even that was discussed before its passage because the document was constantly attacked by outside forces and inside moles to promote their desires. And in 1913, the beginning of the end was encased. We see it today using social justice that is running amok now to correct wrongs in front to take away rights granted to all.

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