And the White Helmets go to...


Nov 14, 2012


Syrien: Pläne zur Evakuierung der Weißhelme

Note: This article has two pages.
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

White Helmets acted exclusively in areas controlled by Islamic radicals and concocted outright fakes, which were then used as a pretext to level accusations at the Syrian authorities. Their preferred technique, as actual witnesses to the chemical weapons provocations in Eastern Ghouta later stated before OPCW representatives in The Hague on April 26, 2018, was to stage and shoot propaganda videos that were later widely shared by the Western media and online. It is symbolic that the White Helmets chose to flee Syria with foreign intervention, thus revealing who they really are and demonstrating their hypocrisy to the entire world. As the saying goes, a guilty conscience gives itself away, and these operators clearly showed whose orders they were following and who was funding them.

Comment by the Information and Press Department on developments in Syria

P.S. White Helmets are fleeing to Germany, Britain and Canada.
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We get 8 Helmets. Sami B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I. The original Sami A was just released in Tunisia and will surely go to Germany as well.

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