America’s Rotten Academic Establishment Vomits Out More Demented Anti-White Rhetoric


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The Dirty Dumb Democrats can't understand why the people who they hate will not vote for them.
So now they are on a propaganda campaign to demonize mainstream middle class white folks as being nazis and white supremacist.
I hope that their hate backfires on them.
What is really bad about all this is that these schools depend on the tax monies of the white working class....we should not be supporting anti white racism, radicals, socialists, communists etc. with our tax monies.

The "Divide & Conquer" strategy has always depended upon THREE key elements to bring that strategy to full realization; government(political) idolatry, racism, elitism(groupthink). Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin are four fairly recent examples of what a 'politically 'correct' education can do for a person. The Divide & Conquer strategy dates clear back to the Akkadian empire. I am reasonably sure that the D&C strategy existed before the Akkadian empire(why would it not have?), but because of some unusual activity that may have been happening on our planet earth back then the information for pre-Akkadian civilization appears to be doctored up to some degree.
What is really bad about all this is that these schools depend on the tax monies of the white working class....we should not be supporting anti white racism, radicals, socialists, communists etc. with our tax monies.

You were doing good until you said the schools depend on the "tax dollars of the white working class". It depends on tax dollars from all races of working class people's, and it also depends on state and federal money as well, and yes that is also given to them indirectly from all the working classes in this country as well.
It is ironic the Jews who control the US academia insist racism is bad, often pushing the "they first came for Jews" bullshit, and are clearly racists insist Whitey is racist, as they replace them in the West with savages who serve their purpose.
What is really bad about all this is that these schools depend on the tax monies of the white working class....we should not be supporting anti white racism, radicals, socialists, communists etc. with our tax monies.

Straight out of the right wing bible of hate of communists for beginners. And you fell for it. Apparently it wasn't happening under trump.
You're paranoid about communists.
What is really bad about all this is that these schools depend on the tax monies of the white working class....we should not be supporting anti white racism, radicals, socialists, communists etc. with our tax monies.

What's really funny is these people say crazy things to watch you go nuts.

You've been trolled, son!

Is Mt Carmel school teaching children to go out and murder police officers? Is it teaching them communist ideals? You need more proof of that than a video of some crazy lady ranting at a school board meeting.
Here is a good start. Over 200 colleges and universities in the US. Grade school and secondary schools aren’t being tracked yet. I am certain it is there and will grow, especially with Biden/Harris.

Critical Race Training in Education
So you can't name a single K/12 school where it is being taught. Imagine my surprise.

They aren’t tracking it evidently. I don’t live in a nutty leftist state, but I can imagine that if folks in the NE are speaking out about it at their school board meetings there is at the very least talk of adding it to their curriculum. Don’t be so naive. If they are teaching it in college, it most certainly will be in K-12 if not already. You know it, but don’t care.
What is really bad about all this is that these schools depend on the tax monies of the white working class....we should not be supporting anti white racism, radicals, socialists, communists etc. with our tax monies.

Fortunately, I was able to send my daughter to a STEM school where that garbage wasn't taught.
#6’s problem is that “black lives matter is a racist statement, and the lowered property values are directly related to blm baboons busting up the infrastructure, which catches the eye of those cocksucker progressive-liberal academicians who think they are hot shit elites for investing in real estate.
Here is a good start. Over 200 colleges and universities in the US. Grade school and secondary schools aren’t being tracked yet. I am certain it is there and will grow, especially with Biden/Harris.

Critical Race Training in Education
So you can't name a single K/12 school where it is being taught. Imagine my surprise.

They aren’t tracking it evidently. I don’t live in a nutty leftist state, but I can imagine that if folks in the NE are speaking out about it at their school board meetings there is at the very least talk of adding it to their curriculum. Don’t be so naive. If they are teaching it in college, it most certainly will be in K-12 if not already. You know it, but don’t care.
You're telling me that if any school was teaching it, fox, or Hannity, or Alex Jones, or OAN wouldn't be on top of it and have reporters interviewing every teacher, student, and crazy lady at school board meetings? Really?

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