...An action movie. 40 minutes of January 6th. A 'must watch'...

2 minutes of that crap established the tone.
But it went on for 40 minutes...each more chilling than the next.

I've seen many of those videos before but seeing them all together gives it a whole new perspective
"Check them for being homo and 1/6 hate hoax blows up..."

Poster Oddball....poster EMH is offering you sound advice.
Go check out those Kevlar-overdosed Oathkeepers for homosexuality.
I have no idea how you would do it, but........it appears EMH does.
And, importantly, poster EMH thinks you have the stuff to ferret out secret gay guys.

So, consult with him on how to turn on your GAYDAR......and go on a seek & find mission.
Let us know how you fare.

Good luck.
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

Did you find the looting all last summer by leftists chilling? Not so much, huh? What about the fires they set and the looting? That's still a big no, huh?

Funny how things are only chilling to you when it serves your political bigotry
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

Yep, get those BLM activists involved and no telling what will happen.
"Did you find the looting all last summer by leftists chilling"

Focus, poster 'kaz'...focus.
Today's topic is the 40-minute video compilation of the January 6th insurrection.

If you wish to autopsy the civil unrest stemming from the George Floyd murder, well.......well, start a thread on it.

We are talking about one thing......and you insert something else.
No disrespect intended, but......but that sorta kinda comes across as a 'blonde'-thing. No?

Focus, kaz, focus.
Keep your head in this game and don't daydream.

By the way, as long as we are talking about the events of January 6th, we'd be interested in reading your thoughtful considered opinion of that 40-minutes video.......AFTER you've watched it.

Good luck
Yep, get those BLM activists involved.......

Et tu, Brute?

Here, me and my avatar have been under the impression you were woke enough to stay on topic.

OK, so let's do this poster 101, ....focus, focus.
Stay on this topic lest folks think of you a blonde dingbat who can't stick with one topic for more than 20 seconds.

Or, alternatively, go consult with poster EMH about ferreting out 'homosexuals' in that group of rioters on January 6th.
Maybe, if you are really good at ferreting such folks out.....you can find some of "those BLM activists" you seem so taken with.

Good luck. Good hunting.

ps......we would be interested in reading your thoughtful considered opinion of the 40-minute compilation AFTER you have watched it.

Good luck x2.
"As long as Chris Wray has those 14k hours......"

Well, EMH, free advice, and worth it: Start on those "14k hours".....by first watching the 40-minutes in the link.
That'll leave you just a bit over 13,000 hours to go searching for.

Think of it as 'due diligence'.
Even 'homework'.
Or 'preparation'.......
.....even, and no disrespect intended, but maybe think of it as reading the cooking instructions on the back of your TV dinner box.

Good luck.

I could also watch re-runs of Geraldo and springer and likely find the same homos when they were younger....
Yep, get those BLM activists involved.......

Et tu, Brute?

Here, me and my avatar have been under the impression you were woke enough to stay on topic.

OK, so let's do this poster 101, ....focus, focus.
Stay on this topic lest folks think of you a blonde dingbat who can't stick with one topic for more than 20 seconds.

Or, alternatively, go consult with poster EMH about ferreting out 'homosexuals' in that group of rioters on January 6th.
Maybe, if you are really good at ferreting such folks out.....you can find some of "those BLM activists" you seem so taken with.

Good luck. Good hunting.

ps......we would be interested in reading your thoughtful considered opinion of the 40-minute compilation AFTER you have watched it.

Good luck x2.

My bad, here I was under the impression this thread was about the "insurrection" on 1/6. Didn't realize it was a thread to allow you to spread your BS.
The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

Perhaps the capitol police shouldn't have refused national guard soldiers offered by Trump before 1/6, TWICE!!!!!! Ya think that's why palousey won't allow them to testify before the house committees?

The link below will illustrate 40 minutes of the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

I personally found it chilling.
Some pics I've seen before.....the vast majority of it though was new to me.

What it illustrates is how manifestly overwhelmed those Capitol police were.

5 here, 5 way over there......all to hold back a charging crowd numbering hundreds, eventually thousands.

After watching the kinetic energy directed at those officers it is amazing more weren't injured far more severely.

Still, what is so informative with this compilaton is that it give us....rightfielders and leftfielders....a far better schematic of the layout and the progress of the crowd towards each side and each entrance. I, for one, did not know there were that many entrances that had been breached. Too, the film identifies 3 entrances where the police stepped aside as rioters threatened them.....thus allowing entry.

This is riveting film.

I watched it. And upon the end went......."Whew!!

ps....if, for some reason, you cannot open the link I provide, well, google up then: day of rage new york times

I don't believe they are putting up a paywall on this reportage.

Thanks for sharing Chillicothe , interesting look inside mob mentality and manufactured outrage. Reminded me of scenes from pre-WW II Germany, all that was missing was brown uniforms and swastikas.
"Thanks for sharing......" ,
Sure thing, NF.
I was informed by a friend that this video was available with a little googling, so I quickly found it.
I wasn't expecting a whole lot of new stuff.
I was wrong.
And, as poster Lesh above hints....seeing it in a chronological order with illustrative maps was really helpful in gaining a better understanding of those events.
It was riveting for me.

On that day, January 6th, I was on the farm pruning apple trees. Was on a ladder when my bride called to inquire if I had seen the latest newsfeeds of what was happening in DC.
So I climbed down, and scrolled into either the Fox site or The Hill, I forget which.
And I was gobsmacked by what I saw.

I hustled all the equipment back into the barn and immediately went home to join my wife in watching the event.
To me it was like 9/11 or the Challenger explosion......it rivetted one to the telly.

And it seemed so ominous, so dire.
And then when I saw that message from Trump to the rioters-----immediately when it was made ----where "we love you and you are very special", and he talked about his "landslide" election victory. And both in the context of calling supporters to come to DC as "it will be wild". !!!

Well, if one couldn't condemn Don Trump's leadership of the United States of America after that.......then one was not a loyal citizen of the United States of America.
It was a traitorous, treasonous insurrection of the most in-your-face nature....perpetrated solely to disrupt the lawful, traditional, Constitutional requirement of certifying the national election. And as this video compilation clearly illustrates these mobsters threatened, beat, and injured uniformed officers of the law. And then went and vandalized the 'people's House' that they loudly claimed they had a right to do.


Lastly, on this Friday morning before I go to the fields-----I read last night a handful of responses to my OP from what I would describe as 'Tump supporters'.

It saddened me. I puzzle over why some folks, knowing full well that the majority of Americans think of the uber-Trump supporters as under-educated, under-informed, and blindly partisan. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Well, why would folks who recognize that so willingly validate it by their actions?

To criticize the video compilation in the most deprecating manner......without even watching it!
Well, it played right into the cliche'd stereotype of ill-educated ne'er-do-wells.


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"Thanks for sharing......" ,
Sure thing, NF.
I was informed by a friend that this video was available with a little googling, so I quickly found it.
I wasn't expecting a whole lot of new stuff.
I was wrong.
And, as poster Lesh above hints....seeing it in a chronological order with illustrative maps was really helpful in gaining a better understanding of those events.
It was riveting for me.

On that day, January 6th, I was on the farm pruning apple trees. Was on a ladder when my bride called to inquire if I had seen the latest newsfeeds of what was happening in DC.
So I climbed down, and scrolled into either the Fox site or The Hill, I forget which.
And I was gobsmacked by what I saw.

I hustled all the equipment back into the barn and immediately went home to join my wife in watching the event.
To me it was like 9/11 or the Challenger explosion......it rivetted one to the telly.

And it seemed so ominous, so dire.
And then when I saw that message from Trump to the rioters-----immediately when it was made ----where "we love you and you are very special", and he talked about his "landslide" election victory. And both in the context of calling supporters to come to DC as "it will be wild". !!!

Well, if one couldn't condemn Don Trump's leadership of the United States of America after that.......then one was not a loyal citizen of the United States of America.
It was a traitorous, treasonous insurrection of the most in-your-face nature....perpetrated solely to disrupt the lawful, traditional, Constitutional requirement of certifying the national election. And as this video compilation clearly illustrates these mobsters threatened, beat, and injured uniformed officers of the law. And then went and vandalized the 'people's House' that they loudly claimed they had a right to do.


Lastly, on this Friday morning before I go to the fields-----I read last night a handful of responses to my OP from what I would describe as 'Tump supporters'.

It saddened me. I puzzle over why some folks, knowing full well that the majority of Americans think of the uber-Trump supporters as under-educated, under-informed, misinformed, blindly partisan. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Well, why would folks who recognize that so willingly validate it by their actions?

To criticize the video compilation in the most deprecating manner......without even watching it!
Well, it played right into the cliche'd stereotype of ill-educated ne'er-do-wells.


Don’t take the responses to your post personally, people that have been programmed to seek only that which feeds their confirmation bias react negatively to anything that doesn’t fit there strongly held beliefs and often refuse to even consider it. It is sad but it’s just how human beings are wired, we instinctively avoid having to face the possibility that what we believe isn’t reality.

Unfortunately It’s all too prevalent in our INFOTAINMENT, social media inculcated society, it’s the victory of propaganda over reason.
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
"Did you find the looting all last summer by leftists chilling"

Focus, poster 'kaz'...focus.
Today's topic is the 40-minute video compilation of the January 6th insurrection.

If you wish to autopsy the civil unrest stemming from the George Floyd murder, well.......well, start a thread on it.

We are talking about one thing......and you insert something else.
No disrespect intended, but......but that sorta kinda comes across as a 'blonde'-thing. No?

Focus, kaz, focus.
Keep your head in this game and don't daydream.

By the way, as long as we are talking about the events of January 6th, we'd be interested in reading your thoughtful considered opinion of that 40-minutes video.......AFTER you've watched it.

Good luck

Yes, exactly, we are talking about one thing. Since you're stupid I'll explain it to you. My point is your flagrant hypocrisy. That means this isn't actually any sort of standard to you, just a partisan attack. If this were an issue to you, you'd have cared when it happened both ways. But no, you sit there and lamely say to ignore the man behind the curtain, we are talking about your political attack and not your lack of an actual standard.

Thanks for asking. You're welcome
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?
Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?
Is the woman who turned down extra security, Nancy Pelosi, in the Executive Branch?...Do you think that she wasn't a willing part of what transpired?....What ffederal branch does the DC Mayor inhabit?....Are you naive enough to believe that this couldn't transcend superficial things, like the auspices of which branch of The State under which you operate?

BTW, were you asleep while the blatantly partisan Mueller scam was being perpetrated?...Ever heard of Jim Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Andrew McCabe.....?

Maybe peruse this little news nugget, and ask yourself some questions....

Did the NY Slimes happen to mention the several buses of Pantifa rabble rouses, escorted by DC police no less, that were witnessed by scores of people being dropped off?
They say "Insurrection" we hear "Reichstag Fire"
Are you implying that Trump was attempting a false flag operation against his own government? I guess that might make sense if his cohorts attempted to blame it on their political opponents afterwards……..
No, that was likely perpetrated by the police/spook state....Most of the entrenched bureaucracy will go after anyone who seeks real honest change of the swamp.
Are you trying to imply that the Executive Branch fomented an assault on the Legislative Branch? After all it’s the Executive Branch that contains the vast majority of the “entrenched bureaucracy”?

So you mean how the President replaces the three million employees in the executive branch with people who are loyal to him.

You didn't seriously just say that
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