American political commentators live in a bubble. Shapiro DESTROYED !!

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
He goes on the BBC to plug his book and gets asked a few awkward questions. Blows up like a child and storms off with a smacked arse.
I suppose that if you are only comfortable operating in your own little bubble it is quite scary being asked to comment on things you have written.
How can you interview someone who deals in hypocrisy and hasnt got the bollox to defend his own position ?

Shapiro's thing is fast talking, pouring out an avalanche of BS in such quantity that it's impossible to refute it in any short span.

If he's prevented from using that tactic, he's helpless.

Needless to say, he's helpless in any written debates, where he can be refuted at leisure.
He goes on the BBC to plug his book and gets asked a few awkward questions. Blows up like a child and storms off with a smacked arse.
I suppose that if you are only comfortable operating in your own little bubble it is quite scary being asked to comment on things you have written.
How can you interview someone who deals in hypocrisy and hasnt got the bollox to defend his own position ?

I love to watch whinging poms get bitch slapped. Doing it to Tammy has gotten old though
Shapiro's thing is fast talking, pouring out an avalanche of BS in such quantity that it's impossible to refute it in any short span.

If he's prevented from using that tactic, he's helpless.

Needless to say, he's helpless in any written debates, where he can be refuted at leisure.
He seemed to think that he was important, not just some hack plugging his book. He was asked a very speific question about an abortion law and would not answer it. He unravelled from that moment.
He goes on the BBC to plug his book and gets asked a few awkward questions. Blows up like a child and storms off with a smacked arse.
I suppose that if you are only comfortable operating in your own little bubble it is quite scary being asked to comment on things you have written.
How can you interview someone who deals in hypocrisy and hasnt got the bollox to defend his own position ?

LOL, Shapiro put that asshole in his place. He was blatantly biased calling an anti-abortion law “barbaric”, and refused to admit he would never call a pro-choice law barbaric.

Would BBC air a documentary showing the “medical procedure” of abortion? If not, why not?
He goes on the BBC to plug his book and gets asked a few awkward questions. Blows up like a child and storms off with a smacked arse.
I suppose that if you are only comfortable operating in your own little bubble it is quite scary being asked to comment on things you have written.
How can you interview someone who deals in hypocrisy and hasnt got the bollox to defend his own position ?

LOL, Shapiro put that asshole in his place. He was blatantly biased calling an anti-abortion law “barbaric”, and refused to admit he would never call a pro-choice law barbaric.

Would BBC air a documentary showing the “medical procedure” of abortion? If not, why not?

He suggested that jailing women who have a miscarriage is barbaric. Nobody could disagree with that. Apart from little Ben who couldnt comment on it.
He goes on the BBC to plug his book and gets asked a few awkward questions. Blows up like a child and storms off with a smacked arse.
I suppose that if you are only comfortable operating in your own little bubble it is quite scary being asked to comment on things you have written.
How can you interview someone who deals in hypocrisy and hasnt got the bollox to defend his own position ?

LOL, Shapiro put that asshole in his place. He was blatantly biased calling an anti-abortion law “barbaric”, and refused to admit he would never call a pro-choice law barbaric.

Would BBC air a documentary showing the “medical procedure” of abortion? If not, why not?

He suggested that jailing women who have a miscarriage is barbaric. Nobody could disagree with that. Apart from little Ben who couldnt comment on it.

No one suggested jailing women over a miscarriage. That was yet another fake news lie spread by morons like Alyssa Milano.

Can you tell us how many women have been sent to prison for having a miscarriage?
Ben Shapiro stays "in his bubble"???

Are you serious?? The man literally travels the country for a living speaking/taking questions at universities.
He has also appeared in 100's of debates, usually outnumbered by liberals.

Once again you show you know so little
Here is the text of the law, something the “journalist” was too lazy to read.

Lines 107-108 clearly define a “spontaneous abortion” as a natural occurring death of the unborn child, such as a miscarriage.

This does not count as a “abortion”, as defined in line 88 which is specific to actively and willfully terminate a pregnancy.

Only a Satanic piece of shit like Tammy would need to lie about such things.
Ben Shapiro stays "in his bubble"???

Are you serious?? The man literally travels the country for a living speaking/taking questions at universities.
He has also appeared in 100's of debates, usually outnumbered by liberals.

Once again you show you know so little

All tightly controlled.
Ben Shapiro stays "in his bubble"???

Are you serious?? The man literally travels the country for a living speaking/taking questions at universities.
He has also appeared in 100's of debates, usually outnumbered by liberals.

Once again you show you know so little

All tightly controlled.
WHat? No it isn't... you have no idea what you are talking about.
So are you suggesting an appearance on, say CNN is controlled in his favor??
Or liberal universities across the country? They want Ben to look good you think??

He goes on the BBC to plug his book and gets asked a few awkward questions. Blows up like a child and storms off with a smacked arse.
I suppose that if you are only comfortable operating in your own little bubble it is quite scary being asked to comment on things you have written.
How can you interview someone who deals in hypocrisy and hasnt got the bollox to defend his own position ?

This is what turning into a white wing dumfuk does to a person. Shapiro was once a brilliant academic. Now he is a goddamn moron that can't make a point without a lie or a fallacy. Clearly he spent too much time lapping up the applause from his idiot target audience and forgot what it means to have honesty and integrity. Trumpism on parade.
After watching this video, anyone who thinks the BBC reporter had the upper hand in the conversation is willing at this point.
Shapiro pointed out quite well how the "journalist" was biased in calling policies he didn't like names like barbaric, in the dark ages etc.
I don't think there was a single question in which the BBC reporter made Shapiro look bad in any way. On the other hand, Shapiro made him look exactly as he is - a biased reporter trying to pass himself off as balanced.
After watching this video, anyone who thinks the BBC reporter had the upper hand in the conversation is willing at this point.
Shapiro pointed out quite well how the "journalist" was biased in calling policies he didn't like names like barbaric, in the dark ages etc.
I don't think there was a single question in which the BBC reporter made Shapiro look bad in any way. On the other hand, Shapiro made him look exactly as he is - a biased reporter trying to pass himself off as balanced.

We sure wouldn't want to support those who call things names they do not like.
After watching this video, anyone who thinks the BBC reporter had the upper hand in the conversation is willing at this point.
Shapiro pointed out quite well how the "journalist" was biased in calling policies he didn't like names like barbaric, in the dark ages etc.
I don't think there was a single question in which the BBC reporter made Shapiro look bad in any way. On the other hand, Shapiro made him look exactly as he is - a biased reporter trying to pass himself off as balanced.

We sure wouldn't want to support those who call things names they do not like.
And once again, you miss the obvious point.
The BBC reporter said he was an unbiased reporter... right before calling a policy barbaric and in the dark ages.
You don't get to do both. You can't say you are unbiased and then label one side as barbarians.
Like Shapiro said - "why don't you just say you are biased?"
After watching this video, anyone who thinks the BBC reporter had the upper hand in the conversation is willing at this point.
Shapiro pointed out quite well how the "journalist" was biased in calling policies he didn't like names like barbaric, in the dark ages etc.
I don't think there was a single question in which the BBC reporter made Shapiro look bad in any way. On the other hand, Shapiro made him look exactly as he is - a biased reporter trying to pass himself off as balanced.

We sure wouldn't want to support those who call things names they do not like.
And once again, you miss the obvious point.
The BBC reporter said he was an unbiased reporter... right before calling a policy barbaric and in the dark ages.
You don't get to do both. You can't say you are unbiased and then label one side as barbarians.
Like Shapiro said - "why don't you just say you are biased?"

Does Shapiro say it?
After watching this video, anyone who thinks the BBC reporter had the upper hand in the conversation is willing at this point.
Shapiro pointed out quite well how the "journalist" was biased in calling policies he didn't like names like barbaric, in the dark ages etc.
I don't think there was a single question in which the BBC reporter made Shapiro look bad in any way. On the other hand, Shapiro made him look exactly as he is - a biased reporter trying to pass himself off as balanced.

We sure wouldn't want to support those who call things names they do not like.
And once again, you miss the obvious point.
The BBC reporter said he was an unbiased reporter... right before calling a policy barbaric and in the dark ages.
You don't get to do both. You can't say you are unbiased and then label one side as barbarians.
Like Shapiro said - "why don't you just say you are biased?"

Does Shapiro say it?
Does Shapiro say what? That he is biased?
He has many times, we are all biased. Not one person on the planet is unbiased.
But then there is a committed sheep or parrot. One that is willing to repeat a lie, or knowingly misrepresent something... that is beyond biased.
As Shapiro has stated NUMEROUS times, for instance, he does not like Trump. He believes Trump has done damage to relations with the world. That is hardly a sheep or party parrot now is it?
Ben Shapiro, Like Jordan Peterson, is one of the most misquoted people on the planet. Both of them spend more time correcting a misquote or misrepresentation of something they said than actually providing information.
After watching this video, anyone who thinks the BBC reporter had the upper hand in the conversation is willing at this point.
Shapiro pointed out quite well how the "journalist" was biased in calling policies he didn't like names like barbaric, in the dark ages etc.
I don't think there was a single question in which the BBC reporter made Shapiro look bad in any way. On the other hand, Shapiro made him look exactly as he is - a biased reporter trying to pass himself off as balanced.

We sure wouldn't want to support those who call things names they do not like.
And once again, you miss the obvious point.
The BBC reporter said he was an unbiased reporter... right before calling a policy barbaric and in the dark ages.
You don't get to do both. You can't say you are unbiased and then label one side as barbarians.
Like Shapiro said - "why don't you just say you are biased?"

Does Shapiro say it?
Does Shapiro say what? That he is biased?
He has many times, we are all biased. Not one person on the planet is unbiased.
But then there is a committed sheep or parrot. One that is willing to repeat a lie, or knowingly misrepresent something... that is beyond biased.
As Shapiro has stated NUMEROUS times, for instance, he does not like Trump. He believes Trump has done damage to relations with the world. That is hardly a sheep or party parrot now is it?
Ben Shapiro, Like Jordan Peterson, is one of the most misquoted people on the planet. Both of them spend more time correcting a misquote or misrepresentation of something they said than actually providing information.

Shapiro said he was supporting and voting for Trump in 2020.
He goes on the BBC to plug his book and gets asked a few awkward questions. Blows up like a child and storms off with a smacked arse.
I suppose that if you are only comfortable operating in your own little bubble it is quite scary being asked to comment on things you have written.
How can you interview someone who deals in hypocrisy and hasnt got the bollox to defend his own position ?

Ben Shapiro mopped the floor with him!

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