Another case in point of why leftists on Twitter suck


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

So now we should tax Jeff Bezos more because he is successful? He created the company, he hires thousands, provides services for millions. But he is a villain cause he is rich. The dumbassery of leftists is off the charts. Just read the thread. Amazing how jealous people are.

I hope he acquires Twitter and dismantles it!

So now we should tax Jeff Bezos more because he is successful? He created the company, he hires thousands, provides services for millions. But he is a villain cause he is rich. The dumbassery of leftists is off the charts. Just read the thread. Amazing how jealous people are.

I hope he acquires Twitter and dismantles it!

He hires thousands. Damn, how do those thousands of people know how to add and subtract? Shit, how do they even get to work? Oh wait, they went to public schools, and they drive on public roads. Shit, the same public roads that Amazon drivers use to deliver products. Amazon gets millions of products from overseas, some are shipped directly. Who protects those shipping routes? Oh wait, it is the Navy. Those that are given much, much is expected. You recognize that shit? You know where it comes from? Why in the hell do you morons, that probably ain't got a pot to piss in, think it is somehow wrong to make those that benefit from our society pay for that benefit? I mean I don't get it. Do you think Jeff Bezos is going to roll in driving his Bentley and toss you a few quarters? I mean have you ever worked in an Amazon warehouse? That little twerp has been successful, wildly successful, but does he not owe to the society that values his expertise, and that facilitates his means of operation, at least something a little more than a token tax payment? The society that trains his workers, that builds the roads he uses, that protects his shipping lanes, that backstops his bank deposits, that furnishes the %&)***) water that flushes the toilets in his employee bathrooms, does he not have a responsibility to pay for that shit? You morons are a damn hoot, that much is for sure.
He hires thousands. Damn, how do those thousands of people know how to add and subtract? Shit, how do they even get to work? Oh wait, they went to public schools, and they drive on public roads. Shit, the same public roads that Amazon drivers use to deliver products. Amazon gets millions of products from overseas, some are shipped directly. Who protects those shipping routes? Oh wait, it is the Navy. Those that are given much, much is expected. You recognize that shit? You know where it comes from? Why in the hell do you morons, that probably ain't got a pot to piss in, think it is somehow wrong to make those that benefit from our society pay for that benefit? I mean I don't get it. Do you think Jeff Bezos is going to roll in driving his Bentley and toss you a few quarters? I mean have you ever worked in an Amazon warehouse? That little twerp has been successful, wildly successful, but does he not owe to the society that values his expertise, and that facilitates his means of operation, at least something a little more than a token tax payment? The society that trains his workers, that builds the roads he uses, that protects his shipping lanes, that backstops his bank deposits, that furnishes the %&)***) water that flushes the toilets in his employee bathrooms, does he not have a responsibility to pay for that shit? You morons are a damn hoot, that much is for sure.
Hey STUPID I bet you think Bezos wrote the IRS laws too. You are a complete moron and your gender studies degree is doing you nothing. You should have studied business or law FOOL.

So now we should tax Jeff Bezos more because he is successful? He created the company, he hires thousands, provides services for millions. But he is a villain cause he is rich. The dumbassery of leftists is off the charts. Just read the thread. Amazing how jealous people are.

I hope he acquires Twitter and dismantles it!

Does this dipshit think billionaires aren't currently being taxed?

I'll bet Robert Reich's name is in Epstein's black book.
He hires thousands. Damn, how do those thousands of people know how to add and subtract? Shit, how do they even get to work? Oh wait, they went to public schools, and they drive on public roads. Shit, the same public roads that Amazon drivers use to deliver products. Amazon gets millions of products from overseas, some are shipped directly. Who protects those shipping routes? Oh wait, it is the Navy. Those that are given much, much is expected. You recognize that shit? You know where it comes from? Why in the hell do you morons, that probably ain't got a pot to piss in, think it is somehow wrong to make those that benefit from our society pay for that benefit? I mean I don't get it. Do you think Jeff Bezos is going to roll in driving his Bentley and toss you a few quarters? I mean have you ever worked in an Amazon warehouse? That little twerp has been successful, wildly successful, but does he not owe to the society that values his expertise, and that facilitates his means of operation, at least something a little more than a token tax payment? The society that trains his workers, that builds the roads he uses, that protects his shipping lanes, that backstops his bank deposits, that furnishes the %&)***) water that flushes the toilets in his employee bathrooms, does he not have a responsibility to pay for that shit? You morons are a damn hoot, that much is for sure.
And they pay taxes for all of that already. They don't operate tax free. What are you talking about?

Are you taking your notes from Lesh ?

How much would you tax Jeff Bezos? Honest question. How much of his hard earned money are you entitled to?
Gender studies? What comes after the biological fact that there are only two?
There's 3 now.

As Emperor of the Western Hemisphere I have made a compromise with those suffering from Lefts Syndrome.

You now have males... They have dicks....

You have females.... They have snatches...

Then you have Freaks... They can be dicks or snatches regardless of the junk in their britches.

For all other inquiries consult someone who gives a fuck.

He hires thousands. Damn, how do those thousands of people know how to add and subtract? Shit, how do they even get to work? Oh wait, they went to public schools, and they drive on public roads. Shit, the same public roads that Amazon drivers use to deliver products. Amazon gets millions of products from overseas, some are shipped directly. Who protects those shipping routes? Oh wait, it is the Navy. Those that are given much, much is expected. You recognize that shit? You know where it comes from? Why in the hell do you morons, that probably ain't got a pot to piss in, think it is somehow wrong to make those that benefit from our society pay for that benefit? I mean I don't get it. Do you think Jeff Bezos is going to roll in driving his Bentley and toss you a few quarters? I mean have you ever worked in an Amazon warehouse? That little twerp has been successful, wildly successful, but does he not owe to the society that values his expertise, and that facilitates his means of operation, at least something a little more than a token tax payment? The society that trains his workers, that builds the roads he uses, that protects his shipping lanes, that backstops his bank deposits, that furnishes the %&)***) water that flushes the toilets in his employee bathrooms, does he not have a responsibility to pay for that shit? You morons are a damn hoot, that much is for sure.
Uh, he already pays a ton of taxes for these "benefits" Dimmer. More than you make in your stupid little life.
Hey STUPID I bet you think Bezos wrote the IRS laws too. You are a complete moron and your gender studies degree is doing you nothing. You should have studied business or law FOOL.
Fuck off dumbshit. I have a degree in Economics and an MBA. I also know that Bezo's effective marginal tax rate is LESS THAN ONE PERCENT.

You want to defend that shit? Hell, a single mom making a mere 45 grand pays a much higher effective tax rate. The difference between you, and Robert Reich and myself, is that we don't have our head up our ass and actually know something about Economics and Business. let alone fairness and paying one's fair share.
Does this dipshit think billionaires aren't currently being taxed?

I'll bet Robert Reich's name is in Epstein's black book.
They aren't currently being taxed enough. Not nearly enough for the benefits from society they derive. Hell, your stupid ass pays a higher percentage of income in taxes than Bezo's, Musk, and Gates does. And you are such an idiot that you just bend over and ask for another.
I bet if you include all of the tax he pays it is around 50% already. So you want 10% more why?

You are delusional. I have already documented that his effective marginal tax rate is slightly more than one percent. Just what "other" taxes does he pay that could possibly total 48%? Most of his wealth growth comes from unrealized capital gains. To access that value he borrows money against those unrealized capital gains. When he does realize those capital gains, at best, he will pay no more than 23.8%, be happy to explain how that is calculated if you are interested. He would pay a Medicare surtax, but not a FICA tax. But there are multiple tax avoidance strategies he could use to tap that income without paying a capital gains tax. For instance, he could place the stock in a Charitable Remainder Trust, the trusts sells the stock and neither he, nor the charity, will pay capital gains on the proceeds. He can write off the value of the stock from his income taxes over five years, less the anticipated value of the income, and yes, I said income, that he would receive from the trust over his lifetime. Finally, since upon his death the remaining proceeds go to the charity, the asset is no longer included in the calculation of the value of his estate for estate tax purposes.

Let's put numbers to that. He has stock that cost him nothing to begin with. He donates it to a CRT that sells it for two million dollars. He takes income from the trust, say fifty grand a year. His expected life span is, say, 20 years. So he can deduct one million dollars from his income over five years. The fifty grand he gets is tax free. No capital gains. Fifty grand a year in tax free income. A million dollar write off against other income, and no estate tax due at his death. Sure, twenty years later the charity might get a million dollars or so. But he avoided capital gains on two million dollars and income taxes on another million that was totally unrelated to the stock proceeds.

See, the difference between me and all you dumbshits is I know how the system works. And I am here to tell you, the field is tilted in their favor and normal people have to make up the difference.
You are delusional. I have already documented that his effective marginal tax rate is slightly more than one percent. Just what "other" taxes does he pay that could possibly total 48%? Most of his wealth growth comes from unrealized capital gains. To access that value he borrows money against those unrealized capital gains. When he does realize those capital gains, at best, he will pay no more than 23.8%, be happy to explain how that is calculated if you are interested. He would pay a Medicare surtax, but not a FICA tax. But there are multiple tax avoidance strategies he could use to tap that income without paying a capital gains tax. For instance, he could place the stock in a Charitable Remainder Trust, the trusts sells the stock and neither he, nor the charity, will pay capital gains on the proceeds. He can write off the value of the stock from his income taxes over five years, less the anticipated value of the income, and yes, I said income, that he would receive from the trust over his lifetime. Finally, since upon his death the remaining proceeds go to the charity, the asset is no longer included in the calculation of the value of his estate for estate tax purposes.

Let's put numbers to that. He has stock that cost him nothing to begin with. He donates it to a CRT that sells it for two million dollars. He takes income from the trust, say fifty grand a year. His expected life span is, say, 20 years. So he can deduct one million dollars from his income over five years. The fifty grand he gets is tax free. No capital gains. Fifty grand a year in tax free income. A million dollar write off against other income, and no estate tax due at his death. Sure, twenty years later the charity might get a million dollars or so. But he avoided capital gains on two million dollars and income taxes on another million that was totally unrelated to the stock proceeds.

See, the difference between me and all you dumbshits is I know how the system works. And I am here to tell you, the field is tilted in their favor and normal people have to make up the difference.
Show his tax return and we may debate. Thanks.
Fuck off dumbshit. I have a degree in Economics and an MBA. I also know that Bezo's effective marginal tax rate is LESS THAN ONE PERCENT.

You want to defend that shit? Hell, a single mom making a mere 45 grand pays a much higher effective tax rate. The difference between you, and Robert Reich and myself, is that we don't have our head up our ass and actually know something about Economics and Business. let alone fairness and paying one's fair share.
Hey Dumbfuck. Your degrees are useless if you don't understand business deductions, you idiot. Congress writes the tax laws and companies take advantage of them. Next you will bitch about Buffett's administrative assistant paying a higher "effective tax rate" than Warren does. The effective tax rate is BULLSHIT you "educated socialist pricks" use to stir up the people that don't own any productive businesses that require capitol infusions that generate business deductions. Keep your job at Liberty Tax Service. You seem well suited for the 10 min tax return crowd, MORON.
Fuck off dumbshit. I have a degree in Economics and an MBA. I also know that Bezo's effective marginal tax rate is LESS THAN ONE PERCENT.

You want to defend that shit? Hell, a single mom making a mere 45 grand pays a much higher effective tax rate. The difference between you, and Robert Reich and myself, is that we don't have our head up our ass and actually know something about Economics and Business. let alone fairness and paying one's fair share.
"Fair Share" according to who? Obama's favorite catch phrase and that fool was in Congress and did NOTHING to address the tax laws. I bet he was paid off like all the other members that play the money game, he is very rich now. At least Bezo's deductions are legal unlike slow old Joe's and crack head Hunter's. By the way I hate Bezo. I just bet that you must pay your "fair share" too, right shithead?
Hey Dumbfuck. Your degrees are useless if you don't understand business deductions, you idiot. Congress writes the tax laws and companies take advantage of them. Next you will bitch about Buffett's administrative assistant paying a higher "effective tax rate" than Warren does. The effective tax rate is BULLSHIT you "educated socialist pricks" use to stir up the people that don't own any productive businesses that require capitol infusions that generate business deductions. Keep your job at Liberty Tax Service. You seem well suited for the 10 min tax return crowd, MORON.
You are the dumbfuck. Bezos has that low effective tax rate because the majority of his increase in wealth is due to unrealized capital gains. I got to tell you, my job at Liberty Tax Service tells me that if someone manages to "write off" business deductions to the tune of a resulting one percent effective tax rate the auditor from the IRS is going to come calling. Bezos actually paid a little above 20% on the income he claimed. Which is still too low and is mostly because his income is almost excusively derived from capital gains.

And there in lies the problem. The holy saint of the Republican party, Ronald Reagan, firmly believed that all income should be treated the same. Why is there a special break for capital gains, and don't even try to give me the shit about "investment". The vast majority of capital gains is from stock sales, and purchasing stock on the open market is merely a form of savings, it is not "investment" in the true sense of the word. And why do the normal people that have their stock investments tied up in a 401K have to pay income taxes on their returns and not capital gains? The lower capital gains tax rate is a special gift for the elite. It results in a misallocation of resources that inhibits the growth of the economy. Again, the proof is in history.
Who told you he pays a ton in taxes. He paid ZERO in 2011. And his effective tax rate is around one percent.

That's a problem with our tax laws being overly complicated. Per the federal tax code, he should be paying 36% federal income tax. If it's less, it's because the laws and loopholes are not being enforced.

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