Americans Killed In Jerusalem: Obama Responds Saying "Too Many Palestinians Have Been Killed"

Again, if we had true Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the U.S. and raised with American values instilled into him, he would have been more concerned about the American citizens killed today. But he rather addressed that too many Palestinians have died instead of addressing the Americans killed. This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances. The founders wanted a president who would be loyal only to this country and its citizens, not foreign citizens who have no affect on the sovereignty of this nation who murder innocent Americans. Wake up people. We have a man in office who never deserved to occuppy the oval office.

Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Attack Too Many Palestinians Have Died

Never ever believe a thing Breitphart prints.

Listen for yourself what the President of the United States had to say about the attack.

President Obama Remarks Jerusalem Synagogue Video

The irony impaired far left is at it again.

Then again you are only supposed to believe the far left sources without question or hesitation..

Didn't listen to the recordings of the Presidents comments I take it? You know, where he specifically tells the world that three Americans were victims of the attack.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep within the far left programming!

Remember the far left will only accept far left propaganda blog sites as "fact"..
C-Span is far left programming? LOL.

You nutters are so far down the road there is no turning back. What a bunch of fucking loons.
Again, if we had true Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the U.S. and raised with American values instilled into him, he would have been more concerned about the American citizens killed today. But he rather addressed that too many Palestinians have died instead of addressing the Americans killed. This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances. The founders wanted a president who would be loyal only to this country and its citizens, not foreign citizens who have no affect on the sovereignty of this nation who murder innocent Americans. Wake up people. We have a man in office who never deserved to occuppy the oval office.

Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Attack Too Many Palestinians Have Died

Never ever believe a thing Breitphart prints.

Listen for yourself what the President of the United States had to say about the attack.

President Obama Remarks Jerusalem Synagogue Video

In fairness to Breitbart, they posted a video of Obama's speech in it's entirety. I missed it before, but the whole thing was posted.

I didn't see it earlier either. This is what they printed: President Obama responded to the attack by declaring that "too many Palestinians have died,"

Hey since they posted the exact same remarks as C-Span, does Kosh think they are a far lefty group too?
Again, if we had true Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the U.S. and raised with American values instilled into him, he would have been more concerned about the American citizens killed today. But he rather addressed that too many Palestinians have died instead of addressing the Americans killed. This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances. The founders wanted a president who would be loyal only to this country and its citizens, not foreign citizens who have no affect on the sovereignty of this nation who murder innocent Americans. Wake up people. We have a man in office who never deserved to occuppy the oval office.

Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Attack Too Many Palestinians Have Died

Never ever believe a thing Breitphart prints.

Listen for yourself what the President of the United States had to say about the attack.

President Obama Remarks Jerusalem Synagogue Video

The irony impaired far left is at it again.

Then again you are only supposed to believe the far left sources without question or hesitation..

Didn't listen to the recordings of the Presidents comments I take it? You know, where he specifically tells the world that three Americans were victims of the attack.

Oh my the irony impairment runs deep within the far left programming!

Remember the far left will only accept far left propaganda blog sites as "fact"..
C-Span is far left programming? LOL.

You nutters are so far down the road there is no turning back. What a bunch of fucking loons.

Oh look another irony impaired far left drone..
Again, if we had true Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the U.S. and raised with American values instilled into him, he would have been more concerned about the American citizens killed today. But he rather addressed that too many Palestinians have died instead of addressing the Americans killed. This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances. The founders wanted a president who would be loyal only to this country and its citizens, not foreign citizens who have no affect on the sovereignty of this nation who murder innocent Americans. Wake up people. We have a man in office who never deserved to occuppy the oval office.

Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Attack Too Many Palestinians Have Died

Never ever believe a thing Breitphart prints.

Listen for yourself what the President of the United States had to say about the attack.

President Obama Remarks Jerusalem Synagogue Video

In fairness to Breitbart, they posted a video of Obama's speech in it's entirety. I missed it before, but the whole thing was posted.

I didn't see it earlier either. This is what they printed: President Obama responded to the attack by declaring that "too many Palestinians have died,"

Hey since they posted the exact same remarks as C-Span, does Kosh think they are a far lefty group too?

Yes I know that you are irony impaired..

Far left drone posted "Never ever believe a thing....." Then they can not understand why they are being mocked.

However proof is all over this board that the far left will believe the far left blog sites without question or hesitation.
Obama is the worst president we have ever had. He doesn't understand the American soul and sprit. He's more of a liberal hedge. Black African daddy that abandoned him, white American mommy wasn't exactly a great stand up patriot. Grew up in Muslim Indonesia and Hawaii and was a dope toking dingbat. And I thought GW was bad, cant we find even someone worse to be president? What is next, a mutant hermaphrodite with a parasite twin that had a suicidal nihilist / Mormon gambling addict as parents? Dig up the worst combination of peoples to make a baby to be president day. For now, we get Obama.
What the President really said (excerpted)

Obviously, we condemn in the strongest terms these attacks. A number of people were wounded, and four people were killed, including three American citizens. So this is a tragedy for both nations, Israel as well as the United States.

Too many Israelis have died. Too many Palestinians have died.

The murderers for today’s outrageous acts represent the kind of extremism that threatens to bring all of the Middle East into the kind of spiral from which it’s very difficult to emerge.

Remarks by the President Before Meeting with National Security and Public Health Teams on Ebola The White House

This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances.

Who are you talking about - the dead Jews with dual citizenship, or Obama, a US citizen with no other nationality?

In fact, your beloved Americans had already allied themselves to a foreign power, abandoning the United States to do so.

Your complaint is pointing the wrong way as perhaps you hypospadias makes your dick behave in a similar way.
What the President really said (excerpted)

Obviously, we condemn in the strongest terms these attacks. A number of people were wounded, and four people were killed, including three American citizens. So this is a tragedy for both nations, Israel as well as the United States.

Too many Israelis have died. Too many Palestinians have died.

The murderers for today’s outrageous acts represent the kind of extremism that threatens to bring all of the Middle East into the kind of spiral from which it’s very difficult to emerge.

Remarks by the President Before Meeting with National Security and Public Health Teams on Ebola The White House

What, the OP lied?

That's a real shock. I need to sit down a while.
What the President really said (excerpted)

Obviously, we condemn in the strongest terms these attacks. A number of people were wounded, and four people were killed, including three American citizens. So this is a tragedy for both nations, Israel as well as the United States.

Too many Israelis have died. Too many Palestinians have died.

The murderers for today’s outrageous acts represent the kind of extremism that threatens to bring all of the Middle East into the kind of spiral from which it’s very difficult to emerge.

Remarks by the President Before Meeting with National Security and Public Health Teams on Ebola The White House

What, the OP lied?

That's a real shock. I need to sit down a while.

Have some cocoa, lie still. It will pass.
Again, if we had true Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the U.S. and raised with American values instilled into him, he would have been more concerned about the American citizens killed today. But he rather addressed that too many Palestinians have died instead of addressing the Americans killed. This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances. The founders wanted a president who would be loyal only to this country and its citizens, not foreign citizens who have no affect on the sovereignty of this nation who murder innocent Americans. Wake up people. We have a man in office who never deserved to occuppy the oval office.

Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Attack Too Many Palestinians Have Died

Never ever believe a thing Breitphart prints.

Listen for yourself what the President of the United States had to say about the attack.

President Obama Remarks Jerusalem Synagogue Video

The irony impaired far left is at it again.

Then again you are only supposed to believe the far left sources without question or hesitation..

Didn't listen to the recordings of the Presidents comments I take it?
You know, where he specifically tells the world that three Americans were victims of the attack.
why would anyone want to listen to the LIAR-in-chief ?

no mater what the son-of-a-bitch said it most likely would/will be a lie.., when have we, the American citizenry, ever heard ONE word of truth from his filthy lying mouth ?

please do not reply as it will omnly prove what an idiot you are. :up:
This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances.

Who are you talking about - the dead Jews with dual citizenship, or Obama, a US citizen with no other nationality?

In fact, your beloved Americans had already allied themselves to a foreign power, abandoning the United States to do so.

Your complaint is pointing the wrong way as perhaps you hypospadias makes your dick behave in a similar way.
and then the muslime qweer :asshole: who appears obsessed with "dicks" dances before US :lmao:
What the President really said (excerpted)

Obviously, we condemn in the strongest terms these attacks. A number of people were wounded, and four people were killed, including three American citizens. So this is a tragedy for both nations, Israel as well as the United States.

Too many Israelis have died. Too many Palestinians have died.

The murderers for today’s outrageous acts represent the kind of extremism that threatens to bring all of the Middle East into the kind of spiral from which it’s very difficult to emerge.

Remarks by the President Before Meeting with National Security and Public Health Teams on Ebola The White House

What, the OP lied?

That's a real shock. I need to sit down a while.
NO! you need to go thump your clueless, brainless fucking muslime head on a concrete floor about 97 times, much harder than what you have been doing. :lmao:

QUOTE="Steve_McGarrett, post: 10192387, member: 44457"]This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances.

Who are you talking about - the dead Jews with dual citizenship, or Obama, a US citizen with no other nationality?

In fact, your beloved Americans had already allied themselves to a foreign power, abandoning the United States to do so.

Your complaint is pointing the wrong way as perhaps you hypospadias makes your dick behave in a similar way.[/QUOTE]
You muslim scum love dead Jews and Chri... It's part of your religion.:cuckoo:.

Try to google Ralph Peters remarks a few minutes ago on Varney on fox business channel. Describes a bored president making perfunctory remarks about a few dead jews. Spot on.
Try to google Ralph Peters remarks a few minutes ago on Varney on fox business channel. Describes a bored president making perfunctory remarks about a few dead jews. Spot on.
frankly, the deaths shouldn't have merited presidential response.
Again, if we had true Article 2 Section 1 Constitutional natural born Citizen president born with sole allegiance to the U.S. and raised with American values instilled into him, he would have been more concerned about the American citizens killed today. But he rather addressed that too many Palestinians have died instead of addressing the Americans killed. This boils down to a person born with dual citizenship and split allegiances. The founders wanted a president who would be loyal only to this country and its citizens, not foreign citizens who have no affect on the sovereignty of this nation who murder innocent Americans. Wake up people. We have a man in office who never deserved to occuppy the oval office.

Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Attack Too Many Palestinians Have Died

Never ever believe a thing Breitphart prints.

Listen for yourself what the President of the United States had to say about the attack.

President Obama Remarks Jerusalem Synagogue Video

In fairness to Breitbart, they posted a video of Obama's speech in it's entirety. I missed it before, but the whole thing was posted.

I didn't see it earlier either. This is what they printed: President Obama responded to the attack by declaring that "too many Palestinians have died,"

Hey since they posted the exact same remarks as C-Span, does Kosh think they are a far lefty group too?

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