An American Hero


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Your food is safe, a seat belt saved your life, a close friend is alive because of an airbag, your children drink clean water, the toys your grandchildren play with are safer, the air is cleaner, the open space is still open. Who did this? Was it the market? Was it Congress? Was it a corporation? Was it the Supreme Court? Was it 'truth justice and the American way?' Hm, maybe a little bit of that. Much of it grew out of the efforts of one man, Ralph Nader. Amazing, huh. While some blame Nader for Gore's loss, Florida's ballots and republican control, along with the corporate wing of the Supreme Court settled that election. Gore also suffered from the same ailment that Romney possessed, inauthenticity.

The interaction of Nader Raiders and government has had an odd consequence, while America praises individualism of the kind Nader demonstrated, corporate America only cares about profit and the power it buys them. GM going after Nader over car safety proved a large mistake. Instead the enemy becomes not the concerned individual, but the entity tasked with enforcing a good one person brought to society's attention. Today through the concerted effort of corporate propaganda, the government is the problem. The discussion must never focus on public good. Corporate exploitation of tax law, regulation, or the environment has created a wonderful distraction. The individual remains sacrosanct in American folklore; Government is now the bad guy.

A few of Nader's achievements: Ralph Nader's Achievements -- Ralph Nader for President in 2008

([ame=]An Unreasonable Man (Ralph Nader) - YouTube[/ame])

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw, 'Man and Superman'

Ralph Nader Documentary, An Unreasonable Man
Nader lied about the Corvair! He rigged the car to flip on film for personal gain. He used that to launch a carrer that took other cars off the road that were safe and robbed people to make their own choices. He built on the idea that we are too stupid to make good decisions for ourselves.
He took away the right to choose.... He was not a good man. he was a politician with an agenda to rob people of their right to choose for themselves and to protect them from bad decisions that they were not allowed to make.
Nader did some great things and should be applauded for them. I know he couldn't have known what evil he would help bring upon the world when he helped Bush Jr. get elected but whether he deserves it or not, that is how many will remember him.

Especially because he ran AGAIN after that. It's very hard to forgive him for it.
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Nader lied about the Corvair! He rigged the car to flip on film for personal gain. He used that to launch a carrer that took other cars off the road that were safe and robbed people to make their own choices. He built on the idea that we are too stupid to make good decisions for ourselves.
He took away the right to choose.... He was not a good man. he was a politician with an agenda to rob people of their right to choose for themselves and to protect them from bad decisions that they were not allowed to make.

So... do you let your kids not buckle their seatbelts? :confused::confused::confused:
Your food is safe, a seat belt saved your life, a close friend is alive because of an airbag, your children drink clean water, the toys your grandchildren play with are safer, the air is cleaner, the open space is still open. Who did this? Was it the market? Was it Congress? Was it a corporation? Was it the Supreme Court? Was it 'truth justice and the American way?' Hm, maybe a little bit of that. Much of it grew out of the efforts of one man, Ralph Nader. Amazing, huh. While some blame Nader for Gore's loss, Florida's ballots and republican control, along with the corporate wing of the Supreme Court settled that election. Gore also suffered from the same ailment that Romney possessed, inauthenticity.

The interaction of Nader Raiders and government has had an odd consequence, while America praises individualism of the kind Nader demonstrated, corporate America only cares about profit and the power it buys them. GM going after Nader over car safety proved a large mistake. Instead the enemy becomes not the concerned individual, but the entity tasked with enforcing a good one person brought to society's attention. Today through the concerted effort of corporate propaganda, the government is the problem. The discussion must never focus on public good. Corporate exploitation of tax law, regulation, or the environment has created a wonderful distraction. The individual remains sacrosanct in American folklore; Government is now the bad guy.

A few of Nader's achievements: Ralph Nader's Achievements -- Ralph Nader for President in 2008

(An Unreasonable Man (Ralph Nader) - YouTube)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw, 'Man and Superman'

Ralph Nader Documentary, An Unreasonable Man

Ralph Nader is not a hero, heroes are people who risk their lives to help others, all he did is make a lot of noise about things no one in the universe actually cares about. He had absolutely nothing to do with making anything safer, and he certainly had nothing to do with air bags or seat belts.
Nader did some great things and should be applauded for them. I know he couldn't have known what evil he would help bring upon the world when he helped Bush Jr. get elected but whether he deserves it or not, that is how many will remember him.

Especially because he ran AGAIN after that. It's very hard to forgive him for it.

Great things? Henry Ford did great things, Ralph Nader thinks video game developers are no different than child molesters.
Nader lied about the Corvair! He rigged the car to flip on film for personal gain. He used that to launch a carrer that took other cars off the road that were safe and robbed people to make their own choices. He built on the idea that we are too stupid to make good decisions for ourselves.
He took away the right to choose.... He was not a good man. he was a politician with an agenda to rob people of their right to choose for themselves and to protect them from bad decisions that they were not allowed to make.

So... do you let your kids not buckle their seatbelts? :confused::confused::confused:

If I did it wouldn't be your business, would it?
Your food is safe, a seat belt saved your life, a close friend is alive because of an airbag, your children drink clean water, the toys your grandchildren play with are safer, the air is cleaner, the open space is still open. Who did this? Was it the market? Was it Congress? Was it a corporation? Was it the Supreme Court? Was it 'truth justice and the American way?' Hm, maybe a little bit of that. Much of it grew out of the efforts of one man, Ralph Nader. Amazing, huh. While some blame Nader for Gore's loss, Florida's ballots and republican control, along with the corporate wing of the Supreme Court settled that election. Gore also suffered from the same ailment that Romney possessed, inauthenticity.

The interaction of Nader Raiders and government has had an odd consequence, while America praises individualism of the kind Nader demonstrated, corporate America only cares about profit and the power it buys them. GM going after Nader over car safety proved a large mistake. Instead the enemy becomes not the concerned individual, but the entity tasked with enforcing a good one person brought to society's attention. Today through the concerted effort of corporate propaganda, the government is the problem. The discussion must never focus on public good. Corporate exploitation of tax law, regulation, or the environment has created a wonderful distraction. The individual remains sacrosanct in American folklore; Government is now the bad guy.

A few of Nader's achievements: Ralph Nader's Achievements -- Ralph Nader for President in 2008

(An Unreasonable Man (Ralph Nader) - YouTube)

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw, 'Man and Superman'

Ralph Nader Documentary, An Unreasonable Man

Ralph Nader is not a hero, heroes are people who risk their lives to help others, all he did is make a lot of noise about things no one in the universe actually cares about. He had absolutely nothing to do with making anything safer, and he certainly had nothing to do with air bags or seat belts.
Are you this stupid in real life, or is it an act on the internet?

Of course Nader saved lives. You're obviously too young to know about such things.

Did you miss the part about heroes risking their lives?
From Wiki:
" ...characters who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self sacrifice—that is, heroism—for some greater good of all humanity."
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Nader lied about the Corvair! He rigged the car to flip on film for personal gain. He used that to launch a carrer that took other cars off the road that were safe and robbed people to make their own choices. He built on the idea that we are too stupid to make good decisions for ourselves.
He took away the right to choose.... He was not a good man. he was a politician with an agenda to rob people of their right to choose for themselves and to protect them from bad decisions that they were not allowed to make.

You beat me to it..... I had a 65 Corvair, my first car, I paid 250 dollars for it in 1972...... loved that car! It handled very well and got great fuel mileage. It was a great looking car too.
That prick Nader screwed that car..... I wouldn't doubt he was behind 6o Minutes destruction of my Jeep CJ-5 also. I drove the piss out of that Jeep and never got it up on two wheels but sixty minutes rolled one at 25 miles per hour. Insurance became very expensive on that short model..... they soon extended the wheelbase around 10 inches and created the CJ-7.....good Jeep but nowhere close to being as nimble in the woods on tight trails.
Why are the police permitted to stop vehicles to check for papers, alcohol levels or any other reason other than clear infractions?
Without endorsing them, there are many facets of social living that impinge upon the 'rights' and 'privacy' of the individual in the interests of others.
Another American hero Scott Prouty. The Chinese story was amazing on a number of levels.

[ame=]Meet Scott Prouty The Man Who Secretly Videoed Mitt Romney Talking About The 47% - YouTube[/ame]
Ralph Nader is not a hero, heroes are people who risk their lives to help others, all he did is make a lot of noise about things no one in the universe actually cares about. He had absolutely nothing to do with making anything safer, and he certainly had nothing to do with air bags or seat belts.

Making safety part of our consciousness is hardly nothing. He let us know we didn't have to just accept anything Detroit had to offer. When manufacturers are all doing the same thing, where's the choice? Look what they did to Tucker when he tried to change the way cars were made.
American cars were bloody death traps. Me and probably everyone of my generation knows people who died in accidents that, had they been in modern cars, they'd have survived probably in many cases without a scratch.

It did not have to be that way, not even back then

TWO WORDS describe how backwards DETRIOT used to be: SEATBELTS and RADIAL TIRES

DETROIT fought like hell to keep them out of US autos.

Why? I'll leave that question to your imaginations.

Now, in part thanks to people like NADER the cars we drive they are much safer
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Nader lied about the Corvair! He rigged the car to flip on film for personal gain. He used that to launch a carrer that took other cars off the road that were safe and robbed people to make their own choices. He built on the idea that we are too stupid to make good decisions for ourselves.
He took away the right to choose.... He was not a good man. he was a politician with an agenda to rob people of their right to choose for themselves and to protect them from bad decisions that they were not allowed to make.

So... do you let your kids not buckle their seatbelts? :confused::confused::confused:

Did you use seatbelts as a child?

I posted this question earlier but for some reason, unexplained to me, it was removed.

There is nothing uncivil about the question.
Ralph Nader is not a hero, heroes are people who risk their lives to help others, all he did is make a lot of noise about things no one in the universe actually cares about. He had absolutely nothing to do with making anything safer, and he certainly had nothing to do with air bags or seat belts.

Making safety part of our consciousness is hardly nothing. He let us know we didn't have to just accept anything Detroit had to offer. When manufacturers are all doing the same thing, where's the choice? Look what they did to Tucker when he tried to change the way cars were made.

Was I unclear? Nader did nothing to make anything safer, he made up stories to scare people, and capitalized on that fear to make a name for himself. If you think that raises awareness about safety you are more than welcome to your opinion, I think it actually makes people less concerned about it because they end up thinking that other people are protecting them from stupid dangers.

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