America's missing kids: Amid COVID and online school, thousands of students haven't shown up


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Before life went sideways in March, Jennifer Ludtke and her daughters were deeply rooted in the public schools in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Ludtke was a principal of a charter high school and had previously worked in the Clark County School District, and her daughters took advanced classes at a district middle school.

But this year, after a lot of research about COVID-19 and schooling options, and after the district announced it was starting virtually, Ludtke withdrew the girls and enrolled them in a state college that offers online classes. They’re earning both college and high school credit in English and math. (Because the girls are only 12 and 13, the college administrators asked to interview them first — then offered them a grant toward tuition.)

Ludtke herself resigned from her principal role and stepped back to teaching, which leaves her time to homeschool her daughters in their other necessary subjects, such as social studies and physical education. The girls hadn't learned much in the spring when Clark County moved to remote instruction, she said, and the combination of college classes and homeschooling seemed to be the most rigorous option.

Her kids do well because she is a teacher and can navigate the system. She is able to provide support. That's not how it works for a whole lot of kids. Sometimes it looks like one more way to dumb kids down.
We've been fighting to get out kid online with the classes. It has not be a trivial task. I can certainly see people less capable failing.
I have about 100 online students this year (high school, 11th and 12th grades), plus an additional 70 or so face-to-face.

I have 42 kids failing at the moment because they haven't turned in a single assignment. Almost all of whom are online students and most of whom are seniors and I teach a core class so it's a gradation requirement. I've emailed parents (for a paper trail), called them, requested conference night meetings, etc. I've done everything I can do short of doing the work for the kids. 42 out of 175ish have handed in zero work. We're 1 1/2 months into the school year.

I'm not going to pass them-if they were trying and not passing I'd be willing to work with them and give them opportunities to pass.
I have about 100 online students this year (high school, 11th and 12th grades), plus an additional 70 or so face-to-face.

I have 42 kids failing at the moment because they haven't turned in a single assignment. Almost all of whom are online students and most of whom are seniors and I teach a core class so it's a gradation requirement. I've emailed parents (for a paper trail), called them, requested conference night meetings, etc. I've done everything I can do short of doing the work for the kids. 42 out of 175ish have handed in zero work. We're 1 1/2 months into the school year.

I'm not going to pass them-if they were trying and not passing I'd be willing to work with them and give them opportunities to pass.

My child was given a computer that does not accept one of the math programs to do a test. We are unable to log on.

We are bright people, with time and energy.

You got some single mom, who is exhausted and not bright? We as a society has set her and her child up to fail.

I have about 100 online students this year (high school, 11th and 12th grades), plus an additional 70 or so face-to-face.

I have 42 kids failing at the moment because they haven't turned in a single assignment. Almost all of whom are online students and most of whom are seniors and I teach a core class so it's a gradation requirement. I've emailed parents (for a paper trail), called them, requested conference night meetings, etc. I've done everything I can do short of doing the work for the kids. 42 out of 175ish have handed in zero work. We're 1 1/2 months into the school year.

I'm not going to pass them-if they were trying and not passing I'd be willing to work with them and give them opportunities to pass.

My child was given a computer that does not accept one of the math programs to do a test. We are unable to log on.

We are bright people, with time and energy.

You got some single mom, who is exhausted and not bright? We as a society has set her and her child up to fail.


Re-read my post. My school is currently open the only students who're doing online learning are the ones whose parents have elected for online learning.
I have about 100 online students this year (high school, 11th and 12th grades), plus an additional 70 or so face-to-face.

I have 42 kids failing at the moment because they haven't turned in a single assignment. Almost all of whom are online students and most of whom are seniors and I teach a core class so it's a gradation requirement. I've emailed parents (for a paper trail), called them, requested conference night meetings, etc. I've done everything I can do short of doing the work for the kids. 42 out of 175ish have handed in zero work. We're 1 1/2 months into the school year.

I'm not going to pass them-if they were trying and not passing I'd be willing to work with them and give them opportunities to pass.

My child was given a computer that does not accept one of the math programs to do a test. We are unable to log on.

We are bright people, with time and energy.

You got some single mom, who is exhausted and not bright? We as a society has set her and her child up to fail.


Re-read my post. My school is currently open the only students who're doing online learning are the ones whose parents have elected for online learning.

Yes, they should be sending them to school then.

They might be afraid, due to all the panicmongering from the LEft.
I have about 100 online students this year (high school, 11th and 12th grades), plus an additional 70 or so face-to-face.

I have 42 kids failing at the moment because they haven't turned in a single assignment. Almost all of whom are online students and most of whom are seniors and I teach a core class so it's a gradation requirement. I've emailed parents (for a paper trail), called them, requested conference night meetings, etc. I've done everything I can do short of doing the work for the kids. 42 out of 175ish have handed in zero work. We're 1 1/2 months into the school year.

I'm not going to pass them-if they were trying and not passing I'd be willing to work with them and give them opportunities to pass.

What do you teach? I'm just curious.
The schools here had to shut down because of the virus. As many as 20 teachers may have it as well as students. There are no substitutes willing to come in and the face to face is now shut down as there aren't enough adults to cover. Top that off with bus drivers refusing to drive now. I blame america. The world's greatest wealthiest nation got caught with it's pants down.
We’ve been on remote all along. My district is in a “hot spot.”
I have about 100 online students this year (high school, 11th and 12th grades), plus an additional 70 or so face-to-face.

I have 42 kids failing at the moment because they haven't turned in a single assignment. Almost all of whom are online students and most of whom are seniors and I teach a core class so it's a gradation requirement. I've emailed parents (for a paper trail), called them, requested conference night meetings, etc. I've done everything I can do short of doing the work for the kids. 42 out of 175ish have handed in zero work. We're 1 1/2 months into the school year.

I'm not going to pass them-if they were trying and not passing I'd be willing to work with them and give them opportunities to pass.

My child was given a computer that does not accept one of the math programs to do a test. We are unable to log on.

We are bright people, with time and energy.

You got some single mom, who is exhausted and not bright? We as a society has set her and her child up to fail.

Cant do that . We are in the middle of a PLANDEMIC to get biden elected .
I have about 100 online students this year (high school, 11th and 12th grades), plus an additional 70 or so face-to-face.

I have 42 kids failing at the moment because they haven't turned in a single assignment. Almost all of whom are online students and most of whom are seniors and I teach a core class so it's a gradation requirement. I've emailed parents (for a paper trail), called them, requested conference night meetings, etc. I've done everything I can do short of doing the work for the kids. 42 out of 175ish have handed in zero work. We're 1 1/2 months into the school year.

I'm not going to pass them-if they were trying and not passing I'd be willing to work with them and give them opportunities to pass.

My child was given a computer that does not accept one of the math programs to do a test. We are unable to log on.

We are bright people, with time and energy.

You got some single mom, who is exhausted and not bright? We as a society has set her and her child up to fail.


Re-read my post. My school is currently open the only students who're doing online learning are the ones whose parents have elected for online learning.

Yes, they should be sending them to school then.

They might be afraid, due to all the panicmongering from the LEft.

I don't disagree with you...but they should also have the right to elect for online learning if they wish.

I have about 100 online students this year (high school, 11th and 12th grades), plus an additional 70 or so face-to-face.

I have 42 kids failing at the moment because they haven't turned in a single assignment. Almost all of whom are online students and most of whom are seniors and I teach a core class so it's a gradation requirement. I've emailed parents (for a paper trail), called them, requested conference night meetings, etc. I've done everything I can do short of doing the work for the kids. 42 out of 175ish have handed in zero work. We're 1 1/2 months into the school year.

I'm not going to pass them-if they were trying and not passing I'd be willing to work with them and give them opportunities to pass.

What do you teach? I'm just curious.


For full disclosure my failing students has dropped to 35. Usually I have 2-3 kids failing so this is exceptionally high. I've spoken with other teachers at the school I have a lot of respect for, my APC, and the head of guidance about it and all they all say they're witnessing the same exact thing.
The schools here had to shut down because of the virus. As many as 20 teachers may have it as well as students. There are no substitutes willing to come in and the face to face is now shut down as there aren't enough adults to cover. Top that off with bus drivers refusing to drive now. I blame america. The world's greatest wealthiest nation got caught with it's pants down.

I teach and live in one of the hot spots of the nation. Our school have been opened now for 2 months. We have about 1,400 kids face-to-face at the moment. We've had 9 confirmed cases (all students), 0 deaths from Covid, and 0 hospitalizations.

I've never seen a larger example of mass hysteria as I have surrounding Covid.
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The schools here had to shut down because of the virus. As many as 20 teachers may have it as well as students. There are no substitutes willing to come in and the face to face is now shut down as there aren't enough adults to cover. Top that off with bus drivers refusing to drive now. I blame america. The world's greatest wealthiest nation got caught with it's pants down.

My Army post had a middle school guidance counselor die of COVID -19. The problem was that there were no kids in the school! I believe it was six other faculty members tested positive but showed no symptoms.

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