An intersting post


Baller Deluxe
Jul 2, 2006
Charleston, SC
I read this on another forum. It's an interesting perspective on elections:

Basically, Americans are stupid.

They get tripped up and cornered into their votes by master manipulators who realized a very long time ago that bullying voters out of their ballots is far easier than convincing them based on their own merits.

"Cut and Run"


"Far Left Liberal"

"Republican In Name Only - RINO"

Bumper sticker voters dont have the time to research facts, they dont have time to form their own opinions, and most of all, they are scared of standing out from the crowd. They live in constant fear of being picked off as the weak sheep. They absolutely dont want anyone to attach a stigma to them, so they pose and posture a bumper sticker agenda.

Do a little experiment sometime. Want to see how easily the human mind and body can be controlled by simple actions? Do this.

Go to a public event, like a baseball game, or a football game. When you are walking home from that game, there are all sorts of lines of traffic going on with the humans. Crossing a street, people wont break out of the pack, they are programmed not to leave the herd. So simply step around a road block and cross traffic at that point, then when you get to the other side of the road, look back, there will be thousands of people following you. None of them would have done it on their own, but once someone does, everyone follows that person and doesnt think twice about it.

People who work in adverti######t already understand this concept. It's mind control with subtle messages and actions. Think it doesnt work? How many billboards can you recite from memory? You dont have to look at them, your mind has them programmed in. Go look in your fridge, you have those items. That's not by accident. It's because someone else commanded you to have them.

Politics are nothing more than grown up bullies picking on weak minds. It is known that abuse is handed down without the trafficers understanding why it happens. Well, look at political debates. Usually, one of the sides is always trying to belittle the other side as weaker, as not able to defend themselves, as someone to be beaten up and bullied.... when in reality, it is that person who has been victimized. Bullying begets bullying. It's very basic psychology.

People have a herd mentality and dont want to be singled out for breaking away from the perceived strong pack leader. Animals will run over a cliff because of this, and humans will commit suicide because of it.
I read this on another forum. It's an interesting perspective on elections:

Lesson Learned: Americans are Dumb
One of the most important lessons learned from our loss this election is that we failed to connect with the retarded dittohead masses. I've thought about it long and hard, and have come to the conclusion that we progressives were simply too nice. Out of compassion for those inferior to them, liberal statesmen like Al Franken and Michael Moore held back and didn't sneer nearly enough at the American people as they should have, and we all paid for it on election day. 59 million jingoist biblethumping rednecks repaid our kindness by choosing a chimp who talks to an invisible diety over a war hero with four Purple Hearts.

Well, no more Mr. Nice Liberal. If our seething, drooling hatred for Bush, God, and America isn't enough to win these brainless sheep over to our pasture, then it's time to stop pulling punches. Progressive pundits are already on the ball and are diligently making up for lost sneering. However, it will take more than self-righteous screeching from the mountaintop to regain our rightful place as rulers over the brainwashed hordes. If we're ever going to win another election, if we're ever to earn forgiveness from France for our arrogance, we need to get out there in the red states where all the intolerant morons live and ridicule their silly religious beliefs. We need to really hammer it into their thick, prehistoric skulls that they're just too damn superstitious and stupid to be trusted with the future of this country.

Therefore, I suggest that we get a few really good days of self-pity and hopeless whining in, and then get back to work reminding the uneducated trogs how inferior they are. It's time to really get into their faces and shove it down their slack-jawed gullets that if they ever want to work again, ever want to eat again, ever want to walk again, ever want to see their sons and daughters alive again, they better damn well vote Democrat!

So today, I compiled a list of ten people I know who voted Republican and gave them each a call, in which I basically laid out the real heart of the progressive philosophy in simple terms they could understand.

"RACIST BIGOT GAY-BASHING FASCIST MORON!" I screamed into the phone after dialing my first number. "BIGOT FASCIST RIGHT-WING IDIOT HATEMONGER!!!!"

"Why are you screaming at me?" Grandma asked. "This state went to Kerry anyway."


"Jeezus!" Grandma gasped.

"STOP FORCING YOUR RELIGION ON ME YOU NAZI BIGOT MORON!" I demanded, and hung up the phone. Jesus indeed!

The next eight calls were less cordial, and I received some very un-christianlike remarks from my targets before they rudely hung up. My, my, my! The hateful bile that comes out of the mouths of these "compassionate conservative" hypocrites!

Call number ten was out of town, but I left a convincing message on his machine. Tonight, I'm going over to spray paint "NAZI LIVES HERE" on his garage door. If that doesn't win his heart over to our side, nothing will.

Logic dictates that if four years of baseless accusations and ad hominem attacks won us 48% of the popular vote, then being twice as nasty will win us 96%. And if each of my readers were able to convince just one right-winger on their list to convert to our cause, it would mean 15 new votes for the democrats in 2006.

So go get 'em, take no prisoners, and feed those right-wing Christians to the liberal lions!
  • Thanks
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btw: it's not an attack from one side to the other. both democraps and repulican'ts are guilty

Liberals really believe if you do not vote for them - you are stupid

After all, libs believe they are so much smarter then everyone else. Just ask them, and they will tell you so
Thats been heard before but they never fully admitted fault nor following instructions:read:

In nearly every case where there have been "voting problems" they have been in Dem controlled voting districts

Ballots designed by and approved by Dems are the ones where there voters cannot fill them out
Liberals really believe if you do not vote for them - you are stupid

After all, libs believe they are so much smarter then everyone else. Just ask them, and they will tell you so

Once again, your blind hatred of liberals rears it's ugly head.

1. Libs believe in freedom to vote for whoever you want to.
2. Libs are much smarter than you, obviously, but in general they are no more intelligent than equally educated conservatives.
Once again, your blind hatred of liberals rears it's ugly head.

1. Libs believe in freedom to vote for whoever you want to.
2. Libs are much smarter than you, obviously, but in general they are no more intelligent than equally educated conservatives.

Libs suffer from a superiorty complex. Which is why they lose elections

I do not hate liberals, I only want them defeated politically

If you want hate look no farther then your own party
Libs suffer from a superiorty complex. Which is why they lose elections

I do not hate liberals, I only want them defeated politically

If you want hate look no farther then your own party

How many liberal presidents have there been in the last decade? If there has been 1 or more, then you are making up stupid facts to fit your agenda.

What's my party? I don't vote straight ticket. I'll vote for Rudy if he runs. I don't like Kerry or H Clinton. So what's my party?

Now you can insert your childish "libs do this..." comment.:69:
Maybe this will help you CC

Lessons for Liberal Bloggers
I loathe the term "blogosphere". It's too cold and impersonal. I prefer to think of this thing of ours as an "electronic village", where people with similar interests come together to share ideas. Since it takes a village to raise a child, we must act as a community to nurture and protect all the newly hatched liberal bloggers from the harsh realities of this right-wing dominated blogosphere. Therefore, I will sporadically and at completely random intervals impart some of the golden boogers of wisdom I've accumulated over the past three years. Hopefully, I will provide a valuable resource, an internet safe-zone where progressives can find the tools they need to defeat any ignorant repugs who creep into their blogs and spam their comment boards with snide remarks.

Lesson #1: The Hitler Mustache

Being a liberal blogger requires not only the regular inhalation of vast amounts of household cleansers, but strict diligence in constantly reminding the mindless sheeple of the insidious evil of the Bush junta. As a rule, it's good practice to compare Bush to Hitler at least once a week. But if you're like me, you have little patience for dimwitted repugs who refuse to acknowledge the obvious. Even adding "itler" to the end of his name fails to convince them. Often, they'll actually demand you present "facts" to back up your claims - a typical right-wing tactic to lower the debate to their level. That's why it's important to arm yourself against the infuriating ignorance of your average conservative blog troll.

One of the most powerful weapons in a liberal blogger's arsenal is the dreaded Hitler mustache. When scrawled upon the visage of a political adversary, it surpasses even the devil horns and goatee as a means of transforming him into Satan incarnate. Why waste time trying to form a coherent argument when a simple black smudge will say all that needs to be said?

Take the late, great George Gobel, for instance. By looking at him, one would never imagine that this mild-mannered, soft-spoken comedian was personally responsible for the systematic extermination of over six million innocents. But give him a little Hitler mustache, and voila! I'll be a dirty bird if Lonesome George isn't Der Fuhrer himself! Add a swastika armband and superimpose him on a Nazi flag, and even the staunchest conservative will be unable to deny the truth: Lonsumfuhrer George Göbels was a Nazi Stooge.

The beauty of the whole thing is that there's absolutely no way to respond to it. What are they going to say? "He's NOT Hitler"? Well I'm sorry, cowboy, but I have photographic evidence right here that says he IS.

Still, conservatives are as predictible as they are ignorant, and will typically claim that the photos are fakes - as if authenticity has anything to do with accuracy. That's why it's always good to throw them a bone and provide a series of indisputable similarities between the subject and Hitler. For instance, George Gobel was a patriot, and Hitler wrapped himself in patriotism in order to crush dissent. Hitler invaded Poland, and Gobel invaded The Hollywood Squares. George Gobel played the banjo, and so did Hitler. The list goes on and on and on.

When presented with such incontravertible evidence, most cons will give up and crawl off in search of a hate-radio jock to tell them what to think. Still, some will linger, if only to berate you for enlightening them with your wisdom and insight. These dingbat fundies will blindly worship some great big floating God in the sky, but will refuse to accept reality even when it's kicking down their door and dragging them off to gitmo in the dead of night. So that's when I like to bring out the big guns.

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