American Priorities

If the Obama administration had taken these ISIS fucks a bit more seriously earlier on
and gone after them and at least tried to get other countries involved then maybe
we would not be where we are today.
The power to do that emanates from Congress alone....Where is that GOP led congress that has the balls you believe that the CIC doesn't have?

the president has to set the tone and explain to the people and congress why we should declare war on ISIS. But since Obama feels empathy for ISIS that will never happen.
He has petitioned congress twice and has been refused twice....The GOP led Congress seems content upon being idle about the issue...
Okay, so let's say the 'university' issue is a wash.

That means that people voting on the issues should move on to other issues, such as

the 90% of Americans who want the background check loopholes closed should vote for Hillary Clinton.

the 60% of Americans who don't want Roe v Wade overturned should vote for Hillary Clinton.

the 52% of Americans who oppose a ban on all Muslims entering the US should vote for Hillary Clinton.

the 58% of Americans who support the legality of same sex marriage should vote for Hillary Clinton

the 70% of Americans who support Social Security should vote for Hillary Clinton

There are no background check loopholes. There will never be a way to run a background check when one gangbanger sells a gun to another gangbanger behind a convenience store. This is a false issue. So vote for Trump

Trump has never called for overturning Roe v Wade. Hillary wants abortion on demand as a method of birth control----mostly for blacks and Hispanics. So vote for Trump

Trump supports gay rights. "marriage" should be left to each state. So vote for Trump

Trump wants a fiscally sound government where social security is protected for all retirees present and future. Hillary would continue to raise our debt and put all social programs in jeopardy. So vote for Trump.

Ever notice that whenever conservatives bring out their 'leave it up the states' line regarding civil rights,

it's for the purpose of expanding the opportunities to LIMIT civil rights?

And it's done under the guise of liberty. Under the guise of state's RIGHTS.

So conservatives, if you believe that states should have more power over the determination of rights, such as abortion and same sex marriage,

and you believe that is a more fair and democratic approach,

how about we repeal the 2nd Amendment, and leave gun rights up to the states?
The Second Amendment is explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Marriage and abortion are not.

The Constitution says that all rights not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or to the people. Since marriage and abortion are not powers given to the federal government, the intent must be that these are state powers.
As long as the states are not denying civil liberties and rights to individuals or groups through bias and discrimination, yes they do....

marriage is not a federally guaranteed civil right.

Equal protection of our laws is
Radical muslims are murdering thousands of people around the world every month and what are we focused on here in the USA?

Transgenders being able to choose which restroom they use
Sex change surgery for sexually confused soldiers
the fat assed Kardashians
teachers having sex with students
Harry Potter
not offending muslims
opening our borders

We are witnessing the destruction of the USA and most Americans are not even aware that its happening.
Humans are bad for the environment..

you are free to check out whenever you wish. Save the earth, commit suicide.
Even the Earth is bad for the Earth, shall we have the Earth check itself out?

it has done that several times in the past. Who knows what will happen in the future.
I doubt Noah can help every time..
Trump has never called for overturning Roe v Wade. .

Trump has promised to appoint pro-life judges to the court. The abortion litmus test for future efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade.

STOP LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Abortion is murder of an innocent human being. I personally would agree with the appointment of pro life judges but I am but one voice and the majority should decide societal issues like this, not 9 old farts in black robes..

But I understand that you and Hillary support the control of the black and Hispanic populations by the voluntary killing of black and Hispanic children.

You fricken racist.
Do you understand what voluntary means?

Did the dead unborn child volunteer to die?

You still don't know what volunteer means

of course I do. the pregnant woman voluntarily decides to kill her child. So, once again, did the unborn human being volunteer to die for the convenience of its mother?
If the Obama administration had taken these ISIS fucks a bit more seriously earlier on
and gone after them and at least tried to get other countries involved then maybe
we would not be where we are today.
The power to do that emanates from Congress alone....Where is that GOP led congress that has the balls you believe that the CIC doesn't have?

the president has to set the tone and explain to the people and congress why we should declare war on ISIS. But since Obama feels empathy for ISIS that will never happen.

ISIL isn't a country you can declare war upon. Terrorism is a tactic so you can't declare war on that either. Here endeth the lesson.
Okay, so let's say the 'university' issue is a wash.

That means that people voting on the issues should move on to other issues, such as

the 90% of Americans who want the background check loopholes closed should vote for Hillary Clinton.

the 60% of Americans who don't want Roe v Wade overturned should vote for Hillary Clinton.

the 52% of Americans who oppose a ban on all Muslims entering the US should vote for Hillary Clinton.

the 58% of Americans who support the legality of same sex marriage should vote for Hillary Clinton

the 70% of Americans who support Social Security should vote for Hillary Clinton

There are no background check loopholes. There will never be a way to run a background check when one gangbanger sells a gun to another gangbanger behind a convenience store. This is a false issue. So vote for Trump

Trump has never called for overturning Roe v Wade. Hillary wants abortion on demand as a method of birth control----mostly for blacks and Hispanics. So vote for Trump

Trump supports gay rights. "marriage" should be left to each state. So vote for Trump

Trump wants a fiscally sound government where social security is protected for all retirees present and future. Hillary would continue to raise our debt and put all social programs in jeopardy. So vote for Trump.

Ever notice that whenever conservatives bring out their 'leave it up the states' line regarding civil rights,

it's for the purpose of expanding the opportunities to LIMIT civil rights?

And it's done under the guise of liberty. Under the guise of state's RIGHTS.

So conservatives, if you believe that states should have more power over the determination of rights, such as abortion and same sex marriage,

and you believe that is a more fair and democratic approach,

how about we repeal the 2nd Amendment, and leave gun rights up to the states?
The Second Amendment is explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Marriage and abortion are not.

The Constitution says that all rights not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or to the people. Since marriage and abortion are not powers given to the federal government, the intent must be that these are state powers.
As long as the states are not denying civil liberties and rights to individuals or groups through bias and discrimination, yes they do....

marriage is not a federally guaranteed civil right.

The Supreme Court disagrees...going back to 1967. It is a right you cannot deny interracial couples, formerly divorced couples, couples in which one or more of them is incarcerated, or gay couples. The lesson continues apparently.
There are no background check loopholes. There will never be a way to run a background check when one gangbanger sells a gun to another gangbanger behind a convenience store. This is a false issue. So vote for Trump

Trump has never called for overturning Roe v Wade. Hillary wants abortion on demand as a method of birth control----mostly for blacks and Hispanics. So vote for Trump

Trump supports gay rights. "marriage" should be left to each state. So vote for Trump

Trump wants a fiscally sound government where social security is protected for all retirees present and future. Hillary would continue to raise our debt and put all social programs in jeopardy. So vote for Trump.

Ever notice that whenever conservatives bring out their 'leave it up the states' line regarding civil rights,

it's for the purpose of expanding the opportunities to LIMIT civil rights?

And it's done under the guise of liberty. Under the guise of state's RIGHTS.

So conservatives, if you believe that states should have more power over the determination of rights, such as abortion and same sex marriage,

and you believe that is a more fair and democratic approach,

how about we repeal the 2nd Amendment, and leave gun rights up to the states?
The Second Amendment is explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Marriage and abortion are not.

The Constitution says that all rights not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or to the people. Since marriage and abortion are not powers given to the federal government, the intent must be that these are state powers.
As long as the states are not denying civil liberties and rights to individuals or groups through bias and discrimination, yes they do....

marriage is not a federally guaranteed civil right.

Equal protection of our laws is

Yes, but we are talking about a societal issue, i.e. whether gay marriage is to be accepted as societally normal. That should be decided by all of society, not a few people with an agenda (on either side). So lets put it to a national referendum or pass a constitutional amendment. Then it would be settled forever.
Radical muslims are murdering thousands of people around the world every month and what are we focused on here in the USA?

Transgenders being able to choose which restroom they use
Sex change surgery for sexually confused soldiers
the fat assed Kardashians
teachers having sex with students
Harry Potter
not offending muslims
opening our borders

We are witnessing the destruction of the USA and most Americans are not even aware that its happening.

Actually you shouldn't worry about the muslims either...

Your fellow American is more likely to kill you than anyone...

But being a fat fucker and keeling over from heart disease, cancer.... seem the preferred way to go...
Fixing that would involve too much Government control...
Ever notice that whenever conservatives bring out their 'leave it up the states' line regarding civil rights,

it's for the purpose of expanding the opportunities to LIMIT civil rights?

And it's done under the guise of liberty. Under the guise of state's RIGHTS.

So conservatives, if you believe that states should have more power over the determination of rights, such as abortion and same sex marriage,

and you believe that is a more fair and democratic approach,

how about we repeal the 2nd Amendment, and leave gun rights up to the states?
The Second Amendment is explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Marriage and abortion are not.

The Constitution says that all rights not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or to the people. Since marriage and abortion are not powers given to the federal government, the intent must be that these are state powers.
As long as the states are not denying civil liberties and rights to individuals or groups through bias and discrimination, yes they do....

marriage is not a federally guaranteed civil right.

Equal protection of our laws is

Yes, but we are talking about a societal issue, i.e. whether gay marriage is to be accepted as societally normal. That should be decided by all of society, not a few people with an agenda (on either side). So lets put it to a national referendum or pass a constitutional amendment. Then it would be settled forever.

Only if we first have a national referendum on raising taxes on the rich, closing the gun show loophole, stopping people on the terrorist watch list from having guns and a public option for the health care exchanges. Deal?
Radical muslims are murdering thousands of people around the world every month and what are we focused on here in the USA?

Transgenders being able to choose which restroom they use
Sex change surgery for sexually confused soldiers
the fat assed Kardashians
teachers having sex with students
Harry Potter
not offending muslims
opening our borders

We are witnessing the destruction of the USA and most Americans are not even aware that its happening.

Actually you shouldn't worry about the muslims either...

Your fellow American is more likely to kill you than anyone...

But being a fat fucker and keeling over from heart disease, cancer.... seem the preferred way to go...
Fixing that would involve too much Government control...

tell that to the victims in Orlando, Boston, Ft. Hood, San Bernardino.

as to your health comment. People should be free to kill themselves with booze, food, or drugs. the government does not exist to protect people from their own stupidity.
Radical muslims are murdering thousands of people around the world every month and what are we focused on here in the USA?.....

.....We are witnessing the destruction of the USA and most Americans are not even aware that its happening.

Redfish, the actions of Muslims on the other side of the world is none of America's business. Nor is Brexit, or most anything goes else happening outside our borders.

We have plenty to deal with here, including some of the things you listed, and many others. America has no need to be worrying about the problems of our foreign enemies when we still have so many at home.

You're wrong. They absolutely are our business. The British leaving the EU took billions out of our economy and trillions out of the global economy, of which we are a part.

Now Muslims in the Middle East being our business gets a little squishier. We have an ally, Israel, smack dab in the middle of all that oil that is also our business because we make it so.

We also have concerns here at home. Amazingly, in the digital age, we can multi task.

Actually I forgot...

I think it is important to shit ourselves over a perceived threat and ignore climate change which is real and far more serious...
Mets beat the Cubs yesterday....

OOps....sorry, I am not allowed to be concerned about anything but Moooslims

Good. My Buccos are a dozen or so games out of first.
My Reds are in last place in their division. Doesn't look good this year, again.

But, the good news is, we only have 8 1/2 weeks until college football kicks off........... R-O-L-L .... T-I-D-E
Reds had a fire sale last season
Take a couple years to come back

But what are we going to do about those Mooslims
We can teach them to play baseball.
Trump has promised to appoint pro-life judges to the court. The abortion litmus test for future efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade.

STOP LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Abortion is murder of an innocent human being. I personally would agree with the appointment of pro life judges but I am but one voice and the majority should decide societal issues like this, not 9 old farts in black robes..

But I understand that you and Hillary support the control of the black and Hispanic populations by the voluntary killing of black and Hispanic children.

You fricken racist.
Do you understand what voluntary means?

Did the dead unborn child volunteer to die?

You still don't know what volunteer means

of course I do. the pregnant woman voluntarily decides to kill her child. So, once again, did the unborn human being volunteer to die for the convenience of its mother?

Yes, women do get to decide if they are capable of caring for a child for the next twenty years
More than the convenience of the mother, it is the viability of the family
Radical muslims are murdering thousands of people around the world every month and what are we focused on here in the USA?.....

.....We are witnessing the destruction of the USA and most Americans are not even aware that its happening.

Redfish, the actions of Muslims on the other side of the world is none of America's business. Nor is Brexit, or most anything goes else happening outside our borders.

We have plenty to deal with here, including some of the things you listed, and many others. America has no need to be worrying about the problems of our foreign enemies when we still have so many at home.

You're wrong. They absolutely are our business. The British leaving the EU took billions out of our economy and trillions out of the global economy, of which we are a part.

Now Muslims in the Middle East being our business gets a little squishier. We have an ally, Israel, smack dab in the middle of all that oil that is also our business because we make it so.

We also have concerns here at home. Amazingly, in the digital age, we can multi task.

Actually I forgot...

I think it is important to shit ourselves over a perceived threat and ignore climate change which is real and far more serious...

Oh, here we go. The most important issue facing the USA is the hoax of man made climate change.

Its not happening dude, Gore lied to you. Man is not changing the climate of planet earth. If the climate is changing the sun is causing it and nothing man can do will change it.

you libs are most ignorant species on earth. a garden slug has more intelligence
Abortion is murder of an innocent human being. I personally would agree with the appointment of pro life judges but I am but one voice and the majority should decide societal issues like this, not 9 old farts in black robes..

But I understand that you and Hillary support the control of the black and Hispanic populations by the voluntary killing of black and Hispanic children.

You fricken racist.
Do you understand what voluntary means?

Did the dead unborn child volunteer to die?

You still don't know what volunteer means

of course I do. the pregnant woman voluntarily decides to kill her child. So, once again, did the unborn human being volunteer to die for the convenience of its mother?

Yes, women do get to decide if they are capable of caring for a child for the next twenty years
More than the convenience of the mother, it is the viability of the family

Here's an idea. If you are incapable of supporting a child------------------DON'T SCREW WITHOUT PROTECTION.
Do you understand what voluntary means?

Did the dead unborn child volunteer to die?

You still don't know what volunteer means

of course I do. the pregnant woman voluntarily decides to kill her child. So, once again, did the unborn human being volunteer to die for the convenience of its mother?

Yes, women do get to decide if they are capable of caring for a child for the next twenty years
More than the convenience of the mother, it is the viability of the family

Here's an idea. If you are incapable of supporting a child------------------DON'T SCREW WITHOUT PROTECTION.

Good advice

Now, let's take it further. Provide better sex education, Make birth control free and readily available . EXPAND Planned Parenthood services

All will reduce abortion more than all of the GOP policies combined
Did the dead unborn child volunteer to die?

You still don't know what volunteer means

of course I do. the pregnant woman voluntarily decides to kill her child. So, once again, did the unborn human being volunteer to die for the convenience of its mother?

Yes, women do get to decide if they are capable of caring for a child for the next twenty years
More than the convenience of the mother, it is the viability of the family

Here's an idea. If you are incapable of supporting a child------------------DON'T SCREW WITHOUT PROTECTION.

Good advice

Now, let's take it further. Provide better sex education, Make birth control free and readily available . EXPAND Planned Parenthood services

All will reduce abortion more than all of the GOP policies combined

agree except on expanding planned parenthood. PP is an abortion mill and marketer of fetal body parts, that has been proven, and an abortion mill aimed at eliminating black and Hispanic children. "human weeds" as described by Margaret Sanger founder of PP.
The fact that this thread has migrated to abortion verifies the point I was trying to make in the OP. We are obsessed with trivial societal matters while a growing radical muslim army is trying to kill every one of us.
Radical muslims are murdering thousands of people around the world every month and what are we focused on here in the USA?

Transgenders being able to choose which restroom they use
Sex change surgery for sexually confused soldiers
the fat assed Kardashians
teachers having sex with students
Harry Potter
not offending muslims
opening our borders

We are witnessing the destruction of the USA and most Americans are not even aware that its happening.

Don't forget:
- Destroying the fossil fuel industries that make our lives better.
- Making congested streets worse by turning lanes into bicycle only ones.
- Rich gun-owning members of Congress doing sit-ins to destroy due process and the 2nd amendment.
- Censoring free speech on the internet.

Radical muslims are murdering thousands of people around the world every month and what are we focused on here in the USA?

Transgenders being able to choose which restroom they use
Sex change surgery for sexually confused soldiers
the fat assed Kardashians
teachers having sex with students
Harry Potter
not offending muslims
opening our borders

We are witnessing the destruction of the USA and most Americans are not even aware that its happening.

lol he bitches about trivial matters being made too important in our society,

but then he want to elect a Birther who hosts a reality show as President.

As I said, my only criteria is keeping the corrupt lying Clintons out of power. Supporting Trump 100% is the only way to do that.

Trump does not need to be president, he is doing it because he wants to help save the country from rampant failed liberalism.

Sure, he has an ego, all politicians are narcissists. So what?

Trump didn't need to start Trump University either.

And Bill Cinton didn't need to take $16.5M from Laureate University, either.

And Bill Clinton didn't need to take $100M from the Canadians who sold 20% of the Uranium in the U.S. to Russia (enabled by hLIARy making sure the State Department approved the deal), EITHER.

Okay, so let's say the 'university' issue is a wash.

That means that people voting on the issues should move on to other issues, such as

the 90% of Americans who want the background check loopholes closed should vote for Hillary Clinton.

the 60% of Americans who don't want Roe v Wade overturned should vote for Hillary Clinton.

the 52% of Americans who oppose a ban on all Muslims entering the US should vote for Hillary Clinton.

the 58% of Americans who support the legality of same sex marriage should vote for Hillary Clinton

the 70% of Americans who support Social Security should vote for Hillary Clinton

And 100% of people who believe that elected politicians are not above the Rule of Law should against hiLIARy.

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