Americas Rape Culture

There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.
Well at least, as a man, he's concerned about rape and rape culture.

You haven't read the threads where he and I have discussed the Industrial Scale Rape Rings that the government covered up and let operate in the UK.

When I attack those responsible, from the actual rapists to the government officials, he deflects, minimizes, and counter attacks.

He doesn't give a DAMN about Rape Victims, unless he can use them to advance his leftist agenda.
There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.

That isn't good enough for Dhara, or Tommy.

They want MORE.

I asked Dhara about "Mutual intoxication" and she misrepresented my statement as endorsing the use of drugging women without their knowledge and then raping their unconscious bodies.

Which demonstrates, that she wants a date where the man and the woman go dancing, get drunk, and go back to her place to have drunken sex, to be considered rape and for that completely innocent man to go to prison.
There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.

That isn't good enough for Dhara, or Tommy.

They want MORE.

I asked Dhara about "Mutual intoxication" and she misrepresented my statement as endorsing the use of drugging women without their knowledge and then raping their unconscious bodies.

Which demonstrates, that she wants a date where the man and the woman go dancing, get drunk, and go back to her place to have drunken sex, to be considered rape and for that completely innocent man to go to prison.

If both are drunk and it is consensual, then it is not rape in my opinion. If you cannot handle yourself while intoxicated, then you shouldn't get drunk. People are supposed to be responsible for their own behaviors.

I remember this story in particular, which I found bothersome.

Amherst Student Was Expelled for Rape. But He Was Raped, Evidence Shows.
There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.
I think we may disagree about what we're talking about in "rape culture" in the US. I posted examples. Where Tommy and I differ, is that I feel America isn't alone in having cultural displays that devalue women and are indirectly supportive of rape.
There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.
I think we may disagree about what we're talking about in "rape culture" in the US. I posted examples. Where Tommy and I differ, is that I feel America isn't alone in having cultural displays that devalue women and are indirectly supportive of rape.

I don't think Americans are generally "in support" of rape and there is no "rape culture" in the US. There is in the ME though!
Well at least, as a man, he's concerned about rape and rape culture.

I think it does a real disservice to those in countrires that have serious rape issues to claim America has a rape culture.
What countries do you think have "serious rape issues"? Isn't all rape serious?

We aren't talking about individual rapes - but a rape culture.

Where would you rather live - a country that has good laws concerning rape, where a woman is comfortable being able to report it, and where the victim isn't the one being prosecuted? Or a country where rape laws are few, and seldom enforced, where the burden of proof is on the woman and where, if reported, her reputation is ruined and she could be expelled, shunned, or murdered.

Campus rape is iffy because it is not always prosecuted under the law, but under the University rules. Sometimes those rules prevent the so-called rapist from defending himself against charges - he is expelled and his reputation is ruined.

False rape charges - like false pedo charges - are almost as bad as the real thing. Someone's life is ruined forever - even if exhonerated - the stain lingers (where there's smoke there's fire schtick).
I've known a couple of "women" in my time who have made false allegations. Although I do believe most allegations of rape are probably true (because it also "stains" the victim's reputation believe it or not, which should never be the case), there are some women out there who are real monsters.
There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.
I think we may disagree about what we're talking about in "rape culture" in the US. I posted examples. Where Tommy and I differ, is that I feel America isn't alone in having cultural displays that devalue women and are indirectly supportive of rape.
I think America has an over sexed culture. Don't all societies? After all, when it comes down to it, we'd be fools to deny we are nothing but animals in the end.

Included in that oversexed culture is the wink and nod to rape fetish. The reason it is tolerated, is because many women have rape fantasies. If they didn't, it wouldn't be tolerated.
Don’t Call Them “Rape Fantasies”
Study after study has revealed that one of women’s most popular erotic fantasies is being raped.

And as long as men are in power, they will empathize with those men who they seem to understand can't seem to control themselves.

If you don't believe me, go ask Bernie.


It's part of the human condition. We must rise above our baser instincts and toward our higher civilized, enlightened and nobler characteristics.

In our society? Men, women, children, animals, and the environment are not only being devalued, they are being raped.
There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.
I think we may disagree about what we're talking about in "rape culture" in the US. I posted examples. Where Tommy and I differ, is that I feel America isn't alone in having cultural displays that devalue women and are indirectly supportive of rape.
I think America has an over sexed culture. Don't all societies? After all, when it comes down to it, we'd be fools to deny we are nothing but animals in the end.

Included in that oversexed culture is the wink and nod to rape fetish. The reason it is tolerated, is because many women have rape fantasies. If they didn't, it wouldn't be tolerated.
Don’t Call Them “Rape Fantasies”
Study after study has revealed that one of women’s most popular erotic fantasies is being raped.

And as long as men are in power, they will empathize with those men who they seem to understand can't seem to control themselves.

If you don't believe me, go ask Bernie.


It's part of the human condition. We must rise above our baser instincts and toward our higher civilized, enlightened and nobler characteristics.

In our society? Men, women, children, animals, and the environment are not only being devalued, they are being raped.

Kurt's song is sarcasm about rape and statements such as yours. Lol. :D
"The song "Rape Me" is actually sarcastic and is about looking down upon rape and sexual assault. Kurt Cobain said in an interview that he heard someone say it's thought that most women who are raped are usually 'asking for it.' He thought, as everyone should, that that was ridiculous. Because it's not like a woman would ever actually be like "Hate me, do it and do it again, waste me, rape me my friend."
A bunch of women's associations got really offended by the song and the band. but they were like, hey we're on your side."

Campus rape is iffy because it is not always prosecuted under the law, but under the University rules. Sometimes those rules prevent the so-called rapist from defending himself against charges - he is expelled and his reputation is ruined.

False rape charges - like false pedo charges - are almost as bad as the real thing. Someone's life is ruined forever - even if exhonerated - the stain lingers (where there's smoke there's fire schtick).
Why would the Uni have jurisdiction ? Surely it would be a civil matter ? That would be fairer for everyone.
There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.
I think we may disagree about what we're talking about in "rape culture" in the US. I posted examples. Where Tommy and I differ, is that I feel America isn't alone in having cultural displays that devalue women and are indirectly supportive of rape.
I think America has an over sexed culture. Don't all societies? After all, when it comes down to it, we'd be fools to deny we are nothing but animals in the end.

Included in that oversexed culture is the wink and nod to rape fetish. The reason it is tolerated, is because many women have rape fantasies. If they didn't, it wouldn't be tolerated.
Don’t Call Them “Rape Fantasies”
Study after study has revealed that one of women’s most popular erotic fantasies is being raped.

And as long as men are in power, they will empathize with those men who they seem to understand can't seem to control themselves.

If you don't believe me, go ask Bernie.


It's part of the human condition. We must rise above our baser instincts and toward our higher civilized, enlightened and nobler characteristics.

In our society? Men, women, children, animals, and the environment are not only being devalued, they are being raped.

Kurt's song is sarcasm about rape and statements such as yours. Lol. :D

Bullshit, it's about surviving rape.

He told Spin, "It's like she's saying, 'Rape me, go ahead, rape me, beat me. You'll never kill me. I'll survive this and I'm gonna fucking rape you one of these days and you won't even know it.'"

It is also a protest song against the establishment. And establishment that encourages the raping of everyone.

Nirvana had wanted to play "Rape Me" during its performance at the 1992 MTV Video Music Awards. While MTV initially told the band they could play any song they wanted, the network later insisted that the group play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" instead. Hours before the show, Nirvana refused to play. However, due to concerns that the network could boycott other artists on the group's label if the group refused to play the show, Nirvana ultimately settled on performing its then-latest single "Lithium". At the start of the performance, Cobain started playing and singing "Rape Me" instead; he said he did so "just to give [MTV] a little heart palpitation". Panicked, MTV was moments away from switching from the live performance to a commercial when the band stopped playing "Rape Me" and started playing "Lithium".[3]

Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn

It's not about the money, it's about the message noob.

He died because he was fed up with this fucked up corrupt system that sucked his soul dry. One can only self-medicate to relieve the pain so much. Don't be an idiot.
There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.
I think we may disagree about what we're talking about in "rape culture" in the US. I posted examples. Where Tommy and I differ, is that I feel America isn't alone in having cultural displays that devalue women and are indirectly supportive of rape.
I think America has an over sexed culture. Don't all societies? After all, when it comes down to it, we'd be fools to deny we are nothing but animals in the end.

Included in that oversexed culture is the wink and nod to rape fetish. The reason it is tolerated, is because many women have rape fantasies. If they didn't, it wouldn't be tolerated.
Don’t Call Them “Rape Fantasies”
Study after study has revealed that one of women’s most popular erotic fantasies is being raped.

And as long as men are in power, they will empathize with those men who they seem to understand can't seem to control themselves.

If you don't believe me, go ask Bernie.


It's part of the human condition. We must rise above our baser instincts and toward our higher civilized, enlightened and nobler characteristics.

In our society? Men, women, children, animals, and the environment are not only being devalued, they are being raped.

Kurt's song is sarcasm about rape and statements such as yours. Lol. :D

Bullshit, it's about surviving rape.

He told Spin, "It's like she's saying, 'Rape me, go ahead, rape me, beat me. You'll never kill me. I'll survive this and I'm gonna fucking rape you one of these days and you won't even know it.'"

It is also a protest song against the establishment. And establishment that encourages the raping of everyone.

Nirvana had wanted to play "Rape Me" during its performance at the 1992 MTV Video Music Awards. While MTV initially told the band they could play any song they wanted, the network later insisted that the group play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" instead. Hours before the show, Nirvana refused to play. However, due to concerns that the network could boycott other artists on the group's label if the group refused to play the show, Nirvana ultimately settled on performing its then-latest single "Lithium". At the start of the performance, Cobain started playing and singing "Rape Me" instead; he said he did so "just to give [MTV] a little heart palpitation". Panicked, MTV was moments away from switching from the live performance to a commercial when the band stopped playing "Rape Me" and started playing "Lithium".[3]

Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn

It's not about the money, it's about the message noob.

He died because he was fed up with this fucked up corrupt system that sucked his soul dry. One can only self-medicate to relieve the pain so much. Don't be an idiot.

I see you are losing your "cool" and resorting to name calling. Lol. I also notice that you left this out of your post, "Kurt Cobain conceived "Rape Me" as a life-affirming anti-rape song." :D
There is no "rape culture" in the United States. Like I mentioned earlier, if you want to talk about "rape culture," you need to look towards the Middle East. Allegations of rape made here in the US are investigated, and if the perpetrator is found "guilty" they are then prosecuted.
I think we may disagree about what we're talking about in "rape culture" in the US. I posted examples. Where Tommy and I differ, is that I feel America isn't alone in having cultural displays that devalue women and are indirectly supportive of rape.
I think America has an over sexed culture. Don't all societies? After all, when it comes down to it, we'd be fools to deny we are nothing but animals in the end.

Included in that oversexed culture is the wink and nod to rape fetish. The reason it is tolerated, is because many women have rape fantasies. If they didn't, it wouldn't be tolerated.
Don’t Call Them “Rape Fantasies”
Study after study has revealed that one of women’s most popular erotic fantasies is being raped.

And as long as men are in power, they will empathize with those men who they seem to understand can't seem to control themselves.

If you don't believe me, go ask Bernie.


It's part of the human condition. We must rise above our baser instincts and toward our higher civilized, enlightened and nobler characteristics.

In our society? Men, women, children, animals, and the environment are not only being devalued, they are being raped.

Kurt's song is sarcasm about rape and statements such as yours. Lol. :D

Bullshit, it's about surviving rape.

He told Spin, "It's like she's saying, 'Rape me, go ahead, rape me, beat me. You'll never kill me. I'll survive this and I'm gonna fucking rape you one of these days and you won't even know it.'"

It is also a protest song against the establishment. And establishment that encourages the raping of everyone.

Nirvana had wanted to play "Rape Me" during its performance at the 1992 MTV Video Music Awards. While MTV initially told the band they could play any song they wanted, the network later insisted that the group play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" instead. Hours before the show, Nirvana refused to play. However, due to concerns that the network could boycott other artists on the group's label if the group refused to play the show, Nirvana ultimately settled on performing its then-latest single "Lithium". At the start of the performance, Cobain started playing and singing "Rape Me" instead; he said he did so "just to give [MTV] a little heart palpitation". Panicked, MTV was moments away from switching from the live performance to a commercial when the band stopped playing "Rape Me" and started playing "Lithium".[3]

Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn

It's not about the money, it's about the message noob.

He died because he was fed up with this fucked up corrupt system that sucked his soul dry. One can only self-medicate to relieve the pain so much. Don't be an idiot.

I see you are losing your "cool" and resorting to name calling. Lol. I also notice that you left this out of your post, "Kurt Cobain conceived "Rape Me" as a life-affirming anti-rape song." :D

Fine, you're right, I'm getting frustrated because I believe we are talking about the same thing, but I believe you are being too obtuse to pick up on that fact.
I think we may disagree about what we're talking about in "rape culture" in the US. I posted examples. Where Tommy and I differ, is that I feel America isn't alone in having cultural displays that devalue women and are indirectly supportive of rape.
I think America has an over sexed culture. Don't all societies? After all, when it comes down to it, we'd be fools to deny we are nothing but animals in the end.

Included in that oversexed culture is the wink and nod to rape fetish. The reason it is tolerated, is because many women have rape fantasies. If they didn't, it wouldn't be tolerated.
Don’t Call Them “Rape Fantasies”
Study after study has revealed that one of women’s most popular erotic fantasies is being raped.

And as long as men are in power, they will empathize with those men who they seem to understand can't seem to control themselves.

If you don't believe me, go ask Bernie.


It's part of the human condition. We must rise above our baser instincts and toward our higher civilized, enlightened and nobler characteristics.

In our society? Men, women, children, animals, and the environment are not only being devalued, they are being raped.

Kurt's song is sarcasm about rape and statements such as yours. Lol. :D

Bullshit, it's about surviving rape.

He told Spin, "It's like she's saying, 'Rape me, go ahead, rape me, beat me. You'll never kill me. I'll survive this and I'm gonna fucking rape you one of these days and you won't even know it.'"

It is also a protest song against the establishment. And establishment that encourages the raping of everyone.

Nirvana had wanted to play "Rape Me" during its performance at the 1992 MTV Video Music Awards. While MTV initially told the band they could play any song they wanted, the network later insisted that the group play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" instead. Hours before the show, Nirvana refused to play. However, due to concerns that the network could boycott other artists on the group's label if the group refused to play the show, Nirvana ultimately settled on performing its then-latest single "Lithium". At the start of the performance, Cobain started playing and singing "Rape Me" instead; he said he did so "just to give [MTV] a little heart palpitation". Panicked, MTV was moments away from switching from the live performance to a commercial when the band stopped playing "Rape Me" and started playing "Lithium".[3]

Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn

It's not about the money, it's about the message noob.

He died because he was fed up with this fucked up corrupt system that sucked his soul dry. One can only self-medicate to relieve the pain so much. Don't be an idiot.

I see you are losing your "cool" and resorting to name calling. Lol. I also notice that you left this out of your post, "Kurt Cobain conceived "Rape Me" as a life-affirming anti-rape song." :D

Fine, you're right, I'm getting frustrated because I believe we are talking about the same thing, but I believe you are being too obtuse to pick up on that fact.

I don't know about that. Lol. You believe that women want to be raped? No, they do not. Rape "fantasies" are limited to men the women find attractive. That is not usually the way it goes in a real rape. Real rape is not pleasant, you get beaten and humiliated in most instances. It is a tactic of humiliation and degradation. It doesn't even have much to do with "sex" for most rapists.

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