Americans see a US in decline, finds Pew survey


Cafeteria Centrist
Jul 29, 2009
Illinois, USA
Americans see a US in decline, finds Pew survey

BBC World News - 3 December 2013 Last updated at 14:07 ET

For the first time in 40 years, a majority of Americans say the US plays a less important and powerful role in the world than it did a decade ago.

The Pew survey also found that 70% of Americans saw the US as less respected than in the past, nearly the same (71%) as under President George W Bush.

More than half of Americans (52%) - for the first time in 50 years - said the US should "mind its own business".

Some 56% disapproved of President Barack Obama's foreign policy.

Fifty-three percent of the public felt the US played a less important or powerful role as a world leader than a decade previously. The last time more than half of the public held that view was in 1974.

A decade ago, just 20% of Americans felt the same way.


The survey also showed support for a less active US in world affairs. Some 51% of respondents said the US does "too much" to solve world problems.

Fifty-three percent of Republicans, 46% of Democrats and 55% of independents said the US should mind its own business.

The public also thought the US should be less engaged internationally.

A plurality of respondents (39%) believed the US should be less involved in seeking to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Some 36% thought Washington's current level of engagement in that issue was enough.

But the survey did not suggest an entirely isolationist outlook was taking hold among Americans.


President Obama's foreign policy was approved of by only 34% of respondents in the Pew survey.

The public overwhelmingly viewed dimly his handling of Syria, Iran, China and Afghanistan. Only on terrorism did more respondents approve (51%) than disapprove of his approach.

While Islamic extremist groups such as al-Qaeda were still considered the top threat by survey respondents, 70% ranked cyber-attacks from other countries as a major threat, placing them on par with concerns about Iran and North Korean's nuclear programmes.

The survey of the general public was conducted between 30 October and 6 November among 2,003 adults, said Pew Research Center.

BBC News - Americans see a US in decline, finds Pew survey


War Exhaustion?

Donor Exhaustion?

Pocketbook Exhaustion?

Surrender Monkeys?

Reality Grounded?




About time?


Even worse than we think?

Your thoughts?
Perception is everything.

From the article:

Republicans were more likely to view the US as having declined in influence - 74% of them thought so.

They should know. They caused it.
What is the next headline? Most people think the Pope is Catholic? That bears shit in the woods?

No shit the US is in the decline. It is a third world, degenerate, corporatist police state.
What is the next headline? Most people think the Pope is Catholic? That bears shit in the woods?

No shit the US is in the decline. It is a third world, degenerate, corporatist police state.

Until now I had doubted that most had any concept of what "fundamental change" might actually mean. You've restored my faith!
It's not just the US, 99.9% of the world is in decline. That other .1% is doing awesome.
It's not just the US, 99.9% of the world is in decline. That other .1% is doing awesome.

The .1% throughout history that has dragged the rest of humanity forward since the beginning of time, this is nothing new.
It's not just the US, 99.9% of the world is in decline. That other .1% is doing awesome.

The .1% throughout history that has dragged the rest of humanity forward since the beginning of time, this is nothing new.

You're talking about scientists and educators. Just having money doesn't do anyone any real good.
It's not just the US, 99.9% of the world is in decline. That other .1% is doing awesome.

The .1% throughout history that has dragged the rest of humanity forward since the beginning of time, this is nothing new.

All the super rich have ever done is drag the rest of us into wars and tyranny, with the aid of willing serfs like yourself.
It's not just the US, 99.9% of the world is in decline. That other .1% is doing awesome.

The .1% throughout history that has dragged the rest of humanity forward since the beginning of time, this is nothing new.

You're talking about scientists and educators. Just having money doesn't do anyone any real good.

Educators? What do you mean, like philosophers? Yea, I would agree, modern day teachers and professors, not so much, unless we are talking STEM.

There is a lot of overlap between money and elite. Most of the greatest men of the west came from the elite, the aristocracy. Not always a monetary elite, it can be a military or religious elite, but generally military or religious elite had money as well.
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It's not just the US, 99.9% of the world is in decline. That other .1% is doing awesome.

The .1% throughout history that has dragged the rest of humanity forward since the beginning of time, this is nothing new.

All the super rich have ever done is drag the rest of us into wars and tyranny, with the aid of willing serfs like yourself.

Your paying their bills for their wars, and voting for them, you are a willing serf to.

True freedom is recognizing you aren't one of them and either living outside the grid or doing what you can to make inroads into the elite.
The .1% throughout history that has dragged the rest of humanity forward since the beginning of time, this is nothing new.

All the super rich have ever done is drag the rest of us into wars and tyranny, with the aid of willing serfs like yourself.

Your paying their bills for their wars, and voting for them, you are a willing serf to.

True freedom is recognizing you aren't one of them and either living outside the grid or doing what you can to make inroads into the elite.

Off the grid for me, you would be amazed at how little I contribute to the souless consumerist economy while living in comfort and style. All it takes is talent, hard work and a will to never go into debt, ever.
All the super rich have ever done is drag the rest of us into wars and tyranny, with the aid of willing serfs like yourself.

Your paying their bills for their wars, and voting for them, you are a willing serf to.

True freedom is recognizing you aren't one of them and either living outside the grid or doing what you can to make inroads into the elite.

Off the grid for me, you would be amazed at how little I contribute to the souless consumerist economy while living in comfort and style. All it takes is talent, hard work and a will to never go into debt, ever.

Good for you, I hope to be there one day.

But no point at hating players who play life's game better, I don't hate the .1%, not worth my time or energy.
Fraudulent hero turned diplomat John Kerry apparently doesn't even research the figures that he throws out to try to "blame it on Bush". While his "treaty" with Iraq is falling apart he tried to compare the number of centrifuge labs in Iraq after 2002 with the number today but it seems that the number of centrifuge labs have increased 75% after Obama was elected. Factor that with the health care monstrosity and the new statistics that the US doesn't even place in the top 20% in any education related subject and you have an eight year apology tour for a failed president.
Your paying their bills for their wars, and voting for them, you are a willing serf to.

True freedom is recognizing you aren't one of them and either living outside the grid or doing what you can to make inroads into the elite.

Off the grid for me, you would be amazed at how little I contribute to the souless consumerist economy while living in comfort and style. All it takes is talent, hard work and a will to never go into debt, ever.

Good for you, I hope to be there one day.

But no point at hating players who play life's game better, I don't hate the .1%, not worth my time or energy.

Suit yourself, I hate all forms of tyranny and right now they are treating the world like a 1920s company town, economic tyranny is perhaps the most insidious and soul sucking kind.
The .1% throughout history that has dragged the rest of humanity forward since the beginning of time, this is nothing new.

You're talking about scientists and educators. Just having money doesn't do anyone any real good.

Educators? What do you, like philosophers? Yea, I would agree, modern day teachers and professors, not so much, unless we are talking STEM.

There is a lot of overlap between money and elite. Most of the greatest men of the west came from the elite, the aristocracy. Not always a monetary elite, it can be a military or religious elite, but generally military or religious elite had money as well.

That's what "educators" are to you? Philosophers?

Oh my God.

Try to figure out how the computer you are typing on "happened".
You're talking about scientists and educators. Just having money doesn't do anyone any real good.

Educators? What do you mean, like philosophers? Yea, I would agree, modern day teachers and professors, not so much, unless we are talking STEM.

There is a lot of overlap between money and elite. Most of the greatest men of the west came from the elite, the aristocracy. Not always a monetary elite, it can be a military or religious elite, but generally military or religious elite had money as well.

That's what "educators" are to you? Philosophers?

Oh my God.

Try to figure out how the computer you are typing on "happened".

Plato and Socrates were philosophers, and teachers as well, for example.

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