And then the real Kevin McCarthy stood up for what he really believes in....


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Got to hand it to Donald Trump. Still taking credit for the Murderous Fraud Vax MFV, Trump bragged about putting McCarthy in the Speaker's seat...

and Donald Trump single handedly put Bill Hagerty in the US Senate....

Well, what does Kevin McCarthy really stand for?

fiscal conservatism - to date precisely no evidence
gun rights - watch it, he isn't for those either
government accountability - um, he'd be in prison if we had that
busting Wray and Garland - um, 180 degrees the other way

So what does he stand for?

To put this in perspective, suppose China claimed an ancient Chinese text said Alaska belonged to them, and so the Chinese start invading and settling Alaska at gunpoint. How would we respond?

Israel was given a piece of land in 1948. We were warned not to support that....

because Israel never had any intention of staying within those borders. Every US President through HW supported keeping Israel in that border. Then Clinton sold out.

Those settlements are nothing less than invading land outside borders at gunpoint, bulldozing existing buildings and residents, and building your own. They were what Jimmy Carter tried to stop. HW's SoState Jim Baker flat out accused Israel of lying about the settlements.

Those settlements are Zionist Fascism, exactly what Einstein warned....

And so is Kevin McCarthy, a Zionist Fascist with precisely zero credentials as a conservative or a patriotic American....

"As the UN Security Council once again moves to consider another one-sided, biased, anti-Israel resolution, it is imperative that the United States maintain its position that only direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians can yield progress,” Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy wrote in a letter to the president"

Senator Bill Hagerty of Tennessee said: "Rather than focus on grave threats posed by China, Russia, Iran & North Korea, the UN continues its anti-Israel obsession. Biden should stand with Israel & veto this resolution.

"anti Israel obsession" = it wants Israel to stop bulldozing Palestinian homes outside of Israel's 1948 border....

Nice going, Mr. Trump. Bill Hagerty, Kevin McCarthy, and Chris Wray. Any more brilliant recommendations for us????
McCarthy stands and then kneels to keep his position intact.

Oh no, another high ranking Republican...???

Not aware of that one... but...

Makes sense, covering up for Dykey Nancy....
Got to hand it to Donald Trump. Still taking credit for the Murderous Fraud Vax MFV, Trump bragged about putting McCarthy in the Speaker's seat...

and Donald Trump single handedly put Bill Hagerty in the US Senate....

Well, what does Kevin McCarthy really stand for?

fiscal conservatism - to date precisely no evidence
gun rights - watch it, he isn't for those either
government accountability - um, he'd be in prison if we had that
busting Wray and Garland - um, 180 degrees the other way

So what does he stand for?

To put this in perspective, suppose China claimed an ancient Chinese text said Alaska belonged to them, and so the Chinese start invading and settling Alaska at gunpoint. How would we respond?

Israel was given a piece of land in 1948. We were warned not to support that....

because Israel never had any intention of staying within those borders. Every US President through HW supported keeping Israel in that border. Then Clinton sold out.

Those settlements are nothing less than invading land outside borders at gunpoint, bulldozing existing buildings and residents, and building your own. They were what Jimmy Carter tried to stop. HW's SoState Jim Baker flat out accused Israel of lying about the settlements.

Those settlements are Zionist Fascism, exactly what Einstein warned....

And so is Kevin McCarthy, a Zionist Fascist with precisely zero credentials as a conservative or a patriotic American....

"As the UN Security Council once again moves to consider another one-sided, biased, anti-Israel resolution, it is imperative that the United States maintain its position that only direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians can yield progress,” Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy wrote in a letter to the president"

Senator Bill Hagerty of Tennessee said: "Rather than focus on grave threats posed by China, Russia, Iran & North Korea, the UN continues its anti-Israel obsession. Biden should stand with Israel & veto this resolution.

"anti Israel obsession" = it wants Israel to stop bulldozing Palestinian homes outside of Israel's 1948 border....

Nice going, Mr. Trump. Bill Hagerty, Kevin McCarthy, and Chris Wray. Any more brilliant recommendations for us????
/——/ The only possible explanation is Kevin McCarthy is so effective as Speaker you libtards lie awake at night thinking of new BS to throw at him.
/——/ The only possible explanation is Kevin McCarthy is so effective as Speaker you libtards lie awake at night thinking of new BS to throw at him.

SUB definition of "libtard" - HW Bush, Reagan, Jim Baker, Gerald Ford
Well, that didn't take long.....for MacCarthy to shed his mask....:dunno:

hopefully he doesn't make it a habit.
Well, that didn't take long.....for MacCarthy to shed his mask....:dunno:

hopefully he doesn't make it a habit.

With McCarthy in charge of the House, they have all angles for another giant hate hoax to start a US war with Iran. Chris Wray, Schumer, Garland, our brilliant General Millie who predicted Russia would take Ukraine in three days originally...

And Netanyahu is back after injecting enough non fascist Israelis with MFV.... to win back his office.
It's amusing how each side keeps thinking they are finally going to get somewhere because "their guy" gets in office......

Only to get kicked in the nutz every single time. Rinse / repeat.

The only possible winner in US politics is the establishment Corporate Cartel Mega Deep Pockets. All others..... on your knees and get back to work!
Watch what McCarthy does when we win the Senate and the presidency. He will be indistinguishable from old lady McConnell, Miss Graham, and weirdo Paul Ryan. Hopefully Trump learned a few things about the deep state during his four-year beatdown by the "Republicans", but he seems irretrievably naive.
Got to hand it to Donald Trump. Still taking credit for the Murderous Fraud Vax MFV, Trump bragged about putting McCarthy in the Speaker's seat...

and Donald Trump single handedly put Bill Hagerty in the US Senate....

Well, what does Kevin McCarthy really stand for?

fiscal conservatism - to date precisely no evidence
gun rights - watch it, he isn't for those either
government accountability - um, he'd be in prison if we had that
busting Wray and Garland - um, 180 degrees the other way

So what does he stand for?

To put this in perspective, suppose China claimed an ancient Chinese text said Alaska belonged to them, and so the Chinese start invading and settling Alaska at gunpoint. How would we respond?

Israel was given a piece of land in 1948. We were warned not to support that....

because Israel never had any intention of staying within those borders. Every US President through HW supported keeping Israel in that border. Then Clinton sold out.

Those settlements are nothing less than invading land outside borders at gunpoint, bulldozing existing buildings and residents, and building your own. They were what Jimmy Carter tried to stop. HW's SoState Jim Baker flat out accused Israel of lying about the settlements.

Those settlements are Zionist Fascism, exactly what Einstein warned....

And so is Kevin McCarthy, a Zionist Fascist with precisely zero credentials as a conservative or a patriotic American....

"As the UN Security Council once again moves to consider another one-sided, biased, anti-Israel resolution, it is imperative that the United States maintain its position that only direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians can yield progress,” Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy wrote in a letter to the president"

Senator Bill Hagerty of Tennessee said: "Rather than focus on grave threats posed by China, Russia, Iran & North Korea, the UN continues its anti-Israel obsession. Biden should stand with Israel & veto this resolution.

"anti Israel obsession" = it wants Israel to stop bulldozing Palestinian homes outside of Israel's 1948 border....

Nice going, Mr. Trump. Bill Hagerty, Kevin McCarthy, and Chris Wray. Any more brilliant recommendations for us????
Next time, trying collecting your thoughts and composing a succinct post.
From pelosi to him it's still a step in the right direction.

No he isn't the republican I'd truly like to see, but he is a big step forward from pelosi so I'll take it.

But to ever actually think any politician is going to be the messiah reborn and do everything every individual thinks they should do is a extremely stupid and shortsighted.
Next time, trying collecting your thoughts and composing a succinct post.

Apparently you want more of Donald Trump's appointments and endorsed candidates...

I've seen enough

Chris Wray - why is there so much election fraud - Chris Wray

The pick of Chris Wray itself may be fatal since Chris Wray will enforce the election fraud and has in 2020 and 2022, not to mention rigging the 1/6 hate hoax and hiding all of Hunter's treason.

But hey, you want MORE Chris Wray types all over DC, support Trump...
Apparently you want more of Donald Trump's appointments and endorsed candidates...
I liked Trump's SCOTUS appointments, the others not so much. (That is one of the problems of not having been a Governor with his own staff.) Are you judging his endorsed candidates by their political positions or their electoral success?

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