Anonymous Unvaccinated Reporting System


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
FINALLY, you Virtuous Vaccinated, there's something you can do! You can snitch on your unvaccinated, unwashed, unholy friends, family and neighbors and (I'm sure, well I think) that information will go directly to your Public Health Network!

Don't you feel better, virtuous, more holy and righteous!? Check it out. AURS: the Anonymous Unvaccinated Reporting System

PS: I thought my parentheses were a savvy enough nod that this site is satire. But I guess not. It's satire, but close enough to the Dystopian world we live in to fool a lot of people. Which is very sad.
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FINALLY, you Virtuous Vaccinated, there's something you can do! You can snitch on your unvaccinated, unwashed, unholy friends, family and neighbors and (I'm sure, well I think) that information will go directly to your Public Health Network!

Don't you feel better, virtuous, more holy and righteous!? Check it out. AURS: the Anonymous Unvaccinated Reporting System

You seem awfully invested in people dying from this disease, I.T.
Been through this already whackadoodle. Keep your "personal choice" to yourself and quit encouraging others to unnecessarily risk their lives and the lives of others.
Shut the fuck up, you fucking pussy.

Been through this already whackadoodle. Keep your "personal choice" to yourself and quit encouraging others to unnecessarily risk their lives and the lives of others.

Which side is it, again, that is encouraging, and in fact, trying to coerce or even force people to submit to a dangerous, experimental treatment for a disease that has a 99.7%+ recovery rate?

That would be you and your ilk.
From the site's "About" page:

Disclaimer: The AURS is a satirical critique by political candidate David Alexander Bramante, in association with his campaign David Bramante for Governor 2021.

Playing into the fears and paranoia of Trumpsters. It's almost unfair.

((Mac posts like I didn't know this))
Been through this already whackadoodle. Keep your "personal choice" to yourself and quit encouraging others to unnecessarily risk their lives and the lives of others.

Why are those who are vaccinated and "protected" from covid so fearful? There are dozens of reasons why someone may chose not to get vaccinated and the only people potentially affected are other people who have chosen not to get vaccinated.

Are informed adults allowed to decide how they live their lives?

Why are those who are vaccinated and "protected" from covid so fearful? There are dozens of reasons why someone may chose not to get vaccinated and the only people potentially affected are other people who have chosen not to get vaccinated.

Are informed adults allowed to decide how they live their lives?

Why are drunk drivers not allowed on the roads? There's your answer.

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