An Obama fast n Furious firearm shows up at a Terrorist attack

I heard the other day fast and furious may still be going on.
I heard the other day fast and furious may still be going on.

there was another one out of Florida but it got closed down

between these two operations and the arms obama has

let into hands of criminals and terrorists = billions of dollars

in weapons

look at any isis picture for example

you will find at least one American arm
pecker head should be in jail...

Maybe that explains why there was such a lack of urgency in getting to Benghazi after the attack. Sickening.
I just found what some are calling fast and furious 2.0

2 Americans were killed with one of these weapons

that is the third operation

also it is rumored that was what was going on

in Benghazi that caused the attack

yes exactly

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