Americans Killed In Jerusalem: Obama Responds Saying "Too Many Palestinians Have Been Killed"

Obama's exact words were, "Too many Israelis have died. Too many Palestinians have died."

The bigoted idiot rube who started the topic committed a willful lie of omission in the topic title, as did the piss rag he uses for his source.
Again, if we had true Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the U.S. and raised with American values instilled into him, he would have been more concerned about the American citizens killed today. But he rather addressed that too many Palestinians have died instead of addressing the Americans killed. This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances. The founders wanted a president who would be loyal only to this country and its citizens, not foreign citizens who have no affect on the sovereignty of this nation who murder innocent Americans. Wake up people. We have a man in office who never deserved to occuppy the oval office.

Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Attack Too Many Palestinians Have Died

Never ever believe a thing Breitphart prints.

Listen for yourself what the President of the United States had to say about the attack.

President Obama Remarks Jerusalem Synagogue Video
You will never ever get rubes like McGarrett to take their mouth off Breitbart's cock. You are wasting your time.
Obama's exact words were, "Too many Israelis have died. Too many Palestinians have died."

The bigoted idiot rube who started the topic committed a willful lie of omission in the topic title, as did the piss rag he uses for his source.
Doesn't matter...

Nobody trusts Obama anyway, in matters of policy, where Muslims are involved...
Obama's exact words were, "Too many Israelis have died. Too many Palestinians have died."

The bigoted idiot rube who started the topic committed a willful lie of omission in the topic title, as did the piss rag he uses for his source.
Doesn't matter...

Nobody trusts Obama anyway, in matters of policy, where Muslims are involved...
Who are all those people Obama has been killing in Afghanistan with our military and with drones? Mormons?
Obama's exact words were, "Too many Israelis have died. Too many Palestinians have died."

The bigoted idiot rube who started the topic committed a willful lie of omission in the topic title, as did the piss rag he uses for his source.
Doesn't matter...

Nobody trusts Obama anyway, in matters of policy, where Muslims are involved...
Who are all those people Obama has been killing in Afghanistan with our military and with drones? Mormons?
You confuse inherited wars - being wound-down - which he cannot escape, versus standing up to Radical Islam of his own initiative.
Try to google Ralph Peters remarks a few minutes ago on Varney on fox business channel. Describes a bored president making perfunctory remarks about a few dead jews. Spot on.
You are talking about the presidunce that called the family of a thug that tried to shoot a cop with his own gun. The same presidunce who wouldn't contact a family whose only child was beheaded by that presidunces muslim allies. Spot on indeed but true to character.
Obama's exact words were, "Too many Israelis have died. Too many Palestinians have died."

The bigoted idiot rube who started the topic committed a willful lie of omission in the topic title, as did the piss rag he uses for his source.
Didn't he say anything about Americans dying?
Yeah, pretty shocking so many American Jews still support the Democratic Party. Their Party does not support the Jewish Peoples' best interests. Is it fair to call them 'Uncle Toms' at this point? Maybe.
He's right. The Israelis routinely engage in collective punishment which is supposed to be treated as a war crime, but, hey, it's Israel,

so they inexplicably get a pass.
Did you actually just defend the murder of four people who were guilty of praying in a synagogue?
Again, if we had true Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the U.S. and raised with American values instilled into him, he would have been more concerned about the American citizens killed today. But he rather addressed that too many Palestinians have died instead of addressing the Americans killed. This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances. The founders wanted a president who would be loyal only to this country and its citizens, not foreign citizens who have no affect on the sovereignty of this nation who murder innocent Americans. Wake up people. We have a man in office who never deserved to occuppy the oval office.

Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Attack Too Many Palestinians Have Died

Never ever believe a thing Breitphart prints.

Listen for yourself what the President of the United States had to say about the attack.

President Obama Remarks Jerusalem Synagogue Video

The irony impaired far left is at it again.

Then again you are only supposed to believe the far left sources without question or hesitation..

Didn't listen to the recordings of the Presidents comments I take it?
You know, where he specifically tells the world that three Americans were victims of the attack.
why would anyone want to listen to the LIAR-in-chief ?

no mater what the son-of-a-bitch said it most likely would/will be a lie.., when have we, the American citizenry, ever heard ONE word of truth from his filthy lying mouth ?

please do not reply as it will omnly prove what an idiot you are. :up:

Yes, better to listen to what somebody else tells you says he said. That way you can get all righteously enraged.........Brilliant strategy. Except when you get lied to but since you obviously don't believe Brietphart would ever lie about what President Obama said, nevermind.

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