And About The Stolen Election....

What agency of a state?

Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.
Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.”

A number of Democrat states allowed

it state governors,

election officials,

attorneys general,

state courts,

state constitutions,

sec’ys of state,

election commission......

to alter “time, place, and manner” of elections.

Only the state legislature is constitutionally so authorized, you dolt.

Democrats regularlly ignore the Constitution.....
The election laws are overseen by the SOS. Governed by the legislature and their policies (you know, the ELECTED reps). Ruled on in disputes by the STATE SC (the final arbiter). you believe in the right of the state to conduct it's own elections???
Or are you just mad because your savior was rejected? :auiqs.jpg:
The election laws are overseen by the SOS. Governed by the legislature and their policies (you know, the ELECTED reps). Ruled on in disputes by the STATE SC (the final arbiter). you believe in the right of the state to conduct it's own elections???
Or are you just mad because your savior was rejected? :auiqs.jpg:

The only authority is the Constituiton.....not any of these:
state governors,

election officials,

attorneys general,

state courts,

state constitutions,

sec’ys of state,

election commission...... moron....the Constitution was ratified based on federalism.

See the 10th amendment.
The only authority is the Constituiton.....not any of these:
state governors,

election officials,

attorneys general,

state courts,

state constitutions,

sec’ys of state,

election commission...... moron....the Constitution was ratified based on federalism.

See the 10th amendment.
Again, for those of you who think they are Constitutional scholars (you aren't)....the STATE runs their elections. Period.
yes, the vote count was fraudulent. How does the total vote count for one candidate go down in the middle of the night in several states? How does a candidate lose votes after they are counted? Biden did not get 81 million votes, in reality he got somewhere around 62 million and lost by 10-12 million. a successful coup of the US government was pulled of by the dems/media/ NWO/China in november of 2020. The truth is being well hidden but will eventually be known by everyone.
Seriously? Are you stupid, only an imbecile to post that this post of your is a truth?

Statement: "Biden did not get 81 million votes, in reality he got somewhere around 62 million and lost by 10-12 million"

Response: Post a clear, concise prove of this claim, or be known as a damn liar, or an imbecile (maybe both).
Again, for those of you who think they are Constitutional scholars (you aren't)....the STATE runs their elections. Period.
Yep, given the number of Articles in addition to and amendment of COTUS, supported by the STATES, amendments 15, 19, 24, & 26
Seriously? Are you stupid, only an imbecile to post that this post of your is a truth?

Statement: "Biden did not get 81 million votes, in reality he got somewhere around 62 million and lost by 10-12 million"

Response: Post a clear, concise prove of this claim, or be known as a damn liar, or an imbecile (maybe both).
the truth is coming out, stand by to look like a fool. ole senile Joey did NOT win. 2020 was a successful coup of the US government. Many in DC are afraid of what will happen in the country when the truth comes out so they are slow rolling and hiding it. We may see a second declaration of independence or a second revolutionary war. I don't want that, but it may be the only way to fix the mess.
the truth is coming out, stand by to look like a fool. ole senile Joey did NOT win. 2020 was a successful coup of the US government. Many in DC are afraid of what will happen in the country when the truth comes out so they are slow rolling and hiding it. We may see a second declaration of independence or a second revolutionary war. I don't want that, but it may be the only way to fix the mess.

Watch for the Moore vs Harper cast, Supreme Court, in October.
the truth is coming out, stand by to look like a fool. ole senile Joey did NOT win. 2020 was a successful coup of the US government. Many in DC are afraid of what will happen in the country when the truth comes out so they are slow rolling and hiding it. We may see a second declaration of independence or a second revolutionary war. I don't want that, but it may be the only way to fix the mess.

The truth is coming out??

The truth IS out, ya moron. 21 months since the election and there still is no proof of widespread election fraud. Y'all are just filled up to your eyeballs with sour grapes.
yes but they can be removed from those positions
yes but they can be removed from those positions
Yes, it can happen here. Hitler and Stalin did it! As did Sinclair Lewis and Ray Bradbury write about it:

"Fahrenheit 451 is a 1953 dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury. Often regarded as one of his best works,[4] the novel presents a future American society where books are outlawed and "firemen" burn any that are found.[5]'

"is a 1935 dystopian political novel by American author Sinclair Lewis.[1] It describes the rise of a US dictator similar to how Adolf Hitler gained power. The novel was adapted into a play by Lewis and John C. Moffitt in 1936.[2]

Seems Red Fish is in the same company of Hitler and Stalin.
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Yes, it can happen here. Hitler and Stalin did it! As did Sinclair Lewis and Ray Bradbury write about it:

"Fahrenheit 451 is a 1953 dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury. Often regarded as one of his best works,[4] the novel presents a future American society where books are outlawed and "firemen" burn any that are found.[5]'

"is a 1935 dystopian political novel by American author Sinclair Lewis.[1] It describes the rise of a US dictator similar to how Adolf Hitler gained power. The novel was adapted into a play by Lewis and John C. Moffitt in 1936.[2]

Seems Red Fish is in the same company of Hitler and Stalin.
as usual with you libs, you totally missed the point. What was described in Fahenheit 451 is exactly what the left is trying to do today. Ban opinions they disagree with, silence opposition, control the narrative in all forms of media, indoctrinate kids, ban books that do not agree with the ruling class. The book was accurate, so were books by Orwell and Rand, they accurately foresaw what is going on today. If it is allowed to continue, the USA is over.
1. courts ever deigned to hear the evidence that the election was stolen........until now.

"After battling bureaucrats throughout presidency, Trump gets last laugh against 'deep state'

Thursday's ruling in the case of West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency significantly confined the ability of unelected federal bureaucrats to make law or policy outside of Congress.

In the decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court held 6-3 that under the so-called major questions doctrine, judges can strike down federal agency regulations that have substantial economic effects when Congress did not give explicit authority to the agency to make such decisions.
While the court decision involved the Environmental Protection Agency and its efforts to restrain coal-fired electric plants, experts warned it could have vast impact on regulatory agencies.....

2. The ruling reaffirms the Founding Fathers' belief that "any limits on freedom be passed by Congress, not by kings and exchequers and bureaucrats and ministers," J. Christian Adams, a former U.S. Justice Department attorney, told Just the News."

3. Don't miss what is really going on here, and how it impinges on the theft of the election.

When the discussion is of unelected includes state courts, and attorneys general......the ones in Pennsylvania and North Carolina that altered the mode and methods of voting, giving Democrats the election victory....

"The Supreme Court on Thursday agreed to hear a case that could dramatically change how federal elections are conducted. At issue is a legal theory that would give state legislatures unfettered authority to set the rules for federal elections, free of supervision by the state courts and state constitutions.

The theory, known as the "independent state legislature theory," stems from the election clause in Article I of the Constitution. It says, "The times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof."

Proponents of the theory argue that that clause gives state legislatures power to regulate federal elections uninhibited by state courts or state constitutions. If a majority of the Supreme Court agrees, that would hamstring state courts, removing judicial oversight of state elections."

4. "Taken to its extreme, the independent state legislature doctrine could be an earthquake in American election law and fundamentally alter the balance of power within states and provide a pathway to subvert election results," says professor Richard Hasen, an expert on election law from the University of California, Irvine.

5. Thomas is one of four conservatives on the current court who have indicated their support for the independent state legislature theory. The others are Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh worked on the legal team supporting then Texas Gov. Bush in the aftermath of the 2000 election. Bush v. Gore, a decision often referred to as a ticket "for this train only," was never cited in any subsequent Supreme Court decision. Until 2020, when Kavanaugh, by then a Supreme Court Justice, cited it in a Wisconsin election case dealing with rules for absentee ballots at the height of the pandemic."

Case dismissed, lack of evidence.
Not one case was dismissed due to lack of evidence, they were dismissed on a claim of "lack of standing" which is legal bullshit meaning, we won't hear evidence against our party no matter how valid.

You lie. Half the cases were dismissed due to either lack of evidence or lack of merit. Here's but one example...

They filed a case claiming dead people voted, others voted in Nevada and another state, and many weren't registered to vote.

The judge threw it out because they had no evidence to demonstrate any of that upon the first motion to dismiss by the defendant...

"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.

... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.

“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.

That's 7 judges in 2 courts ALL reaching the same conclusion... the plaintiff's evidence failed to demonstrate fraud.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

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