America's Poorest White Town

Sorry I have to make you acually think. Your being fed poison and you don't even know it. Your race takes the welfare. That keeps them in the urban plantations also known as projects set up and to this day ran by the democrats. Their killing your race and you really ought to care. I am not a racist just pointing out things that need to be said to get fixed. I have too because I sure don't see ANY black leaders talking about father absence in the black race. I don't hear them talk about all the black on black killings. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton only show up long enough to get on tv and then they are gone as always.
I have been thinking far longer than you have. The republican party tried making slavery constitutional, so please spare me the paternalism white man. You bring up irrelevant white racist talking points. Yes things need to be fixed starting with white republicans shutting the fuck up with their opinions. The fact is this: THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEMS BLACKS FACE IS WHITE RACISM.
YoursTruly said:
Democrats burned more crosses, protested against desegregation, fought FOR slavery, hung more blacks, than republicans ever thought about.

And now, still treating blacks like their skin color is a disability. Regardless of the fact that there are millions of middle class, upper middle class, millionaires and billionaires in this country, who didn't use their race as a

Whites have used race as a handicap from jump. Those like yourstruly live with a psychosis as it pertains to the issue of race.

There are 7 black billionaires in America. 7 out of 48 million.

Republicans wrote and got the Corwin Amendment passed. That amendment would have made slavery constitutional. So spare us the lies about the republican party.
YoursTruly said:
Democrats burned more crosses, protested against desegregation, fought FOR slavery, hung more blacks, than republicans ever thought about.

And now, still treating blacks like their skin color is a disability. Regardless of the fact that there are millions of middle class, upper middle class, millionaires and billionaires in this country, who didn't use their race as a

Whites have used race as a handicap from jump. Those like yourstruly live with a psychosis as it pertains to the issue of race.

There are 7 black billionaires in America. 7 out of 48 million.

Republicans wrote and got the Corwin Amendment passed. That amendment would have made slavery constitutional. So spare us the lies about the republican party.
You are such a victim. Cry me a river man. Pull up your big boy pants and take personal responsibilty. I have had hard life and not once have blamed anyone for it. I never expect anyone else to come to my rescue and fix my problems. You have the same opportunity that I have. Same rights as I have. Suck it up buttercup and be a man.
You can respond to whatever you wish to, and I will choose whether to acknowledge it, or not.

Likely it will be the latter. Typically I don't waste any time on individuals or topics that are of no interest to me.

No prob.

But I will always be there to help you become a better person.
You've been shown that unmarried births are irrelevant.

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed the blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors.

"Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."

Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, Education Alone Can't Close The Racial Wage Gap, Education Alone Can't Close The Racial Wage Gap

"In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure."

Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap, pg. 11 Value of Whiteness_0.pdf

Everything you believe is wrong.

View attachment 611996

I actually appreciate the effort you....finally....put into a respone.

Especially using Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the smartest Democrat ever elected....proven here:
"In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers."

Of course he was correct:

Statistics on children of single parents.

Posted By: Dave4Ashley <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, 21 January 2009, at 10:13 a.m.

Single Mothers, the Children, their Homes and the obvious case for Equal Shared Parenting
Compiled by Paul Clements FRA (US)

37.8% of single mothers are divorced, 41% never married, and only 6.5% widows.
Brookings Institute, “Assessing the Impact of Welfare Reform on Single Mothers”, Part 2, 3/22/04

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

In 1996, 70% of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long sentences, were raised by single mothers. Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, NO.6, June, 1997

72% of juvenile murderers, and 60% of rapists came from single mother homes.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live?” Tyndale House , 2004, p.323

70% of teen births occur to girls in single mother homes.
David T. Lykken, “Reconstructing Fathers”, American Psychologist 55, 681,681, 2000

70% of drop-outs, and 70% of teen suicides come from single mother homes.
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents,” IMPRIMIS 26, N0. 6, June 1997

70% of runaways, 70% of juvenile delinquents, and 70% of Child murderers, come from single mother homes.
Richard E. Redding, “It’s Really About Sex”, Duke Univ. Journal of Gender Law and Policy, Jan.1, 2008

“Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous, and more likely to end up divorced.”
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, No.6, June, 1997

“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31

63% of all youth suicides,
70% of all teen pregnancies,
71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
80% of all prison inmates, and
90% of all homeless and runaway children came from single mother homes.
Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)

Children brought up in single mother homes are:
5 times more likely to commit suicide,
9 times more likely to drop out of high school,
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances,
14 times more likely to commit rape,
20 times more likely to end up in prison,
32 times more likely to run away from home.
Chuck Eddy, “The Daddy Shady Show”, Village Voice, Dec. 31, 2002

“America has more than twice as many teenage births as other developed nations.”
Isabel V.Sawhill, to House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Human Resources, June 29, 1999

86% of American teen births are out of wedlock.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future of Marriage In America”, Rutgers Univ., The National Marriage Project, 2007

600,000 out of wedlock births in 1979.
Patrick Fagan and William H.G.Fitzgerald, “Why Serious Welfare Reform Must Include Serious Adoption Reform. Heritage Foundation Reports, July 27, 1995

Less than 1% of children born to never married women were placed for adoption from 1989 to 1995.
U.S. DHHS, Child Welfare Information Gateway, “Voluntary Relinquishment For Adoption, Numbers and trends, 2005

In 2003, there were 1.5 Million unwed births, and less than 1% were put up for adoption.
Fagan and Fitzgerald (above)

Only 4% of college graduates have illegitimate children, and only 16% of college graduates get divorced, compared to 46% of high school dropouts, who marry in smaller numbers to begin with.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future Of Marriage In America; “The Frayed Knot – Marriage in America”, The Economist, May 26, 2007

50% of single mothers are below the poverty line, their children are 6 times more likely to be in poverty than children with married parents.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live”, Tyndale House.

85% of homeless families are single mother families.
Barry H. Waldman and Stephen P. Perlman, “Homeless Children With Disabilities, “ The Exceptional Parent, June 1, 2008 (American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry

90% of welfare recipients are single mothers.
Jason DeParle, “Raising Kevion”, New York Times, Aug. 22, 2004

There were 3 million single mothers in 1970 and 10 million in 2003.
U.S. Census, Table FM-2, All Parent/Child Situations, by Type, Race, and Hispanic origin of Householder, 1970 to 2003

The illegitimacy rate went up more than 300% since 1970.
House Ways and Means Committee, Nonmarital Births to Adults and Teenagers and Federal Strategies to Reduce Nonmarital Pregnancies, appendix “M”, 2003

I hope you've learned from this.
No prob.

But I will always be there to help you become a better person.

I am already as well as can be, and if I need improvement, I have the resources to handle that without you.

Obviously, you've got your hands full managing yourself.

However, your delusions of granduer are quite entertaining......for today only.

So enjoy my attention...... while it lasts.
I am already as well as can be, and if I need improvement, I have the resources to handle that without you.

Obviously, you've got your hands full managing yourself.

However, your delusions of granduer are quite entertaining......for today only.

So enjoy my attention...... while it lasts.

"Obviously, you've got your hands full managing yourself."

How so?
I actually appreciate the effort you....finally....put into a respone.

Especially using Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the smartest Democrat ever elected....proven here:
"In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers."

Of course he was correct:

Statistics on children of single parents.

Posted By: Dave4Ashley <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, 21 January 2009, at 10:13 a.m.

Single Mothers, the Children, their Homes and the obvious case for Equal Shared Parenting
Compiled by Paul Clements FRA (US)

37.8% of single mothers are divorced, 41% never married, and only 6.5% widows.
Brookings Institute, “Assessing the Impact of Welfare Reform on Single Mothers”, Part 2, 3/22/04

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”.
C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998

In 1996, 70% of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long sentences, were raised by single mothers. Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, NO.6, June, 1997

72% of juvenile murderers, and 60% of rapists came from single mother homes.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live?” Tyndale House , 2004, p.323

70% of teen births occur to girls in single mother homes.
David T. Lykken, “Reconstructing Fathers”, American Psychologist 55, 681,681, 2000

70% of drop-outs, and 70% of teen suicides come from single mother homes.
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents,” IMPRIMIS 26, N0. 6, June 1997

70% of runaways, 70% of juvenile delinquents, and 70% of Child murderers, come from single mother homes.
Richard E. Redding, “It’s Really About Sex”, Duke Univ. Journal of Gender Law and Policy, Jan.1, 2008

“Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous, and more likely to end up divorced.”
Wade Horn, “Why There Is No Substitute For Parents”, IMPRIMIS 26, No.6, June, 1997

“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.”
Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31

63% of all youth suicides,
70% of all teen pregnancies,
71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
80% of all prison inmates, and
90% of all homeless and runaway children came from single mother homes.
Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)

Children brought up in single mother homes are:
5 times more likely to commit suicide,
9 times more likely to drop out of high school,
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances,
14 times more likely to commit rape,
20 times more likely to end up in prison,
32 times more likely to run away from home.
Chuck Eddy, “The Daddy Shady Show”, Village Voice, Dec. 31, 2002

“America has more than twice as many teenage births as other developed nations.”
Isabel V.Sawhill, to House Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Human Resources, June 29, 1999

86% of American teen births are out of wedlock.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future of Marriage In America”, Rutgers Univ., The National Marriage Project, 2007

600,000 out of wedlock births in 1979.
Patrick Fagan and William H.G.Fitzgerald, “Why Serious Welfare Reform Must Include Serious Adoption Reform. Heritage Foundation Reports, July 27, 1995

Less than 1% of children born to never married women were placed for adoption from 1989 to 1995.
U.S. DHHS, Child Welfare Information Gateway, “Voluntary Relinquishment For Adoption, Numbers and trends, 2005

In 2003, there were 1.5 Million unwed births, and less than 1% were put up for adoption.
Fagan and Fitzgerald (above)

Only 4% of college graduates have illegitimate children, and only 16% of college graduates get divorced, compared to 46% of high school dropouts, who marry in smaller numbers to begin with.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future Of Marriage In America; “The Frayed Knot – Marriage in America”, The Economist, May 26, 2007

50% of single mothers are below the poverty line, their children are 6 times more likely to be in poverty than children with married parents.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live”, Tyndale House.

85% of homeless families are single mother families.
Barry H. Waldman and Stephen P. Perlman, “Homeless Children With Disabilities, “ The Exceptional Parent, June 1, 2008 (American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry

90% of welfare recipients are single mothers.
Jason DeParle, “Raising Kevion”, New York Times, Aug. 22, 2004

There were 3 million single mothers in 1970 and 10 million in 2003.
U.S. Census, Table FM-2, All Parent/Child Situations, by Type, Race, and Hispanic origin of Householder, 1970 to 2003

The illegitimacy rate went up more than 300% since 1970.
House Ways and Means Committee, Nonmarital Births to Adults and Teenagers and Federal Strategies to Reduce Nonmarital Pregnancies, appendix “M”, 2003

I hope you've learned from this.
Moniyhan was wrong and single mothers aren't the problem.

You've been shown that, so face reality.
"Obviously, you've got your hands full managing yourself."

Seems you know you were lying when you said that.

Clearly you need my help to be a better person.

Step one: stop lying.
The man you're talking to (katsteve) has accomplished things you never will. You're an idiot talking trash online. Go do some laundry.
You are such a victim. Cry me a river man. Pull up your big boy pants and take personal responsibilty. I have had hard life and not once have blamed anyone for it. I never expect anyone else to come to my rescue and fix my problems. You have the same opportunity that I have. Same rights as I have. Suck it up buttercup and be a man.
I laugh when white people say this kind of shit. You don't know what personal responsibility is. I don't blame, I speak reality. You know nothing about manhood. A man faces reality and doesn't lie to himself about it. Laws written on paper don't mean shit if they aren't followed. Don't tell me about rights until you turn black and live. The only "victims" in this country are white men like you who have been given every preference then cry about how hard you've had it. You can't blame anyone because no one has created policies to deny white men of opportunity and you don't have to walk into an interview in a room full of whites who know they aren't going to give you a job, but they can count you for the EEOC. Don't lecture me son, not until you turn black and have walked in my shoes.
Moniyhan was wrong and single mothers aren't the problem.

You've been shown that, so face reality.

I just proved that single motherhood is exactly the problem: the result is prison and/or poverty.

Face facts: you are ethically unprepared for truth.
The man you're talking to (katsteve) has accomplished things you never will. You're an idiot talking trash online. Go do some laundry.

I'm have to check that.....neither Columbia nor Yale found me to be an idiot.

Is it possibly you've made yet another mistake?
How did this occur and why are all the racists on this site obsessing with so called "black culture" and the alleged failings of the black community when they have their own communities with the exact same failings that they're always wanting to attribute to only the black race.

You all had how many hundreds of years of a head start and you still haven't pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and accomplished great things for the human race, yet you constantly bitch and moan about any progress black people make, to the point that your go-to strategy is to burn everything down that surpasses your accomplishment.

While I have compassion for these people, far too many of you appear to not even know that there is any such thing as poor white people living in such dire conditions and relying wholely or mostly off of government assistance. Or that there are areas where all of the criminals are white (an extremely rare occurence according to Tipsycatlover).
But but but they have white privilege
"Obviously, you've got your hands full managing yourself."

Seems you know you were lying when you said that.

Clearly you need my help to be a better person.
Step one: stop lying.

As you often hilariously state:

"I never lie".

And just to add a caveat, I have no reason to, ESPECIALLY in a forum where people generally remain anonymous.

Speaking only for myself, I call everything that I observe, exactly how I see it, and for some, coming to terms with that fact is very difficult for them to accept.

That being said, for rest of this
ONE DAY, I am open to assisting you in working through your issues.

Give it some thought.

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