And the Big Winner is ... the Stock Market!

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Clearly the big winner of the election ... is the capitalist class. As this amusing article notes, Wall Street & the Stock Market love a weak and divided government ... which cannot and will not challenge its domination of the economy. Of course now the Supreme Court is even more friendly to corporate interests. This funny article captures the enduring reality ...

“At first, long ago, the narrative was that a Trump victory would boost stocks. And then when this became more uncertain, the narrative was that a Biden victory would also boost stocks, and that a “Blue Wave” would boost stocks hugely because it would trigger the mother of all stimulus packages, which would spread trillions of dollars directly and indirectly to these companies, which would be good for stocks.

“And so it was that a victory by either presidential candidate would boost stocks, and that only a disputed election outcome with a long drawn-out legal battle or a split government would derail stocks.

“And now, that Trump is already disputing the still unknown election outcome and is threatening a long-drawn-out legal battle if he loses – with Biden leading in electoral votes but millions of mail-in ballots left to be counted – even the threat of a disputed election and a long-drawn-out mess is now boosting stocks.

“And even funnier: The only remaining outcome that would not boost stocks, and by some measures would be the worst possible outcome during these times – namely a split government, with the Senate remaining under Republican control and Biden in the White House, and therefore no stimulus package – is suddenly a distinct possibility. But it now too is seen as boosting stocks because it would mean, according to the newly fashioned narrative, that the absence of a Blue Wave would be good for Big Tech because it would be less threatened by antitrust pressures....”

For Stocks, Any Election Outcome is Now the Best Outcome, Disputed Election, Long Legal Mess, Split Government Without Stimulus, Whatever…

On the other hand ... Warren Buffett's favorite market indicator nears a record high, and stocks continue to rise, signaling stocks may be overvalued and riskier than ever ...

Warren Buffett's favorite market indicator nears record high, signaling stocks are overvalued and riskier than ever | Markets Insider
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Clearly the big winner of the election ... is the capitalist class. As this amusing article notes, Walk Street & the Stock Market loves a weak and divided government ... which cannot and will not challenge its domination of the economy. Of course now the Supreme Court is even more friendly to corporate interests. This funny article captures the enduring reality ...

“At first, long ago, the narrative was that a Trump victory would boost stocks. And then when this became more uncertain, the narrative was that a Biden victory would also boost stocks, and that a “Blue Wave” would boost stocks hugely because it would trigger the mother of all stimulus packages, which would spread trillions of dollars directly and indirectly to these companies, which would be good for stocks.

And so it was that a victory by either presidential candidate would boost stocks, and that only a disputed election outcome with a long drawn-out legal battle or a split government would derail stocks.

“And now, that Trump is already disputing the still unknown election outcome and is threatening a long-drawn-out legal battle if he loses – with Biden leading in electoral votes but millions of mail-in ballots left to be counted – even the threat of a disputed election and a long-drawn-out mess is now boosting stocks.

“And even funnier: The only remaining outcome that would not boost stocks, and by some measures would be the worst possible outcome during these times – namely a split government, with the Senate remaining under Republican control and Biden in the White House, and therefore no stimulus package – is suddenly a distinct possibility. But it now too is seen as boosting stocks because it would mean, according to the newly fashioned narrative, that the absence of a Blue Wave would be good for Big Tech because it would be less threatened by antitrust pressures.”

For Stocks, Any Election Outcome is Now the Best Outcome, Disputed Election, Long Legal Mess, Split Government Without Stimulus, Whatever…

On the other hand ... Warren Buffett's favorite market indicator nears record high, signaling stocks are overvalued and riskier than ever...

Warren Buffett's favorite market indicator nears record high, signaling stocks are overvalued and riskier than ever | Markets Insider
Warren Buffet is a flaming liberal, who doesnt pay his fair share of taxes, like Nancy Pelosi. Doesnt it bother you that they tell you to pay your fair share, then they dont?
Warren Buffet is a flaming liberal, who doesnt pay his fair share of taxes, like Nancy Pelosi. Doesnt it bother you that they tell you to pay your fair share, then they dont?

I’ve got a little stock portfolio, but I’m a blue collar guy and my family isn’t rich. We’ve never depended on clipping coupons. Buffet is a liberal, but hardly a flaming one. He’s the guy who admitted there was a class war going on in this country ... and his class was winning.

A little honesty from a big-time investor.

But Buffet is only one guy. No matter how bad things get for working people, the big capitalists, the crony capitalists, Wall Street and their Federal Reserve buddies, the Military Industrial types, new high-tech multi-billionaire monopolists — they will continue to rule the roost. At least so long as the mainstream parties or Trump-like rightwing populists ... are in power or sharing power.
Clearly the big winner of the election ... is the capitalist class. As this amusing article notes, Wall Street & the Stock Market love a weak and divided government ... which cannot and will not challenge its domination of the economy. Of course now the Supreme Court is even more friendly to corporate interests. This funny article captures the enduring reality ...

“At first, long ago, the narrative was that a Trump victory would boost stocks. And then when this became more uncertain, the narrative was that a Biden victory would also boost stocks, and that a “Blue Wave” would boost stocks hugely because it would trigger the mother of all stimulus packages, which would spread trillions of dollars directly and indirectly to these companies, which would be good for stocks.

“And so it was that a victory by either presidential candidate would boost stocks, and that only a disputed election outcome with a long drawn-out legal battle or a split government would derail stocks.

“And now, that Trump is already disputing the still unknown election outcome and is threatening a long-drawn-out legal battle if he loses – with Biden leading in electoral votes but millions of mail-in ballots left to be counted – even the threat of a disputed election and a long-drawn-out mess is now boosting stocks.

“And even funnier: The only remaining outcome that would not boost stocks, and by some measures would be the worst possible outcome during these times – namely a split government, with the Senate remaining under Republican control and Biden in the White House, and therefore no stimulus package – is suddenly a distinct possibility. But it now too is seen as boosting stocks because it would mean, according to the newly fashioned narrative, that the absence of a Blue Wave would be good for Big Tech because it would be less threatened by antitrust pressures....”

For Stocks, Any Election Outcome is Now the Best Outcome, Disputed Election, Long Legal Mess, Split Government Without Stimulus, Whatever…

On the other hand ... Warren Buffett's favorite market indicator nears a record high, and stocks continue to rise, signaling stocks may be overvalued and riskier than ever ...

Warren Buffett's favorite market indicator nears record high, signaling stocks are overvalued and riskier than ever | Markets Insider
Politics, like religion, is a business...or as the character Jackie in the movie Killing Them Softly put it... America is not a country. It's just a business. Now pay me.

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