Anderson Cooper is outraged at CNN


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Anderson Cooper said on Thursday that those outraged over former President Donald Trump's CNN town hall have every right to be before going off in an apparent call to action to prevent the 45th president's possible reelection.

"Many of you have expressed deep anger and disappointment. Many of you are upset that someone who attempted to destroy our democracy was invited to sit on a stage in front of a crowd of Republican voters and answer questions and, predictably, continued to spew lie after lie after lie," Cooper said on his program Anderson Cooper 360.

Anderson Cooper is an out of touch left wing knuttjob who loathes mainstream Americans.
The Left's accusation that President Trump tried to "destroy our democracy" is a big fat lie and it is unhinged left-wing hate.
CNN's host Kaitlan Collins made wild unfounded far left extremist accusations against President Trump.
And Trump handled it well.
He was correct when he called her a "nasty person."
CNN was hoping for some gottcha moments, but they failed.
CNN is not legitimate News.
It's Left-Wing hate and it is a cog in the corrupt Democrat Party's propaganda machine.
Many of you are upset that someone who attempted to destroy our democracy was invited to sit on a stage

What they are really mad about is that the event both failed to give suffering CNN any sort of bump in the ratings, and didn't succeed in debasing Trump, but gave Trump a boost in the ratings instead!

But poor Coop is wrong: even if that HAD been a coup and succeeded in putting Trump in for a second contiguous term, how would that have "destroyed democracy?" Never mind that we ain't even a democracy, but how would it have harmed the USA anymore than putting Biden's illegitimate ass in?

Coup or not, the only way anyone can destroy our democracy is if they seized total, permanent power like Fidel Castro, and do I need to remind anyone who was buddies with Fidel Castro?
AC is one of those homo daddies like Pete “The Meat” Ass-edge-edge. Some shithead bureaucrat somewhere decided it was a good idea to let Cooper adopt a child.
If Anderson Cooper is so principled, he should just quit CNN and start his own podcast instead to earn money?

Maybe if he gets into a place where he has to worry about the business aspects of media, he'll have more respect for the decisions of CNN?
Cooper is CIA and
CNN is his cover and his assigned position.
He's probably signed more NDA's than any other person........his only podcast audience would be LGBTQ+ because he's afraid to be honest about anything else.
I would prefer to watch nothing instead of that Crap!:dunno:

I was sitting in Jiffy Lube waiting on my old Cadillac in February 2007, when I saw a speech by B. Hussein O. declaring his candidacy for President. I thought at that time, "what a pretentious windbag", yet he was still elected because the Republican nominated the hapless McCain. Probably the last time I watched CNN for a long stretch.

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