American Legion Sees Chance To Bring Home Remains Of Sailors Buried In Libya


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Bring our boys home.

American Legion Sees Chance To Bring Home Remains Of Sailors Buried In Libya 200 Years Ago


WASHINGTON -- Thirteen U.S. sailors who died in 1804 during the First Barbary War and were buried in Tripoli, Libya, may finally be coming home, if the American Legion gets its way.

Since the uprising in Libya broke out six months ago, the veterans organization has been lobbying Congress to bring home the remains of the U.S. servicemen. The crew, led by Master Commandant Richard Somers and Lt. Henry Wadsworth (uncle of the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow), died when their explosives-packed ship blew up prematurely during a mission to Tripoli.

"It's the best chance we've had in a long time," said Tim Tetz, legislative director for the American Legion. "We've got a change of politics in Libya. We've got family members who have stood up and said, 'We want to have our family members brought home.' We've got the will and might of America to say, 'Let's respect those who fought our wars for us, and that includes all wars.'"

As Politico's Dave Levinthal reports, the American Legion is one of 11 groups that have "formally lobbied the federal government on pet causes that, in one fashion or another, concern Libya." Oil companies, the American Civil Liberties Union and United to End Genocide have all been taking their concerns to the federal government.

The American Legion, with the backing of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), was able to secure an amendment to a House bill directing the Defense Secretary to "exhume and transfer the remains of certain deceased members of the Armed Forces buried in Tripoli, Libya."

The Senate, however, has not followed suit. According to Tetz, one stumbling block may be Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who served in the U.S. Navy.

"He has expressed some concern that he doesn't want to see it pass, which is disconcerting to us, and we've tried to influence him where and when we can. So far, to no avail," said Tetz.

McCain did not return a request for comment.

The U.S. Navy also is opposed to the American Legion's request.

In 2008, Adm. Gary Roughead, chief of naval operations, told Rep. Rogers, "Navy custom and tradition has been to honor the final resting place of those lost in downed ships and aircraft. The Navy considers the Tripoli cemetery to be the final resting place of these sailors who sacrificed their lives for our nation."

American Legion Sees Chance To Bring Home Remains Of Sailors Buried In Libya 200 Years Ago
Over 5000 American veterans and others are buried at the cemetery in Panama

[ame=]American Battle Monument Cemetery in Corozal Panama - YouTube[/ame]
These soldiers should be left alone and remain where they are buried. :cool:

Shouldn't they be buried in the US?

We have American Soldiers buried in gravesites all over the world.

Ever heard of Normandy??

[ame=]Normandy American Cemetery - YouTube[/ame]

I have but I know the Military is strill trying to retrieve bodies of soldiers lost in Korea and the Vietnam war, I thought it was our policy to try and bring them home?
Over 17,000 American soldiers are buried at this cemetery in the Philippines.

[ame=]Wall Of The Lost in The American Cemetery in Manila - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]In my time of dyin'-Bob Dylan (Columbia) - YouTube[/ame]​
We tend to leave American soldiers buried in lands of wars that we won.

And disinter and rebury American soldiers on US soil that died in lands where we didn't win such as Vietnam or North Korea.
We tend to leave American soldiers buried in lands of wars that we won.

And disinter and rebury American soldiers on US soil that died in lands where we didn't win such as Vietnam or North Korea.

I see, however if the families of some of these men want them back and the new Libyan government agrees, it shouldn't be a problem.
These US Sailors should stay burued in Libya.

They are part of Libyan history and are honored as such by the Libyan people.

And are buried in a place of honor and also a tourist attraction.

If reburied in the United States at various locations.

They will be forgotten and just names on grave markers.
These US Sailors should stay burued in Libya.

They are part of Libyan history and are honored as such by the Libyan people.

And are buried in a place of honor and also a tourist attraction.

If reburied in the United States at various locations.

They will be forgotten and just names on grave markers.

Are they really honored in Libya?
Sent to fight Barbary pirates, Somers and his 12-man crew perished in the explosion of the Intrepid in Tripoli harbor on September 4, 1804. The men were buried by captured American prisoners from the frigate USS Philadelphia outside the walls of the old castle fort in the Libyan capitol. Remains of five of the men were later uncovered by an Italian road work crew and reburied nearby in marked graves at the Old Protestant Cemetery.

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