American Patriot Ted Nugent Asked To Play Concert Honoring Nations U.S. Military

Ted Nugent and Romney ? The ?Cluck Cluck Gang,? America?s Biggest Chickens | Veterans Today

His own words on how he dodged the draft. Published by Veterans Today.

Thanks -

As you can see, the RW excuses and lies have already started but fact is, he purposely sat in his own shit for longer than two weeks to get out of the draft and now he's pretending to be a "patriot".

He's no more a patriot than Pootin-worshiping McGarrett.

Send them both to Russia, where they belong.
A swing...and a miss! It's a nutter miscommunication clown car!!!!

Answer the question, dumbass. You going to hold everyone else to the same standard? Or just those you have decided to play "internet tough guy" with?


You don't even understand the OP. You missed the OP's point. You stupid fuck. You and the OP.......,ARE IN COMPLETE AGREEMENT. Idiot.

I hold all stupid people to the same standard. You ought to pay attention.

You stupid fucking idiot, I know EXACTLY what the point was - I was talking to hippie fuckers like yourself. Get your pointed Nazi head out of your ass, you goose-stepping troll.
Answer the question, dumbass. You going to hold everyone else to the same standard? Or just those you have decided to play "internet tough guy" with?


You don't even understand the OP. You missed the OP's point. You stupid fuck. You and the OP.......,ARE IN COMPLETE AGREEMENT. Idiot.

I hold all stupid people to the same standard. You ought to pay attention.

You stupid fucking idiot, I know EXACTLY what the point was - I was talking to hippie fuckers like yourself. Get your pointed Nazi head out of your ass, you goose-stepping troll.

Bullshit. You misunderstood the OP. Like most USMB nutters, you don't read well. You thought the shithead was bangin' on Nugent. That's why you asked him when and where he served. Lying douche.
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According to him he showed up as a living pile of shit, very believable actually. Or was he lying?
He was sensationalizing the story to the reporter in order to sell albums to anti-war hippies at the time.

and he told the same story more than once?

how does enrolling in a community college to avoid service match up with your claim that he "attempted to enter the US military?"

He always looks as though bathing is the last option; he made sure he wasn't going where anybody could shoot back.
The slimeball, in his own words:

I got the street rats out of my hair, ate some good steaks, beans, potatoes, cottage cheese, milk. A couple of days and I was ready to kick ass. And in the mail I got this big juicy 4-F. They'd call dead people before they’d call my ass. But you know the funny thing about it? I'd make an incredible army man. I'd be a colonel before you knew what hit you, and I'd have the baddest bunch of motherf*ckin' killers you'd ever seen in my platoon. But I just wasn't into it. I was too busy doin' my own thing, you know?
Read more at Ted Nugent Dodged the Draft?

But the scumbag knows he'd have made a great colonel....hope the military humans spit on this ugly lice nest.
According to him he showed up as a living pile of shit, very believable actually. Or was he lying?
He was sensationalizing the story to the reporter in order to sell albums to anti-war hippies at the time.

and he told the same story more than once?

how does enrolling in a community college to avoid service match up with your claim that he "attempted to enter the US military?"

He always looks as though bathing is the last option; he made sure he wasn't going where anybody could shoot back.

Another classic from the Dungheap:

Apartheid isn't that cut-and-dry. All men are not created equal.
From the same interview:

See, I approached the whole thing like, Ted Nugent, cool hard-workin’ dude, is gonna wreak havoc on these imbeciles in the armed forces.
My take on all of this, Nugent, Palin, Trump, Limbaugh, Hannity are not dummies, but they make a living of mouth breathers on the right. Easily manipulated simpletons that will take every word as gospel and will buy books, tv channels, and albums. If the libs were so easily manipulated they would all be liberals.
Barry Obama?
At least Ted Nugent doesn't have a 100% fraudulent Selective Service Registration Application like Obama does.

From the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office press conference exposing Obama's forged documents.

And that's the whole point, isn't it? His number was called and he went in. He wasn't accepted. It's really just that simple. These assholes that scream at the top of their pussy lungs about Nugent don't know shit from shinola.

The vast majority of them wouldn't know which end of rifle to point at the enemy..

Guys like Nugent scare the shit out of libs because libs believe that if one is in the entertainment business they belong to the political left. And if a person in the entertainment business happens to be conservative, those on the left go out of their way to black list the non lefty performer.
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WOW. Wonder what Cat Steven's draft card looks like. Paul McCartney never served. Simon and Garfunkel? Joan Baez? Arlo Guthrie? Jane Fonda? Bill Ayers? Bernadine Dohrn? Barry Obama? Bill Clinton?

I could go on for two hours. You are beating the shit out of a dead horse. Oh, by the way - You served when and where?

Fuckers who live in glass houses ought to be careful about where they throw their rocks... :D

A swing...and a miss! It's a nutter miscommunication clown car!!!!

Answer the question, dumbass. You going to hold everyone else to the same standard? Or just those you have decided to play "internet tough guy" with?

Lone laugher and paint my house are butt buddies. They come here to pull everyone's chain...Neither of these two rump wranglers ever contributes to a thread. Nor do they ever off anything but childish argumentative responses.
These two are flyspecks in the ocean...

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