Another attack, another victim


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are

female Border Police officer critically injured with a gunshot wound to the head in the shooting attack near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate on Wednesday afternoon has succumbed to her wounds.

She has been identified by the Israel Police as Hadar Cohen, a 19-year-old resident of Or Yehuda in central Israel.

According to an initial investigation into the attack, two Arab terrorists armed with concealed Carl Gustav sub-machine guns, knives and bombs were spotted acting suspiciously by Border Police officers close to Damascus Gate.

When officers approached, one of the terrorists produced his ID, and another suddenly stabbed an officer, moderately wounding her. Cohen immediately fired on the terrorists in response.

A third terrorist then opened fire on Cohen from behind, critically injuring her. He was eventually neutralized by a police commander.

Both Cohen and the other policewoman wounded in the attack were quickly evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital.

Doctors at the hospital fought for several hours to save Cohen's life before eventually determining her death.

Jerusalem attack victim succumbs to her wounds

female Border Police officer critically injured with a gunshot wound to the head in the shooting attack near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate on Wednesday afternoon has succumbed to her wounds.

She has been identified by the Israel Police as Hadar Cohen, a 19-year-old resident of Or Yehuda in central Israel.

According to an initial investigation into the attack, two Arab terrorists armed with concealed Carl Gustav sub-machine guns, knives and bombs were spotted acting suspiciously by Border Police officers close to Damascus Gate.

When officers approached, one of the terrorists produced his ID, and another suddenly stabbed an officer, moderately wounding her. Cohen immediately fired on the terrorists in response.

A third terrorist then opened fire on Cohen from behind, critically injuring her. He was eventually neutralized by a police commander.

Both Cohen and the other policewoman wounded in the attack were quickly evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital.

Doctors at the hospital fought for several hours to save Cohen's life before eventually determining her death.

Jerusalem attack victim succumbs to her wounds

Arab scum. This victim will not make the American news. Just like the 86 Nigerian victims of Boko Haram this week didn't make to the ABC Nightly News with David Muir.

female Border Police officer critically injured with a gunshot wound to the head in the shooting attack near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate on Wednesday afternoon has succumbed to her wounds.

She has been identified by the Israel Police as Hadar Cohen, a 19-year-old resident of Or Yehuda in central Israel.

According to an initial investigation into the attack, two Arab terrorists armed with concealed Carl Gustav sub-machine guns, knives and bombs were spotted acting suspiciously by Border Police officers close to Damascus Gate.

When officers approached, one of the terrorists produced his ID, and another suddenly stabbed an officer, moderately wounding her. Cohen immediately fired on the terrorists in response.

A third terrorist then opened fire on Cohen from behind, critically injuring her. He was eventually neutralized by a police commander.

Both Cohen and the other policewoman wounded in the attack were quickly evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital.

Doctors at the hospital fought for several hours to save Cohen's life before eventually determining her death.

Jerusalem attack victim succumbs to her wounds

Do you expect that the people under occupation will not resist? Below is a list of ANC actions in 1978, no neutral complained when South African Police were killed by the ANC resistance fighters. Why do you think the Palestinians should behave differently than the non-whites of white-ruled South Africa?


??/01/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former ANC member (Steve Mtshali) who turned state witness in various trials; shot and wounded

??/02/78 Skirmish with SAP: near Swaziland border Two SAP killed

02/02/78 SAP building: Daveyton police station Structural damage

01/03/78 Skirmish with SAP: Witkleigat area No details

10/03/78 Government buildings: Bantu Affairs Admin. Board, Port Elizabeth Bomb explodes outside offices; One civilian killed, three injured

??/04/78 SAP personnel: Swaziland border Cadres ambush SAP patrol; two SAP wounded

14/04/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former deputy president of the ANC in the Transvaal (Abel Mthembu) turned state witness at the Pretoria ANC trial

25/06/78 SAP Personnel: Det-Sgt Chapi Hlubi shot dead

21/08/78 BOSS (Bureau of State Security) personnel: B. Mayeza; shot dead in Umlazi

??/12/78 Government buildings: Soweto Community Council Bomb damages offices"

List Of MK Operations - The O'Malley Archives
By your views, The Palestinians have the right to do whatever the hell they want, while the Jews can only respond by dying. So I don't take much of your posts seriously.

My point is the same as that of Ban Ki Moon, the U.N. Secretary General, occupied and colonized people act in a certain manner because of the occupation and colonization. You expect, for some reason, that the Palestinians should passively accept their lot, when no other people under same circumstances have ever done so.

In other words, what do you expect?

When a U.S. puppet like Ban Ki Moon is finally unable to hold himself back and toe the U.S. party line, you know that Israel is the cause of the conflict.

"As I warned the Security Council last week, Palestinian frustration and grievances are growing under the weight of nearly a half-century of occupation. Ignoring this won’t make it disappear. No one can deny that the everyday reality of occupation provokes anger and despair, which are major drivers of violence and extremism and undermine any hope of a negotiated two-state solution.

Israeli settlements keep expanding. The government has approved plans for over 150 new homes in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. Last month, 370 acres in the West Bank were declared “state land,” a status that typically leads to exclusive Israeli settler use.

At the same time, thousands of Palestinian homes in the West Bank risk demolitionbecause of obstacles that may be legal on paper but are discriminatory in practice. Palestinians — especially young people — are losing hope over what seems a harsh, humiliating and endless occupation. Israelis are also reeling from near-daily attacks and losing sight of the possibility of a comprehensive peace with the Palestinians."

Ban Ki Moon
By your views, The Palestinians have the right to do whatever the hell they want, while the Jews can only respond by dying. So I don't take much of your posts seriously.

My point is the same as that of Ban Ki Moon, the U.N. Secretary General, occupied and colonized people act in a certain manner because of the occupation and colonization. You expect, for some reason, that the Palestinians should passively accept their lot, when no other people under same circumstances have ever done so.

In other words, what do you expect?

When a U.S. puppet like Ban Ki Moon is finally unable to hold himself back and toe the U.S. party line, you know that Israel is the cause of the conflict.

"As I warned the Security Council last week, Palestinian frustration and grievances are growing under the weight of nearly a half-century of occupation. Ignoring this won’t make it disappear. No one can deny that the everyday reality of occupation provokes anger and despair, which are major drivers of violence and extremism and undermine any hope of a negotiated two-state solution.

Israeli settlements keep expanding. The government has approved plans for over 150 new homes in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. Last month, 370 acres in the West Bank were declared “state land,” a status that typically leads to exclusive Israeli settler use.

At the same time, thousands of Palestinian homes in the West Bank risk demolitionbecause of obstacles that may be legal on paper but are discriminatory in practice. Palestinians — especially young people — are losing hope over what seems a harsh, humiliating and endless occupation. Israelis are also reeling from near-daily attacks and losing sight of the possibility of a comprehensive peace with the Palestinians."

Ban Ki Moon

You already posted this in three threads. This doesn't justify Palestinian savagery and barbarism exhibited in the OP. Get a life, Achmed.
I find it interesting. There are currently millions of people, if not more in the world, that live in poverty, opression, constant death threats, hunger, fear, injustice, and every bad thing you can think of. You don't usually even hear in the media about their daily struggles. However, they don't go around, sniping down babies in cribs, stab people infront of their kids, blowing up busses and shooting passersby. They fight for justice their own way, without "gone crazy" tactics.

That is a privilege given to the Palestinians alone;

For some reason, when it comes to the Palestinians, they have free cards to go around spilling blood all over, and the world not only refuses to condemn them, but encourage them to continue, like Mr Po-Ki-Moon. For some reason, the Palestinians can go on and about, acting like relentless beasts, and it's completely ok.

As if you just asked me, "What do you expect? them acting like human beings?"
I find it interesting. There are currently millions of people, if not more in the world, that live in poverty, opression, constant death threats, hunger, fear, injustice, and every bad thing you can think of. You don't usually even hear in the media about their daily struggles. However, they don't go around, sniping down babies in cribs, stab people infront of their kids, blowing up busses and shooting passersby. They fight for justice their own way, without "gone crazy" tactics.

However, for some reason when it comes to the Palestinians, they have free cards to go around spilling blood all over, and the world not only refuses to condemn them, but encourage them to continue, like Mr Po-Ki-Moon. For some reason, the Palestinians can go on and about, acting like relentless beasts, and it's completely ok.

As if you just asked me, "What do you expect? them acting like human beings?"

Well said.
Tinmore, you prove my point, thank you for that. It's like Israel is fighting itself, right? Israel should end its war, like the Palestinian are a side with no responsibility, no understanding, like they're some primitive tribe that should be pities, and not held accounted for their actions. Which is pretty racist to think, btw. Are you a Palestinian hater, Tinmore?
Israel really needs to end its war.

This thread seriously needs to be cleaned up, way to many off topic posts.

Israel should end the war but thats a whole other subject

What if Israel Quite Trying to Play the Nice Guy

My condolences to the family of course and a small token to all people of good conscience who find these horrendous acts of racism and bigotry unacceptable.

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Resisting occupation and oppression is a "horrendous act of racism and bigotry"? Were the ANC committing "horrendous acts of racism and bigotry" when they killed South African civilians, police officers and soldiers during their resistance struggle? Are Palestinians to judged differently than any other population seeking independence from foreign oppression?

female Border Police officer critically injured with a gunshot wound to the head in the shooting attack near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate on Wednesday afternoon has succumbed to her wounds.

She has been identified by the Israel Police as Hadar Cohen, a 19-year-old resident of Or Yehuda in central Israel.

According to an initial investigation into the attack, two Arab terrorists armed with concealed Carl Gustav sub-machine guns, knives and bombs were spotted acting suspiciously by Border Police officers close to Damascus Gate.

When officers approached, one of the terrorists produced his ID, and another suddenly stabbed an officer, moderately wounding her. Cohen immediately fired on the terrorists in response.

A third terrorist then opened fire on Cohen from behind, critically injuring her. He was eventually neutralized by a police commander.

Both Cohen and the other policewoman wounded in the attack were quickly evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital.

Doctors at the hospital fought for several hours to save Cohen's life before eventually determining her death.

Jerusalem attack victim succumbs to her wounds

Do you expect that the people under occupation will not resist? Below is a list of ANC actions in 1978, no neutral complained when South African Police were killed by the ANC resistance fighters. Why do you think the Palestinians should behave differently than the non-whites of white-ruled South Africa?


??/01/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former ANC member (Steve Mtshali) who turned state witness in various trials; shot and wounded

??/02/78 Skirmish with SAP: near Swaziland border Two SAP killed

02/02/78 SAP building: Daveyton police station Structural damage

01/03/78 Skirmish with SAP: Witkleigat area No details

10/03/78 Government buildings: Bantu Affairs Admin. Board, Port Elizabeth Bomb explodes outside offices; One civilian killed, three injured

??/04/78 SAP personnel: Swaziland border Cadres ambush SAP patrol; two SAP wounded

14/04/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former deputy president of the ANC in the Transvaal (Abel Mthembu) turned state witness at the Pretoria ANC trial

25/06/78 SAP Personnel: Det-Sgt Chapi Hlubi shot dead

21/08/78 BOSS (Bureau of State Security) personnel: B. Mayeza; shot dead in Umlazi

??/12/78 Government buildings: Soweto Community Council Bomb damages offices"

List Of MK Operations - The O'Malley Archives
The girl was shot from behind by a dog's abortion. Of course, those creatures went there to kill innocent people but what the world will hear is that Israelis murdered more Palischwein. It's about time for Israel to charge Abu Mazen with leading a terrorist movement. He's been getting away with murder since 1972. That's 44 years he has been allowed to breathe air.

female Border Police officer critically injured with a gunshot wound to the head in the shooting attack near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate on Wednesday afternoon has succumbed to her wounds.

She has been identified by the Israel Police as Hadar Cohen, a 19-year-old resident of Or Yehuda in central Israel.

According to an initial investigation into the attack, two Arab terrorists armed with concealed Carl Gustav sub-machine guns, knives and bombs were spotted acting suspiciously by Border Police officers close to Damascus Gate.

When officers approached, one of the terrorists produced his ID, and another suddenly stabbed an officer, moderately wounding her. Cohen immediately fired on the terrorists in response.

A third terrorist then opened fire on Cohen from behind, critically injuring her. He was eventually neutralized by a police commander.

Both Cohen and the other policewoman wounded in the attack were quickly evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital.

Doctors at the hospital fought for several hours to save Cohen's life before eventually determining her death.

Jerusalem attack victim succumbs to her wounds

Do you expect that the people under occupation will not resist? Below is a list of ANC actions in 1978, no neutral complained when South African Police were killed by the ANC resistance fighters. Why do you think the Palestinians should behave differently than the non-whites of white-ruled South Africa?


??/01/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former ANC member (Steve Mtshali) who turned state witness in various trials; shot and wounded

??/02/78 Skirmish with SAP: near Swaziland border Two SAP killed

02/02/78 SAP building: Daveyton police station Structural damage

01/03/78 Skirmish with SAP: Witkleigat area No details

10/03/78 Government buildings: Bantu Affairs Admin. Board, Port Elizabeth Bomb explodes outside offices; One civilian killed, three injured

??/04/78 SAP personnel: Swaziland border Cadres ambush SAP patrol; two SAP wounded

14/04/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former deputy president of the ANC in the Transvaal (Abel Mthembu) turned state witness at the Pretoria ANC trial

25/06/78 SAP Personnel: Det-Sgt Chapi Hlubi shot dead

21/08/78 BOSS (Bureau of State Security) personnel: B. Mayeza; shot dead in Umlazi

??/12/78 Government buildings: Soweto Community Council Bomb damages offices"

List Of MK Operations - The O'Malley Archives
The girl was shot from behind by a dog's abortion. Of course, those creatures went there to kill innocent people but what the world will hear is that Israelis murdered more Palischwein. It's about time for Israel to charge Abu Mazen with leading a terrorist movement. He's been getting away with murder since 1972. That's 44 years he has been allowed to breathe air.

"UN Resolution
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

"Considering that the denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian
people to self-determination, sovereignty, independence and return to
Palestine and the repeated acts of aggression by Israel against the peoples of
the region constitute a serious threat to international peace and security,.......

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;"

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights
I wonder why most of the Israeli victims in this third intifada seem to be women. Is it because the Palestinians are afraid of Israeli men?

female Border Police officer critically injured with a gunshot wound to the head in the shooting attack near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate on Wednesday afternoon has succumbed to her wounds.

She has been identified by the Israel Police as Hadar Cohen, a 19-year-old resident of Or Yehuda in central Israel.

According to an initial investigation into the attack, two Arab terrorists armed with concealed Carl Gustav sub-machine guns, knives and bombs were spotted acting suspiciously by Border Police officers close to Damascus Gate.

When officers approached, one of the terrorists produced his ID, and another suddenly stabbed an officer, moderately wounding her. Cohen immediately fired on the terrorists in response.

A third terrorist then opened fire on Cohen from behind, critically injuring her. He was eventually neutralized by a police commander.

Both Cohen and the other policewoman wounded in the attack were quickly evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital.

Doctors at the hospital fought for several hours to save Cohen's life before eventually determining her death.

Jerusalem attack victim succumbs to her wounds

Do you expect that the people under occupation will not resist? Below is a list of ANC actions in 1978, no neutral complained when South African Police were killed by the ANC resistance fighters. Why do you think the Palestinians should behave differently than the non-whites of white-ruled South Africa?


??/01/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former ANC member (Steve Mtshali) who turned state witness in various trials; shot and wounded

??/02/78 Skirmish with SAP: near Swaziland border Two SAP killed

02/02/78 SAP building: Daveyton police station Structural damage

01/03/78 Skirmish with SAP: Witkleigat area No details

10/03/78 Government buildings: Bantu Affairs Admin. Board, Port Elizabeth Bomb explodes outside offices; One civilian killed, three injured

??/04/78 SAP personnel: Swaziland border Cadres ambush SAP patrol; two SAP wounded

14/04/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former deputy president of the ANC in the Transvaal (Abel Mthembu) turned state witness at the Pretoria ANC trial

25/06/78 SAP Personnel: Det-Sgt Chapi Hlubi shot dead

21/08/78 BOSS (Bureau of State Security) personnel: B. Mayeza; shot dead in Umlazi

??/12/78 Government buildings: Soweto Community Council Bomb damages offices"

List Of MK Operations - The O'Malley Archives
The girl was shot from behind by a dog's abortion. Of course, those creatures went there to kill innocent people but what the world will hear is that Israelis murdered more Palischwein. It's about time for Israel to charge Abu Mazen with leading a terrorist movement. He's been getting away with murder since 1972. That's 44 years he has been allowed to breathe air.

"UN Resolution
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

"Considering that the denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian
people to self-determination, sovereignty, independence and return to
Palestine and the repeated acts of aggression by Israel against the peoples of
the region constitute a serious threat to international peace and security,.......

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;"

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights
I agree with the resolution but primitive people from the 6th century have had 1500 years to understand that you can't kill innocent persons just because they're upset with those people's government. Imagine if someone would go into a bank and kill a teller and customers waiting in line and blame the bank and the customers for their overdrawn bank account. That's how absurd these attacks are.

female Border Police officer critically injured with a gunshot wound to the head in the shooting attack near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate on Wednesday afternoon has succumbed to her wounds.

She has been identified by the Israel Police as Hadar Cohen, a 19-year-old resident of Or Yehuda in central Israel.

According to an initial investigation into the attack, two Arab terrorists armed with concealed Carl Gustav sub-machine guns, knives and bombs were spotted acting suspiciously by Border Police officers close to Damascus Gate.

When officers approached, one of the terrorists produced his ID, and another suddenly stabbed an officer, moderately wounding her. Cohen immediately fired on the terrorists in response.

A third terrorist then opened fire on Cohen from behind, critically injuring her. He was eventually neutralized by a police commander.

Both Cohen and the other policewoman wounded in the attack were quickly evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital.

Doctors at the hospital fought for several hours to save Cohen's life before eventually determining her death.

Jerusalem attack victim succumbs to her wounds

Do you expect that the people under occupation will not resist? Below is a list of ANC actions in 1978, no neutral complained when South African Police were killed by the ANC resistance fighters. Why do you think the Palestinians should behave differently than the non-whites of white-ruled South Africa?


??/01/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former ANC member (Steve Mtshali) who turned state witness in various trials; shot and wounded

??/02/78 Skirmish with SAP: near Swaziland border Two SAP killed

02/02/78 SAP building: Daveyton police station Structural damage

01/03/78 Skirmish with SAP: Witkleigat area No details

10/03/78 Government buildings: Bantu Affairs Admin. Board, Port Elizabeth Bomb explodes outside offices; One civilian killed, three injured

??/04/78 SAP personnel: Swaziland border Cadres ambush SAP patrol; two SAP wounded

14/04/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former deputy president of the ANC in the Transvaal (Abel Mthembu) turned state witness at the Pretoria ANC trial

25/06/78 SAP Personnel: Det-Sgt Chapi Hlubi shot dead

21/08/78 BOSS (Bureau of State Security) personnel: B. Mayeza; shot dead in Umlazi

??/12/78 Government buildings: Soweto Community Council Bomb damages offices"

List Of MK Operations - The O'Malley Archives
The girl was shot from behind by a dog's abortion. Of course, those creatures went there to kill innocent people but what the world will hear is that Israelis murdered more Palischwein. It's about time for Israel to charge Abu Mazen with leading a terrorist movement. He's been getting away with murder since 1972. That's 44 years he has been allowed to breathe air.

"UN Resolution
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

"Considering that the denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian
people to self-determination, sovereignty, independence and return to
Palestine and the repeated acts of aggression by Israel against the peoples of
the region constitute a serious threat to international peace and security,.......

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;"

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights
I agree with the resolution but primitive people from the 6th century have had 1500 years to understand that you can't kill innocent persons just because they're upset with those people's government. Imagine if someone would go into a bank and kill a teller and customers waiting in line and blame the bank and the customers for their overdrawn bank account. That's how absurd these attacks are.

Are the military and the police of the occupying colonial power considered innocent? Aren't they the ones enforcing the occupation and oppression?

female Border Police officer critically injured with a gunshot wound to the head in the shooting attack near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate on Wednesday afternoon has succumbed to her wounds.

She has been identified by the Israel Police as Hadar Cohen, a 19-year-old resident of Or Yehuda in central Israel.

According to an initial investigation into the attack, two Arab terrorists armed with concealed Carl Gustav sub-machine guns, knives and bombs were spotted acting suspiciously by Border Police officers close to Damascus Gate.

When officers approached, one of the terrorists produced his ID, and another suddenly stabbed an officer, moderately wounding her. Cohen immediately fired on the terrorists in response.

A third terrorist then opened fire on Cohen from behind, critically injuring her. He was eventually neutralized by a police commander.

Both Cohen and the other policewoman wounded in the attack were quickly evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Mount Scopus hospital.

Doctors at the hospital fought for several hours to save Cohen's life before eventually determining her death.

Jerusalem attack victim succumbs to her wounds

Do you expect that the people under occupation will not resist? Below is a list of ANC actions in 1978, no neutral complained when South African Police were killed by the ANC resistance fighters. Why do you think the Palestinians should behave differently than the non-whites of white-ruled South Africa?


??/01/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former ANC member (Steve Mtshali) who turned state witness in various trials; shot and wounded

??/02/78 Skirmish with SAP: near Swaziland border Two SAP killed

02/02/78 SAP building: Daveyton police station Structural damage

01/03/78 Skirmish with SAP: Witkleigat area No details

10/03/78 Government buildings: Bantu Affairs Admin. Board, Port Elizabeth Bomb explodes outside offices; One civilian killed, three injured

??/04/78 SAP personnel: Swaziland border Cadres ambush SAP patrol; two SAP wounded

14/04/78 Personnel actively assisting SAP: Former deputy president of the ANC in the Transvaal (Abel Mthembu) turned state witness at the Pretoria ANC trial

25/06/78 SAP Personnel: Det-Sgt Chapi Hlubi shot dead

21/08/78 BOSS (Bureau of State Security) personnel: B. Mayeza; shot dead in Umlazi

??/12/78 Government buildings: Soweto Community Council Bomb damages offices"

List Of MK Operations - The O'Malley Archives
The girl was shot from behind by a dog's abortion. Of course, those creatures went there to kill innocent people but what the world will hear is that Israelis murdered more Palischwein. It's about time for Israel to charge Abu Mazen with leading a terrorist movement. He's been getting away with murder since 1972. That's 44 years he has been allowed to breathe air.

"UN Resolution
3 December 1982

Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples
to self-determination and of the speedy granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples for the
effective guarantee and observance of human rights

"Considering that the denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian
people to self-determination, sovereignty, independence and return to
Palestine and the repeated acts of aggression by Israel against the peoples of
the region constitute a serious threat to international peace and security,.......

2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for
independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means,
including armed struggle;"

A/RES/37/43. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights
I agree with the resolution but primitive people from the 6th century have had 1500 years to understand that you can't kill innocent persons just because they're upset with those people's government. Imagine if someone would go into a bank and kill a teller and customers waiting in line and blame the bank and the customers for their overdrawn bank account. That's how absurd these attacks are.

Are the military and the police of the occupying colonial power considered innocent? Aren't they the ones enforcing the occupation and oppression?
Yes to the first. No to the second. They are enforcing their country's laws.
Are the military and the police of the occupying colonial power considered innocent? Aren't they the ones enforcing the occupation and oppression?

Did I not understand correctly? The attackers had guns, knives and bombs. Do you think the intent was only to attack a few border guards?
Israel could stop the violence today.

But it prefers to have its people killed.

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