And so it ends


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Not even liberals are singing the praises of Obamacare anymore. Seen in the article below, the benefits of the healthcare law have been exaggerated many times by the president, so much so that now he has been called on it. By Huffington Post. Now, let that sink in for a moment.

The following post first appeared on

President Barack Obama made misleading and exaggerated claims in a speech boasting of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act.

  • Obama claimed that those who already had insurance before the law was passed “got a better deal now” than they did before, because of insurance coverage protections and requirements in the law. But those added benefits came at a higher cost for some. Better coverage didn’t mean a “better deal” for everyone.
  • The Web page promoting the speech claims that “129 million people who could have otherwise been denied or faced discrimination now have access to coverage.” But most of those individuals already had “access to coverage” — they got it through their employers before the ACA’s marketplaces were launched.
  • Obama said the rate of the uninsured is at “its lowest level ever.” That’s unclear. His Council of Economic Advisers analyzed National Health Interview Survey data, which show the uninsured rate for the first nine months of 2014 (the most recent data available) was slightly higher than a few years several decades ago.
  • The president said family premiums are “$1,800 lower today” on average than they would have been if premium trends that existed before the ACA had continued. It’s true premiums have increased more slowly in recent years than they did before the ACA, but even the president’s own economic advisers say the law isn’t responsible for the entire slowdown.

Obama Exaggerates Effects Of Affordable Care Act
Not even liberals are singing the praises of Obamacare anymore. Seen in the article below, the benefits of the healthcare law have been exaggerated many times by the president, so much so that now he has been called on it. By Huffington Post. Now, let that sink in for a moment.

The following post first appeared on

President Barack Obama made misleading and exaggerated claims in a speech boasting of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act.

  • Obama claimed that those who already had insurance before the law was passed “got a better deal now” than they did before, because of insurance coverage protections and requirements in the law. But those added benefits came at a higher cost for some. Better coverage didn’t mean a “better deal” for everyone.
  • The Web page promoting the speech claims that “129 million people who could have otherwise been denied or faced discrimination now have access to coverage.” But most of those individuals already had “access to coverage” — they got it through their employers before the ACA’s marketplaces were launched.
  • Obama said the rate of the uninsured is at “its lowest level ever.” That’s unclear. His Council of Economic Advisers analyzed National Health Interview Survey data, which show the uninsured rate for the first nine months of 2014 (the most recent data available) was slightly higher than a few years several decades ago.
  • The president said family premiums are “$1,800 lower today” on average than they would have been if premium trends that existed before the ACA had continued. It’s true premiums have increased more slowly in recent years than they did before the ACA, but even the president’s own economic advisers say the law isn’t responsible for the entire slowdown.

Obama Exaggerates Effects Of Affordable Care Act
It would have been better if the Republicans hand not cut funding..........
Not even liberals are singing the praises of Obamacare anymore. Seen in the article below, the benefits of the healthcare law have been exaggerated many times by the president, so much so that now he has been called on it. By Huffington Post. Now, let that sink in for a moment.

The following post first appeared on

President Barack Obama made misleading and exaggerated claims in a speech boasting of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act.

  • Obama claimed that those who already had insurance before the law was passed “got a better deal now” than they did before, because of insurance coverage protections and requirements in the law. But those added benefits came at a higher cost for some. Better coverage didn’t mean a “better deal” for everyone.
  • The Web page promoting the speech claims that “129 million people who could have otherwise been denied or faced discrimination now have access to coverage.” But most of those individuals already had “access to coverage” — they got it through their employers before the ACA’s marketplaces were launched.
  • Obama said the rate of the uninsured is at “its lowest level ever.” That’s unclear. His Council of Economic Advisers analyzed National Health Interview Survey data, which show the uninsured rate for the first nine months of 2014 (the most recent data available) was slightly higher than a few years several decades ago.
  • The president said family premiums are “$1,800 lower today” on average than they would have been if premium trends that existed before the ACA had continued. It’s true premiums have increased more slowly in recent years than they did before the ACA, but even the president’s own economic advisers say the law isn’t responsible for the entire slowdown.

Obama Exaggerates Effects Of Affordable Care Act
It would have been better if the Republicans hand not cut funding..........

Oh well. Shoulda though about that before you passed a law you didn't read, my liberal friends.

Millions have and are continuing to benefit from ObamaCare.

Instead of working so damn hard to hard Americans, the damn Rs should be doing their best to improve ACA.
Not even liberals are singing the praises of Obamacare anymore. Seen in the article below, the benefits of the healthcare law have been exaggerated many times by the president, so much so that now he has been called on it. By Huffington Post. Now, let that sink in for a moment.

The following post first appeared on

President Barack Obama made misleading and exaggerated claims in a speech boasting of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act.

  • Obama claimed that those who already had insurance before the law was passed “got a better deal now” than they did before, because of insurance coverage protections and requirements in the law. But those added benefits came at a higher cost for some. Better coverage didn’t mean a “better deal” for everyone.
  • The Web page promoting the speech claims that “129 million people who could have otherwise been denied or faced discrimination now have access to coverage.” But most of those individuals already had “access to coverage” — they got it through their employers before the ACA’s marketplaces were launched.
  • Obama said the rate of the uninsured is at “its lowest level ever.” That’s unclear. His Council of Economic Advisers analyzed National Health Interview Survey data, which show the uninsured rate for the first nine months of 2014 (the most recent data available) was slightly higher than a few years several decades ago.
  • The president said family premiums are “$1,800 lower today” on average than they would have been if premium trends that existed before the ACA had continued. It’s true premiums have increased more slowly in recent years than they did before the ACA, but even the president’s own economic advisers say the law isn’t responsible for the entire slowdown.

Obama Exaggerates Effects Of Affordable Care Act
It would have been better if the Republicans hand not cut funding..........
When did they do that? Spending bills have to get the president's signature before becoming law, and I don't see Obama going along with that.
Millions have and are continuing to benefit from ObamaCare.

Instead of working so damn hard to hard Americans, the damn Rs should be doing their best to improve ACA.
whenever they try to improve it, as in, make it affordable to all, not just the welfare rats and democrat's pets, the usurper in the white house vetos it if it even gets past the senate.
how many of the Republicans bills where parked on Harry Reid's desk?
ACA is a lie.
Have to pass it to see whats in it.. What an idiotic statement that was, almost as bad as, What does it matter now..
Democrats are a special breed of stupid.
The dude got his information from the dailykos! LOLOL

Hey moonbat liberals, this thread is about Obama lying about Obamacare. Don't try to change the subject to Bush lying about the war. If you want to start a thread on that, go ahead. But don't hijack this one to try to get the attention off of your Messiah. He's a fucking dirty ass liar, has been since he was put in office and will be until the day he leaves.

Obamacare was, is, and always will be a sham.
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Not even liberals are singing the praises of Obamacare anymore. Seen in the article below, the benefits of the healthcare law have been exaggerated many times by the president, so much so that now he has been called on it. By Huffington Post. Now, let that sink in for a moment.

The following post first appeared on

President Barack Obama made misleading and exaggerated claims in a speech boasting of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act.

  • Obama claimed that those who already had insurance before the law was passed “got a better deal now” than they did before, because of insurance coverage protections and requirements in the law. But those added benefits came at a higher cost for some. Better coverage didn’t mean a “better deal” for everyone.
  • The Web page promoting the speech claims that “129 million people who could have otherwise been denied or faced discrimination now have access to coverage.” But most of those individuals already had “access to coverage” — they got it through their employers before the ACA’s marketplaces were launched.
  • Obama said the rate of the uninsured is at “its lowest level ever.” That’s unclear. His Council of Economic Advisers analyzed National Health Interview Survey data, which show the uninsured rate for the first nine months of 2014 (the most recent data available) was slightly higher than a few years several decades ago.
  • The president said family premiums are “$1,800 lower today” on average than they would have been if premium trends that existed before the ACA had continued. It’s true premiums have increased more slowly in recent years than they did before the ACA, but even the president’s own economic advisers say the law isn’t responsible for the entire slowdown.

Obama Exaggerates Effects Of Affordable Care Act
It would have been better if the Republicans hand not cut funding..........

Oh well. Shoulda though about that before you passed a law you didn't read, my liberal friends.

I don't believe they ask liberals to pass the law...and no one but members of Congress voted on it....derp....
of course they are. .the welfare ticks always benefit at the expense of the workers

Dumbass, welfare recipients get the medicaid card. Always did.

The ACA is for the middle and lower working classes, whose jobs either don't offer insurance or offer it at unaffordable prices.

You really should read up on a subject before posting.
Millions have and are continuing to benefit from ObamaCare.

Instead of working so damn hard to hard Americans, the damn Rs should be doing their best to improve ACA.

It is not our ideas, they are yours. You screwed the pooch, you fix it!
Isn't it amazing that the libs now want the repubs to fix what they screwed up. Why am I not surprised!

New age libs are soooooooo good at passing the buck; especially when they take it out of our pocket, and give it to somebody else, lol. But this time, it is going to be different.

Do we remember when they said, "no big deal if 6 or 7 million people lost their insurance when Obamacare got put in?" Of course, now they claim it is a BIG deal if 6 or 7 million lose their subsidy if Obamacare is thrown out, lol.

They are going to get hit over the head with this alllllllll the way to 2016, trust me. In essence they are saying, "one American is more important then the other!" That is in the world according to libs. If you get a subsidy from us, you are wonderful. If you don't, you must be a second tier citizen.

Good luck libs! Can I say gleefully that this is your Romney 47% statement? You have just lost, gone to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!
Isn't it amazing that the libs now want the repubs to fix what they screwed up. Why am I not surprised!

New age libs are soooooooo good at passing the buck; especially when they take it out of our pocket, and give it to somebody else, lol. But this time, it is going to be different.

Do we remember when they said, "no big deal if 6 or 7 million people lost their insurance when Obamacare got put in?" Of course, now they claim it is a BIG deal if 6 or 7 million lose their subsidy if Obamacare is thrown out, lol.

They are going to get hit over the head with this alllllllll the way to 2016, trust me. In essence they are saying, "one American is more important then the other!" That is in the world according to libs. If you get a subsidy from us, you are wonderful. If you don't, you must be a second tier citizen.

Good luck libs! Can I say gleefully that this is your Romney 47% statement? You have just lost, gone to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars!

Guy, the worst thing that could happen to you Repugnuts is for the Court to rule your way. Yes, it really will be a big deal if 7 million people lose their coverage.

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