Anonymous Unvaccinated Reporting System

Most drunk drivers make it home OK. Should drunk driving be allowed? I despise you just like I would any drunk behind the wheel endangering the public with their reckless behavior. .

I could not begin to care less what you think of me. This seems to be the difference between the two of us.
Happy as a clam. I just don't have any concern left for the psychos doing everything they can to prolong the pandemic

Yours is the side that is keeping this “pandemic” going, by pushing the hyperbole, fearmongering, and outright lies, and exploiting it for political gain; and by those of you who are merely useful idiots believing and submitting to it, and allowing the corrupt criminals and tyrants to continue to benefit from it.

The only thing that will ever end this “pandemic” is when those behind it are no longer allowed to exploit it to enrich and empower themselves, to the detriment of everyone else.
It will be interesting if the FDA approves the non-mRNA vaccine Novavax and almost everyone gets the jab. This is the same vaccine technology used since the 80s for the hepatitis B and pertussis vaccines. Safe, long term risks known, fewer side effects.

Who will be the villains then? I say the irrational anger shifts to non-maskers, then back to general liberal rage looking for a place to land.
The #CoronaHoax2020 is based on fear. Those who have fallen most hard for it are those who are most susceptible to being deceived and brainwashed into living in fear and submission under tyrants and criminals.

And the existence of those of us who are not so easily frightened and brainwashed, who are capable of seeing and thinking for ourselves, is deeply offensive and disturbing to that sort.

In a broader sense, it seems to be a solid trait of those on the left wrong to seek to achieve “equality”, not by making any effort to improve themselves, but rather by trying to drag those who are clearly superior to them down to their own level.

There are many valid reasons for someone not getting the vaccine. What surprises me is that the left is addressing their hysteria towards people who have made a decision not to get vaccinated. This decision only affects other people who have chosen not to get vaccinated. Why are those who are vaccinated and impervious to the ravages of covid so terrified.

What am I missing?

I know you are a lost cause but someone else may benefit from your deplorable example.

I do not care what you think of me or say about me. Hello??

I will state ONE MORE TIME for the record: the vaccines seem to give protection against severe disease and death, at least for a time. So, they are good for the injected in some cases, esp older, sicker, and fatter people. They do next to nothing for community spread.

At any rate, since they are leaky, non-sterilizing vaccines, whether anyone chooses to get vaccinated or not is no one else's business.

It's really funny to me that folks who are most opposed to fundamentalists become the raging fundamentalists themselves when someone doesn't do as they say. Right? Intolerant.
There are many valid reasons for someone not getting the vaccine. What surprises me is that the left is addressing their hysteria towards people who have made a decision not to get vaccinated. This decision only affects other people who have chosen not to get vaccinated. Why are those who are vaccinated and impervious to the ravages of covid so terrified.

What am I missing?

Some people can't keep their supposed "personal choice" to themselves and they have to preach. Peer pressure is strong among conservatives. Been hearing about some traveling to get the shot so no one they know might find out. They are talking each other into stupid shit. Someone has to push back.
I do not care what you think of me or say about me. Hello??

I will state ONE MORE TIME for the record: the vaccines seem to give protection against severe disease and death, at least for a time. So, they are good for the injected in some cases, esp older, sicker, and fatter people. They do next to nothing for community spread.

At any rate, since they are leaky, non-sterilizing vaccines, whether anyone chooses to get vaccinated or not is no one else's business.

It's really funny to me that folks who are most opposed to fundamentalists become the raging fundamentalists themselves when someone doesn't do as they say. Right? Intolerant.
Whatever psycho. Keep your personal choice to yourself and quit trying to talk others into your stupidity.
Most drunk drivers make it home OK. Should drunk driving be allowed? I despise you just like I would any drunk behind the wheel endangering the public with their reckless behavior. .

By your logic there are no innocent victims, only drunk drivers killing other drunk drivers because those who are vaccinated are safe at home. You are vaccinated and safe. Enjoy your covid immunity.

Too fking funny.

Some people can't keep their supposed "personal choice" to themselves and they have to preach. Peer pressure is strong among conservatives. Been hearing about some traveling to get the shot so no one they know might find out. They are talking each other into stupid shit. Someone has to push back.

Well this is certainly an outlier if true. It's the unvaccinated under severe pressure about what we put in OUR body. Isn't that what civil liberty Leftists used to stand up for before they donned the Jackboots?
There are many valid reasons for someone not getting the vaccine. What surprises me is that the left is addressing their hysteria towards people who have made a decision not to get vaccinated. This decision only affects other people who have chosen not to get vaccinated. Why are those who are vaccinated and impervious to the ravages of covid so terrified.

What am I missing?

Well, it's because you can still get and transmit Covid when you are vaccinated. But they tell us it's milder when you get it while you are vaccinated, but it's still inconvenient, and the children - even thought they rarely get it and its like the flu to them - well its just selfish! AND PUT THAT MASK ON!
You want me to DIE because I won't get the shot--and you will CELEBRATE--and you think I am the one putting pressure on???

Are you okay
Concern doesn't work with you people. How's spite working? I know that's something you understand.
Concern doesn't work with you people. How's spite working? I know that's something you understand.

Unaffected by all of it. I'm not an emotional decision-maker. I wish liberals would understand that. I don't sway with the majority here--I'm a freethinker. Imagine if you dare.
Some people can't keep their supposed "personal choice" to themselves and they have to preach. Peer pressure is strong among conservatives. Been hearing about some traveling to get the shot so no one they know might find out. They are talking each other into stupid shit. Someone has to push back.

You are preaching about your personal choice and seem somewhat unhappy about it judging from your constant complaints. As I said there are numerous reasons that people don't want the vaccine. In my case I recovered from covid and have natural antibodies. I've read the medical research regarding natural immunity and I see no reason to get the vaccine.

As a vaccinated person are you protected from covid or not?

Concern doesn't work with you people. How's spite working? I know that's something you understand.

At any rate what does it matter? What would it take for YOU to understand the vaccines are non-sterilizing...they are "leaky"? My vaccine status has no impact on society. It's a personal decision affecting my own personal health. This from my dr.
FINALLY, you Virtuous Vaccinated, there's something you can do! You can snitch on your unvaccinated, unwashed, unholy friends, family and neighbors and (I'm sure, well I think) that information will go directly to your Public Health Network!

Don't you feel better, virtuous, more holy and righteous!? Check it out. AURS: the Anonymous Unvaccinated Reporting System

PS: I thought my parentheses were a savvy enough nod that this site is satire. But I guess not. It's satire, but close enough to the Dystopian world we live in to fool a lot of people. Which is very sad.
Lol, thanks for posting some fun stuff. Watch out though, lefties will think you are serious. They don't understand our humor...

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