Baller Deluxe
I read this on another forum. It's an interesting perspective on elections:
Basically, Americans are stupid.
They get tripped up and cornered into their votes by master manipulators who realized a very long time ago that bullying voters out of their ballots is far easier than convincing them based on their own merits.
"Cut and Run"
"Far Left Liberal"
"Republican In Name Only - RINO"
Bumper sticker voters dont have the time to research facts, they dont have time to form their own opinions, and most of all, they are scared of standing out from the crowd. They live in constant fear of being picked off as the weak sheep. They absolutely dont want anyone to attach a stigma to them, so they pose and posture a bumper sticker agenda.
Do a little experiment sometime. Want to see how easily the human mind and body can be controlled by simple actions? Do this.
Go to a public event, like a baseball game, or a football game. When you are walking home from that game, there are all sorts of lines of traffic going on with the humans. Crossing a street, people wont break out of the pack, they are programmed not to leave the herd. So simply step around a road block and cross traffic at that point, then when you get to the other side of the road, look back, there will be thousands of people following you. None of them would have done it on their own, but once someone does, everyone follows that person and doesnt think twice about it.
People who work in adverti######t already understand this concept. It's mind control with subtle messages and actions. Think it doesnt work? How many billboards can you recite from memory? You dont have to look at them, your mind has them programmed in. Go look in your fridge, you have those items. That's not by accident. It's because someone else commanded you to have them.
Politics are nothing more than grown up bullies picking on weak minds. It is known that abuse is handed down without the trafficers understanding why it happens. Well, look at political debates. Usually, one of the sides is always trying to belittle the other side as weaker, as not able to defend themselves, as someone to be beaten up and bullied.... when in reality, it is that person who has been victimized. Bullying begets bullying. It's very basic psychology.
People have a herd mentality and dont want to be singled out for breaking away from the perceived strong pack leader. Animals will run over a cliff because of this, and humans will commit suicide because of it.