An Interesting Picture... Discuss.

you on the right have no idea the wealth of knowledge we will gain from this kid.

He is the gift that will keep in giving for years to come.

dead we would have learned nothing about these factions of nutters

everyone has taken something away

from this experience

including future terrorists

Yes even insane religious sociopaths can learn
Oh yeah and when a cop is scanning an area with hius gun to ensure his fellow cops dont get sniped that cop has to look everywhere including windows with movement and people in them

Yep... They do... And if Bush was President your Dishonest Twatty Ass would be Screaming Bloody Murder about that Pic. :thup:


Oh yeah and when a cop is scanning an area with hius gun to ensure his fellow cops dont get sniped that cop has to look everywhere including windows with movement and people in them

Yep... They do... And if Bush was President your Dishonest Twatty Ass would be Screaming Bloody Murder about that Pic. :thup:



Just being an American, I have some strong issues with that image and what we saw go down in Watertown.
Bravo to the photographer.

Had to be pretty unsettling to snap a picture with that guy training his gun on you.

This is the one I hate the most
On whoever took the picture. Assault with a deadly weapon can get you killed.
Just out of curiosity, how many cops would you think it takes to seal of an area of 4.2 square miles, containing 32,000 people, and conduct a house to house search?

Don't forget - entering and searching private residences WITHOUT SEARCH WARRANTS!
All in the name of "public safety".

Just another step towards the N. Korea utopia the liberals/progressives unabashedly admire. .. :cool:

Give it a rest, you dumbass. Totalitarian right-wing regimes are known for strong-arm police tactics and suppression of freedoms. Yup, extremist left wing governments have done so as well.

The KEY POINT is that this is not a "liberal" issue, so stop it with the constant trolling already.
It's too bad these poor terrorists did not live in a more liberal and accepting area of Boston. One where the diversity they bring to the table would have been cherished and relished like fine wine. Instead they had to be stuck in some neo-con enclave learning about hate and discontent.

Anyone know the percentage of votes for Obama in these two misunderstood young men's adopted home town? I'm sure it must be 90/10 in favor of Mitt Racist....uh oh I mean Romney.
It's too bad these poor terrorists did not live in a more liberal and accepting area of Boston. One where the diversity they bring to the table would have been cherished and relished like fine wine. Instead they had to be stuck in some neo-con enclave learning about hate and discontent.

Anyone know the percentage of votes for Obama in these two misunderstood young men's adopted home town? I'm sure it must be 90/10 in favor of Mitt Racist....uh oh I mean Romney.

Beautiful. In one moment, a snarling right-wing Republican bemoans the modern, "progressive" era of the totalitarian police state; in the next moment, another snarling right-wing Republican accuses "liberals" of being too soft.

Stupid, but entirely predictable.
yes and claiming the picture of a cop with a gun pointed while trying to protect his fellow officers who are searching for a mass muderer means our country is being taken over is frut cake level nutty.

I guess they want to make it illegal for cops to point guns
I think Homeland Security needs more money & weapons. Because clearly they don't have enough. And a few more wonderful laws like The Patriot Act & NDAA wouldn't hurt either. Oh, and disarming the Citizenry should happen immediately too. Safety first y'all, safety first.
It's too bad these poor terrorists did not live in a more liberal and accepting area of Boston. One where the diversity they bring to the table would have been cherished and relished like fine wine. Instead they had to be stuck in some neo-con enclave learning about hate and discontent.

Anyone know the percentage of votes for Obama in these two misunderstood young men's adopted home town? I'm sure it must be 90/10 in favor of Mitt Racist....uh oh I mean Romney.

Beautiful. In one moment, a snarling right-wing Republican bemoans the modern, "progressive" era of the totalitarian police state; in the next moment, another snarling right-wing Republican accuses "liberals" of being too soft.

Stupid, but entirely predictable.

Ah man, what's the matter young lady? Your sarcasm meter seems to be broken, but it's OK, we still think you are cute.

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