An ongoing, "Current Event" and about current events


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
But, to keep the Question Mark avatar from getting its panties in wad I'm posting this in the Media forum.

Opinion polls suggest that the American public has largely figured things out and reveal that few trust the media to do its job in an objective fashion. In that light, articles like the recent Politico piece have appeared that have questioned how it can be that the Trump White House is optimistic over the prospects for the November election when opinion polls suggest a large margin of victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. If journalists were doing their jobs and were actually getting out on the streets and talking to people, they would discover that people are really worried about the future of the country and what it all will mean for their children and grandchildren. And many of them blame the unrest on the Democratic Party coddling of radical groups that are actively fomenting ethnic and racial divisions for political gain, not on the Republicans. Trump’s playing on those fears might well have a great impact when it comes time to vote. Someone who responded to an opinion poll the week before saying he or she would vote for a safe choice Biden might well go into the voters’ booth and instead pull the lever for Trump.

It’s Not Happening: the Mainstream Media Is the Enabler of American Dysfunction

The MSM, is either the lyingest or second most lyingest entity on the face of the planet. Why anyone would trust what it (or the US gov't) claims is beyond me.
But, to keep the Question Mark avatar from getting its panties in wad I'm posting this in the Media forum.

Opinion polls suggest that the American public has largely figured things out and reveal that few trust the media to do its job in an objective fashion. In that light, articles like the recent Politico piece have appeared that have questioned how it can be that the Trump White House is optimistic over the prospects for the November election when opinion polls suggest a large margin of victory for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. If journalists were doing their jobs and were actually getting out on the streets and talking to people, they would discover that people are really worried about the future of the country and what it all will mean for their children and grandchildren. And many of them blame the unrest on the Democratic Party coddling of radical groups that are actively fomenting ethnic and racial divisions for political gain, not on the Republicans. Trump’s playing on those fears might well have a great impact when it comes time to vote. Someone who responded to an opinion poll the week before saying he or she would vote for a safe choice Biden might well go into the voters’ booth and instead pull the lever for Trump.

It’s Not Happening: the Mainstream Media Is the Enabler of American Dysfunction

The MSM, is either the lyingest or second most lyingest entity on the face of the planet. Why anyone would trust what it (or the US gov't) claims is beyond me.

FWIW, anytime I post a thread, I always look for a better, more precise column to post it in than Current Events or Politics, unless there simply is no better choice.

  1. How is it a sure bet Joe will win with a VP that only garnered 7% of the votes and during the primaries, Joe himself was never I think higher than third pick among democrats?
  2. How will Joe and Kamela fare when Kamela said that she and Joe were 180° apart on the issues? And if true and we elect Joe for HIS stance on the issues and he can't finish the term, what will we get with Kamela as president with the EXACT OPPOSITE view on issues? So what do we really vote on, Joe's stance or Kamela's?
  3. Viewership ratings for the DNC convention were WAY DOWN compared to 2016?
  4. How prepared will Joe be to run the country much less win the debates when he eschews all live, spontaneous human interaction?
  5. What are the odds you think any of the media will ask any of these questions?
What are the odds you think any of the media will ask any of these questions?
Well, there you go. Proof that these entire election processes are fundamentally dishonest. If they weren't, they wouldn't be time driven, they'd be open to questions from the public, they would address ALL of the issues on people's minds and it wouldn't take a billion dollars backing somewhere to get into the game.

Either that or we must accept that the average IQ of the media and average viewer is about 80.

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