an example of a "post 1998 Republican" = former San Diego DA Bonnie Dumanis


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
Bonnie Dumanis is a perfect example of the difference between the GOP until 1998 and the GOP after it. The GOP before 1998 was fiscally conservative, pro gun right, pro America, for justice for all and making none above the law (Reagan's DoJ, for example prosecuted a Texas Sheriff, a Republican, for "waterboarding," something W and Cheney and Rove just loved to do to get "false confessions" to justify starting wars of no US national interest). Ms. Dumanis, an open lesbian who marches in Gay Pride parades (and sicks the SDPD on anyone protesting them), is not a fiscal conservative (that's putting it mildly), has Dianne Feinstein's views on gun control (indeed, Sen Feinstein is Bonnie's #1 backer, even though she is not in the "same party...."), for making her own demographic totally above the law, and

100% for wars over lies and false flag attacks to help Israel.

Bonnie's score on a pre 1998 Republican "ACU rating" would be ZERO.

But because Bonnie is Chosen and for using the US military to whack Israel's enemies, and using DEEP STATE to whack those noticing too much, Bonnie has been as much ABOVE THE LAW as Epstein and Weinstein and the rest....

Indeed, when W fired 7 US Attorneys in 2007, he fired Carol Lam, who was still in Grand Jury over one of Bonnie's crimes when terminated by fellow post 1998 "Republican" Michael Mukasey, who would also score a ZERO on a pre 1998 Republican "ACU rating." Who recommended Mukasey to W as AG??? That noted "conservative" Chuck Schumer..... The post 1998 GOP - a dictatorship with Schumer and Feinstein on top, even as both are Democrats.....

So what does "post 1998 Republican" Bonnie think of Donald Trump after backing Hillary in 2016???

Local Republicans Respond to Trump’s Russia Comments

Former District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, a Republican running for CountySupervisor against Democrat Nathan Fletcher, lashed out at the President.

“I think he’s putting the country at risk by meeting with an adversary (Putin) and giving him so much credibility and time, and treating him not as an adversary, but as a friend,” Dumanis told NBC 7.

Dumanis also said her colleagues in the local law enforcement community are very upset that the president undermined U.S. intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies.

“I’ve heard a lot [from] different law enforcement folks [who] feel undermined, that they have been disrespected and dismissed,” Dumanis said.

Translation = Dumanis is shoulder to shoulder with Schiff, Comey, Brennan etc.... 100% part of DEEP STATE, and absolutely wanted Donald Trump out of office from day 1 by any means necessary....

While Epstein and Weinstein and others are no longer above the law, Ms. Dumanis continues to be so....???

During her tenure as DA, there were over 100 incidents of the SDPD shooting someone to death for "charging the cops with a knife...." Several were reportedly shot in the back..... How many Grand Juries did Bonnie start for those.... one.... when the victim of the shooting was Jewish.... and the cops got off because the jury believed the cops not the "friend of Chosen Bonnie" woman....

Bonnie Dumanis is personally responsible for the murders of dozens of innocent Americans for noticing too much truth to protesting Gay Rights parades. Check her investments in 2001, and you'll see the same pattern. Why is this monster still above the law, Mr. President Trump and AG Barr? Find out why and you'll find a connection to many at DoJ who urgently need to be fired.....
Much as I loved the Gipper, I'm not sure how you give him credit for being fiscally conservative.
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I'm not sure how you give him credit for being fiscally conservative.

The budgets Reagan submitted to Congress contained a lot less spending than the actual budgets Congress returned to Reagan....

Reagan was a self proclaimed "libertarian" who made fun of big government and really only wanted more spending in one area - defense.

But the point is that a Reagan DoJ prosecuted a Texas Sheriff for waterboarding.

The post 1998 GOP under W wasn't just not prosecuting others, it was using waterboarding to lie to the American people about war....

Reagan, HW, and Gingrich were the three most responsible people for the mid 1990s economy and budget SURPLUS.....

What happened???

In 1998, the GOP ceased being what it was and became the party of Benji Netanyahu.... and lesbian Bonnie Dumanis...

ah, blessed are those who SERVE ISRAEL..... as you are shot in the back....
I'm not sure how you give him credit for being fiscally conservative.

The budgets Reagan submitted to Congress contained a lot less spending than the actual budgets Congress returned to Reagan....

Reagan was a self proclaimed "libertarian" who made fun of big government and really only wanted more spending in one area - defense.

But the point is that a Reagan DoJ prosecuted a Texas Sheriff for waterboarding.

The post 1998 GOP under W wasn't just not prosecuting others, it was using waterboarding to lie to the American people about war....

Reagan, HW, and Gingrich were the three most responsible people for the mid 1990s economy and budget SURPLUS.....

What happened???

In 1998, the GOP ceased being what it was and became the party of Benji Netanyahu.... and lesbian Bonnie Dumanis...

ah, blessed are those who SERVE ISRAEL..... as you are shot in the back....

Gridlock likely had a lot to do with it. Both parties have shown that they have trouble resisting the urge to spend. But republicans can bring themselves to prevent dems from spending, some.
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But republicans can bring themselves to prevent dems from spending, some.

LOL, a sad but true way to say it....

Dems do not stop post 1998 "Republicans" from spending, with the 8 year porkfest of W being proof.

Post 1998 Republicans are 100% incapable of cutting any spending, with ObamaCare being the proof. The post 1998 GOP can bliock Dem spending it doesn't like, but to actually cut anything, no, no way.... too much "free money" floating around to end up in the likes of Hunter Biden's pockets....

This is in large part due to a Zionist "purge" (led by the Fox News Channel) in 1998 of libertarians and fiscal conservatives from the GOP, starting with the ouster of Newt Gingrich. Once Newt was gone, the "GOP" desire to control spending and size of government vanished. The only thing that matters to the post 1998 GOP is country ISRAEL, and that's why there are horrifyingly sick and ugly people like Bonnie Dumanis posing not only as "Republicans" but also forcing the "Republican Party" to make the most guilty above the law.... because Bonnie Dumanis is a perfect example of a Zionist 911 Traitor Deep State anti Trump "post 1998 Republican" "Truther Exterminator" who only stands for Israel and the Zionist Jew demographic being above the law.... which she has been for W and O and the Jeff Sessions as AG 2 years....

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