PERSPECTIVE ON BIDEN AFGHAN DISASTER: Joe Biden Left 300 Times More Guns to Taliban than Fast and Furious Program – More than 151 Times more Potential


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016


Joe Biden Left 300 Times More Guns to Taliban than Fast and Furious Program – More than 151 Times more Potential Hostages than Iran Hostage Crisis​

22 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Joe Biden surrendered to the Taliban and now 10,000-20,000 Americans are trapped in the country behind enemy lines and unable to escape the country through the Kabul Airport
Biden also left the Taliban terrorists 600,000 weapons, 75,000 vehicles and 200 aircraft.

This is already shaping up to be the greatest humiliation in US history — just what the Democrats wanted.
In 2009 and 2010 the Obama regime ran a gun-running scheme into Mexico under later described as the Fast and Furious program. This Obama program facilitated by more than 2,000 weapons that were allowed to “walk” into Mexico. Univision later reported that 100 Mexicans might have died (in Operation Fast and Furious) and also American Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. There are other reports linking Fast and Furious to 200 murders.
Fast and Furious guns were even used by ISIS.
Now, rather than 2000 weapons in the hands of our enemies, we are talking about 600,000 weapons.
Fast and Furious guns were used in the Garland, Texas terrorist attack.
This is 300 times more weapons that Obama ran to cartels in the Fast and Furious program.
In 1979 pro-Khomeini loyalists took 66 Americans hostage in what was known as the Iran Hostage Crisis.
It took over a year for all of the Americans to be released by Iran.
Today there are anywhere from 10,000 to 40,000 Americans trapped in Kabul and across Afghanistan.
That is more than 151 times more Americans than were held by the Ayatollah in 1979.
The carnage as a result of Biden’s dereliction of duty is incalculable. We may never know the number of innocent civilians around the world who will be murdered as a result of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party’s disastrous decisions.

It remains to be seen if this CORRUPT, ILLEGITMATE and TREASONOUS regime, or the TRAITORS propping the regime up will ever be brought to justice. If Biden were a Republican, Dems in Congress led by Pelosi and Schumer would be calling for his head and have impeached him.
We've seen this before when Obama created the "Arab Spring" setting the Middle East on fire after retreating from Iraq. He did this with ISIS using our military material he ordered be left behind under the guise of the SOFA, when we pulled out of Iraq – Allowing Al Qaeda/ISIS to capture them. They captured at least 2,300 Humvee's including M1A Abrams tanks, artillery and small arms munitions.
Does this sound familiar happening now?
Joey Xi Bai Dung has just done the same in Afghanistan by leaving billions of dollars in equipment to the Taliban soon to be shared with Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Haganni terrorists in attacks against our allies and ourselves.
All of Europe is now sorry they allowed these non-contributing mainly military aged men in to sap their welfare system into oblivion and unsustainable costs.
Personally, the Afghani refugees I know find assimilation in America difficult, although their children raised here have no difficulty for the most part...


Joe Biden Left 300 Times More Guns to Taliban than Fast and Furious Program. Now, rather than 2000 weapons in the hands of our enemies, we are talking about 600,000 weapons.

All thoughts on Joe aside, I don't think I care for nor respect the Afghans very much. They are spineless, traitorous and weak.
IT doesn't matter what you think of Afghanis. IT IS THE TALIBAN that is the problem. This fool president is bringing these terrorists into this country by the planeload. YES HE IS. IN VIRGINIA NOW. They have our weapons, clothings, transport, planes. SOMEONEs' heads need to roll on this. BIG STUPID mistake that Democrat voters did to this country.

Someone should take a few hundred busloads of these refugees and dump them off in Washington DC with rooms for the next year near the Capitol. The interment center for the people they have at the southern border should be moved next to the White House also. That way the president and congresspersons will feel safe from the white terrorists in this country because they'll be surrounded by more ethnically acceptable racial minorities.




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Joe Biden Left 300 Times More Guns to Taliban than Fast and Furious Program – More than 151 Times more Potential Hostages than Iran Hostage Crisis​

22 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Joe Biden surrendered to the Taliban and now 10,000-20,000 Americans are trapped in the country behind enemy lines and unable to escape the country through the Kabul Airport
Biden also left the Taliban terrorists 600,000 weapons, 75,000 vehicles and 200 aircraft.

This is already shaping up to be the greatest humiliation in US history — just what the Democrats wanted.
In 2009 and 2010 the Obama regime ran a gun-running scheme into Mexico under later described as the Fast and Furious program. This Obama program facilitated by more than 2,000 weapons that were allowed to “walk” into Mexico. Univision later reported that 100 Mexicans might have died (in Operation Fast and Furious) and also American Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. There are other reports linking Fast and Furious to 200 murders.
Fast and Furious guns were even used by ISIS.
Now, rather than 2000 weapons in the hands of our enemies, we are talking about 600,000 weapons.
Fast and Furious guns were used in the Garland, Texas terrorist attack.
This is 300 times more weapons that Obama ran to cartels in the Fast and Furious program.
In 1979 pro-Khomeini loyalists took 66 Americans hostage in what was known as the Iran Hostage Crisis.
It took over a year for all of the Americans to be released by Iran.
Today there are anywhere from 10,000 to 40,000 Americans trapped in Kabul and across Afghanistan.
That is more than 151 times more Americans than were held by the Ayatollah in 1979.
The carnage as a result of Biden’s dereliction of duty is incalculable. We may never know the number of innocent civilians around the world who will be murdered as a result of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party’s disastrous decisions.

It remains to be seen if this CORRUPT, ILLEGITMATE and TREASONOUS regime, or the TRAITORS propping the regime up will ever be brought to justice. If Biden were a Republican, Dems in Congress led by Pelosi and Schumer would be calling for his head and have impeached him.
We've seen this before when Obama created the "Arab Spring" setting the Middle East on fire after retreating from Iraq. He did this with ISIS using our military material he ordered be left behind under the guise of the SOFA, when we pulled out of Iraq – Allowing Al Qaeda/ISIS to capture them. They captured at least 2,300 Humvee's including M1A Abrams tanks, artillery and small arms munitions.
Does this sound familiar happening now?
Joey Xi Bai Dung has just done the same in Afghanistan by leaving billions of dollars in equipment to the Taliban soon to be shared with Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Haganni terrorists in attacks against our allies and ourselves.
All of Europe is now sorry they allowed these non-contributing mainly military aged men in to sap their welfare system into oblivion and unsustainable costs.
Personally, the Afghani refugees I know find assimilation in America difficult, although their children raised here have no difficulty for the most part...

When Trump reduced US forces from 13,000 to 2500 did he bring any weapons home?
We took our stuff home. This was what the Afghan Army was supposed to fight with. Who created the Afghan Army in the first place with the expectation that they would be willing and able to defend their country? This debacle spanned 6 different US Presidential terms
We took our stuff home. This was what the Afghan Army was supposed to fight with. Who created the Afghan Army in the first place with the expectation that they would be willing and able to defend their country? This debacle spanned 6 different US Presidential terms

Over the years the US has supplied weapons to the Afghan warlords, the Mafia, the Afghan Security Forces and the Taliban.
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IT doesn't matter what you think of Afghanis. IT IS THE TALIBAN that is the problem. This fool president is bringing these terrorists into this country by the planeload. YES HE IS. IN VIRGINIA NOW. They have our weapons, clothings, transport, planes. SOMEONEs' heads need to roll on this. BIG STUPID mistake that Democrat voters did to this country.

Trump released 5,000 Taliban from prison in 2020.

As usual, no one listened to the guys on the ground but the generals in the rear with the gear. Obviously these generals like Austin and Milley sitting in the Pentagon survived the Obama purges by being yes men and not true to theirs oaths to the allegiance to America..

After our clear victory there early on we should have partitioned Afghanistan into two parts.

Let the Taliban types have their part and the rest of the country a chance to get back to pre-Taliban days. But no, we insisted on nation-building one country.


Joe Biden Left 300 Times More Guns to Taliban than Fast and Furious Program – More than 151 Times more Potential Hostages than Iran Hostage Crisis​

22 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Joe Biden surrendered to the Taliban and now 10,000-20,000 Americans are trapped in the country behind enemy lines and unable to escape the country through the Kabul Airport
Biden also left the Taliban terrorists 600,000 weapons, 75,000 vehicles and 200 aircraft.

This is already shaping up to be the greatest humiliation in US history — just what the Democrats wanted.
In 2009 and 2010 the Obama regime ran a gun-running scheme into Mexico under later described as the Fast and Furious program. This Obama program facilitated by more than 2,000 weapons that were allowed to “walk” into Mexico. Univision later reported that 100 Mexicans might have died (in Operation Fast and Furious) and also American Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. There are other reports linking Fast and Furious to 200 murders.
Fast and Furious guns were even used by ISIS.
Now, rather than 2000 weapons in the hands of our enemies, we are talking about 600,000 weapons.
Fast and Furious guns were used in the Garland, Texas terrorist attack.
This is 300 times more weapons that Obama ran to cartels in the Fast and Furious program.
In 1979 pro-Khomeini loyalists took 66 Americans hostage in what was known as the Iran Hostage Crisis.
It took over a year for all of the Americans to be released by Iran.
Today there are anywhere from 10,000 to 40,000 Americans trapped in Kabul and across Afghanistan.
That is more than 151 times more Americans than were held by the Ayatollah in 1979.
The carnage as a result of Biden’s dereliction of duty is incalculable. We may never know the number of innocent civilians around the world who will be murdered as a result of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party’s disastrous decisions.

It remains to be seen if this CORRUPT, ILLEGITMATE and TREASONOUS regime, or the TRAITORS propping the regime up will ever be brought to justice. If Biden were a Republican, Dems in Congress led by Pelosi and Schumer would be calling for his head and have impeached him.
We've seen this before when Obama created the "Arab Spring" setting the Middle East on fire after retreating from Iraq. He did this with ISIS using our military material he ordered be left behind under the guise of the SOFA, when we pulled out of Iraq – Allowing Al Qaeda/ISIS to capture them. They captured at least 2,300 Humvee's including M1A Abrams tanks, artillery and small arms munitions.
Does this sound familiar happening now?
Joey Xi Bai Dung has just done the same in Afghanistan by leaving billions of dollars in equipment to the Taliban soon to be shared with Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Haganni terrorists in attacks against our allies and ourselves.
All of Europe is now sorry they allowed these non-contributing mainly military aged men in to sap their welfare system into oblivion and unsustainable costs.
Personally, the Afghani refugees I know find assimilation in America difficult, although their children raised here have no difficulty for the most part...

We took our stuff home. This was what the Afghan Army was supposed to fight with. Who created the Afghan Army in the first place with the expectation that they would be willing and able to defend their country? This debacle spanned 6 different US Presidential terms

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