"And by the way, did I mention? They're shooting at us."


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Southerland: Public service an honor but not a cushy job


"And by the way, did I mention? They're shooting at us. There is law-enforcement security in this room right now, and why is that?" Southerland told about 125 people in an auditorium at the Westminster Oaks retirement community. "If you think this job pays too much, with those kinds of risks and cutting me off from my family business, I'll just tell you: This job don't mean that much to me. I had a good life in Panama City."

He said his $174,000 salary is not so much, considering the hours a member of the House puts in, and that he had to sever ties with his family business in Panama City.


Who is shooting at him????

This teabagging moron is one of the stupidest people in Congress. I know, because he's my representative.

I wish he would go back to Panama City and his family business.
Just when DOES Congress work?
by Leslie on October 6, 2010

Have you ever wondered when Congress works? I know I have!

It seems like every other day they are adjourning for recess, and thus are always either rushing to push some all-important bill through at the last minute or putting something unsavory off for later.

I decided to look it up, and found the staggering statistic that even factoring in the fact that there are only 260 days in a “work year” instead of 365 in a full year, Congress only works 52.6% of the time!

While researching I learned of this oddity of the Congressional schedule – “Travel Days.”

Originally Congress would stay in Washington half a year: December – May, and then travel home for the summer months. This was in part because summer in Washington without air conditioning was unbearable and in part because it took a full week for the farthest away members to get back to their States.

When it became easier to go back and forth to Washington after only a weekend at home Congress started canceling all votes on Mondays and Fridays to allow members to make it back in town. Thus, the work “week” starts on Tuesday but not until after 6:30 PM. Any days that are “no voting” travel days I count as off even though they aren’t technically recesses, and any days where the voting doesn’t start until 6:30 I count as “half days” when I do the tally.

The schedule of each session of Congress varies slightly, and they actually have been decreasing the number of 3 days weeks lately, but the general numbers hold across years.

According to official government sources, the 2010 Congressional schedule looks like this:

January: 31 days

■Full working days (including weekends) – 7
■Travel days (no voting) – 1
■Half days (voting only after 6:30PM) – 2
Tally of days worked so far: 9/31

February: 28 days

■Full working days – 12
■Travel days – 6
■Half days – 3
Tally so far: 21/59

March: 31 days

■Full working days – 20
■Travel days – 3
■Half days – 4
There are TWO full 5 day weeks in March.
Tally so far: 41/90

April: 30 days

■Full working days – 13
■Travel days – 3
■Half days – 3
There are some 4 days weeks in April.
Tally so far: 54/120

May: 31 days

■Full working days – 21
■Travel days – 5
■Half days – 4
May is a busy month, only one day of recess!
Tally so far: 75/151

June: 30 days

■Full working days – 19
■Travel days – 2
■Half days – 4
This is really getting crazy, another 5 day week in June.
Tally so far: 94/181

July: 31 days

■Full working days – 20
■Travel days – 1
■Half days – 3
How could they be patriotic without a full SEVEN days off for the 4th of July week?
Tally so far: 114/212

August: 31 days

■Full working days – 7
■Travel days – 0
■Half days – 1
Ahh, this makes up for all those full 5 days weeks.
Tally so far:121/243

September 30 days

■Full working days – 11
■Travel days – 4
■Half days – 3
Had to work a week in August, and need at least a month off, so the Summer recess bled into September.
Tally so far: 132/272

October + November + December: 91 days

■Full working days – 5
■Travel days – 0
■Half days – 0
Why are there no more days after October 5th? It’s because Congress is adjourned for the remainder of the season! They have off until January when they hit the ground running with three weeks of recess.

Final Counts:

■Full working days – 137
■Travel days – 25
■Half days – 29
Final Tally: 137/365
37.5% of the year is spent with a full day of working.

If you discount weekends and holidays there are 260 work days each year.
Congress works 52.6% of a work year.

Just when DOES Congress work?
"Tallahassee Democrat".... yea, there's a non partisan source with no 'hidden' agenda.

An intelligent person would be asking for the context of his remarks before bitching about what he said. I am, however, not surprised that the 'source' does not provide context - and I am equally not surprised that the lefties on here aren't smart enough to question it. If it makes the GOPer look bad, that's context enough for some.
Southerland: Public service an honor but not a cushy job


"And by the way, did I mention? They're shooting at us. There is law-enforcement security in this room right now, and why is that?" Southerland told about 125 people in an auditorium at the Westminster Oaks retirement community. "If you think this job pays too much, with those kinds of risks and cutting me off from my family business, I'll just tell you: This job don't mean that much to me. I had a good life in Panama City."

He said his $174,000 salary is not so much, considering the hours a member of the House puts in, and that he had to sever ties with his family business in Panama City.


Who is shooting at him????

This teabagging moron is one of the stupidest people in Congress. I know, because he's my representative.

I wish he would go back to Panama City and his family business.

What came before "And by the way...."?

this seems intentionally way out of context
"Tallahassee Democrat".... yea, there's a non partisan source with no 'hidden' agenda.

An intelligent person would be asking for the context of his remarks before bitching about what he said. I am, however, not surprised that the 'source' does not provide context - and I am equally not surprised that the lefties on here aren't smart enough to question it. If it makes the GOPer look bad, that's context enough for some.

You're a fucking moron.
"Tallahassee Democrat".... yea, there's a non partisan source with no 'hidden' agenda.

An intelligent person would be asking for the context of his remarks before bitching about what he said. I am, however, not surprised that the 'source' does not provide context - and I am equally not surprised that the lefties on here aren't smart enough to question it. If it makes the GOPer look bad, that's context enough for some.

You're a fucking moron.

yep does not have on point to dispute, just the source.

Pretty small limited mind there a trying to work.

Keep trying there CG perhaps you can get a bit of an origional thought out.
"Tallahassee Democrat".... yea, there's a non partisan source with no 'hidden' agenda.

An intelligent person would be asking for the context of his remarks before bitching about what he said. I am, however, not surprised that the 'source' does not provide context - and I am equally not surprised that the lefties on here aren't smart enough to question it. If it makes the GOPer look bad, that's context enough for some.

You're a fucking moron.

yep does not have on point to dispute, just the source.

Pretty small limited mind there a trying to work.

Keep trying there CG perhaps you can get a bit of an origional thought out.
It's just amusing - in a "look at that dope" way - that CowardGirl thinks because it's called the Tallahassee Democrat, that it's a Liberal paper. :lol:

As for their editorial page, I see:

Leonard Pitts
Jonah Goldberg
Kathleen Parker
George Will
Cynthia Tucker
Bill Cotterell (local political reporter)
Eugene Robinson
Dana Milbank

Looks pretty balanced to me.

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