American Jim Crow & Racism Explained

Not if that history or heritage was to enslave others. Sorry dude. Youre a white loser and a supporter of treasonous low lifes.

That fact that you have a negative opinion on their history, does not change the fact that letting them have it, is the Right Thing to do.

You are the bad guy here.
Bullshit. The right thing to do throw all loser shit into a dumpster fire. They can have whatever they want in a museum or on their private property.

Youre the idiot here. Claiming that your whining about your loser confederates is living and let live is amusing.

Those statues weren't doing anything. The white people who might have gone to the park and maybe looked at the statutes, and talking to their kids about their great great great grandfather who fought in that war,

were not doing anything to you. They were living and let live.

YOu are the bad guy here. And you being an ass about it too.
They were doing plenty. Everytime a Black person saw those losers and racists it was an attack on that Black persons peace of mind.

No, it was not.

That is an insanely weak justification for your actions.
I didnt ask your opinion. I was informing you of the facts. If you dont like it then you can log a complaint.
Before you post, especially to our white self-proclaimed conservatives on here, please have watched the video in it's entirety. And if there are any objections to his historical reference, please specify which one/s exactly.

When I was in school I just had no interest in history because I couldn't relate to it nor put it into context with anything. The older I get, the more sense it makes.

Thanks for posting this, it filled in several blanks for me....
To be honest I did try to watch the whole video; I skimmed it. One, the narrator is annoying as hell in his "allow me to translate American history for "uneducated" people tone." Two, this is history that apparently thousands of viewers commented they'd never before heard of or learned. Three, the video--judging by the comment section beneath it--has encouraged many viewers to express hatred for America. Four, your OP is a trap crafted to catch and expose USMB racists with lighter skin tones; the video is the bait. Five, the OP, the video and the spirit of the thread are intellectually dishonest and disingenuous.

So one day, OP, you were surfing along minding your own business and just happened to discover a video on-the-line that just happened to contain epiphanic information thousands of its viewers had never learned either in K-12 public school or at university? Does this not smell like propaganda to you? And further, one must question the intent of the video's author. Did he compose and upload the video for educational purposes? Did he upload it for the purpose of uniting or dividing American citizens? Or, did he compose and upload the video for personal gain in the form of views, self-aggrandizement and subscriber dollars?

Your schtick is using media such as this video as self-convincing proof of an inferno of white racism which you want and apparently need to believe is burning down America. The act of people possessed of skin tones you have no way of identifying over the internet entering the thread and post angry or disagreeable comments only serves to further perpetuate your inner-narrative of living life as an oppressed martyr.

The problem here is a lack of understanding of Live and Let Live. Live and let live is not good enough for you. Live and prosper by your own effort and personal responsibility is a concept you are voluntarily deaf to, at least here online. Tell me, where in today's America do you see your people oppressed by our government, other than through the political ideology of Democratic Party Identity Politics? At the hands of law enforcement? What about Black law enforcement officers who apply our laws violently to Black civilians? Are they too Egyptian warrior-traitors keeping their people in chains?

You've allowed propaganda like this video to define you, instill hatred within you, and set you on an endless quest for vengeance against generations of fellow Americans who had nothing to with the great oppression out of history you refuse to let go of. Do you really fear a return to Jim Crow Laws? Are you really afraid of history repeating itself here in our America of today? Tell me, are you American first, or Black first?

Young, angry, full of hate and violent is in no way a beneficial goal toward which to inspire new generations. Do you really believe someone like yourself will raise an army from all of this hatred and lead it to some kind of successful vengeance against the so-called white man's government? If you are so courageous, why do you demand special protected status behind political race warfare traps and power words no one else can utter without persecution?

You want people to fear you, and then after they do, you want to accuse their fear as racism. You want people to hate you same as you hate them, and after they do, their hate (but never your hate) is racist. You want people to coexist in peace, and after they do, in your endless self-martyrizing unhappiness, you want to bring back around your reason for hating them, and not living in peace, originally. The passage of time is the growth of scar tissue; a process of healing historical wounds you refuse to allow to heal the rift and the wound between your people and other people. Why is that?
Live and let live huh? Why do whites want us to live and let live when whites cant do the same?
Sure we are.
Sure we are what?
Living and let live
No youre not. Your whining about loser confederate statues being torn down and relegated to museums.
Why are you lying?
And by a white guy to boot...

Before you post, especially to our white self-proclaimed conservatives on here, please have watched the video in it's entirety. And if there are any objections to his historical reference, please specify which one/s exactly.

Enjoy. really are seriously obsessed. But hey.....maybe it's fun thinking you're a victim. Bon Appetit!!

Living and let live
No youre not. Your whining about loser confederate statues being torn down and relegated to museums.

THe people tearing down the statues are the ones not leaving alone.

They are attacking.
Why should we leave the statues of traitors, losers, and racists up? Of course we are attacking. No one should have to pay taxes so a bunch of white people can pretend the south will rise again.

YOur excuses for your attacks are irrelevant.

You admit my point.

YOu are attacking those who are just "living and letting live".
No. I am attacking those whites that cant let go. Losers like you that memorialize and reenact the civil war. Get over it. You lost and got your ass kicked in the process. Now please explain why we should let it go if you cant?
It is the blacks who wont let go. Rehashing how their ancestors were abused and that times have not changed because the whites are still evil. Move on. None of us were a part of that horrendous history. None of us are guilty.
No youre not. Your whining about loser confederate statues being torn down and relegated to museums.

THe people tearing down the statues are the ones not leaving alone.

They are attacking.
Why should we leave the statues of traitors, losers, and racists up? Of course we are attacking. No one should have to pay taxes so a bunch of white people can pretend the south will rise again.

YOur excuses for your attacks are irrelevant.

You admit my point.

YOu are attacking those who are just "living and letting live".
No. I am attacking those whites that cant let go. Losers like you that memorialize and reenact the civil war. Get over it. You lost and got your ass kicked in the process. Now please explain why we should let it go if you cant?
It is the blacks who wont let go. Rehashing how their ancestors were abused and that times have not changed because the whites are still evil. Move on. None of us were a part of that horrendous history. None of us are guilty.

Nor does the video say or imply that.
YOur excuses for your attacks are irrelevant.

You admit my point.

YOu are attacking those who are just "living and letting live".
No. I am attacking those whites that cant let go. Losers like you that memorialize and reenact the civil war. Get over it. You lost and got your ass kicked in the process.

IN the context of this thread, you've admitted that you are the one that is attacking white people who are just "living and letting live".

Your excuses for your attacks are irrelevant.
No stupid. I am admitting I am attacking whites that cant let it go. I am laughing at the hypocrisy of telling Blacks to let things go but losers such as yourself cant.

1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.
You are mistaken thinking all whites wont let it go, most have.
No. I am attacking those whites that cant let go. Losers like you that memorialize and reenact the civil war. Get over it. You lost and got your ass kicked in the process.

IN the context of this thread, you've admitted that you are the one that is attacking white people who are just "living and letting live".

Your excuses for your attacks are irrelevant.
No stupid. I am admitting I am attacking whites that cant let it go. I am laughing at the hypocrisy of telling Blacks to let things go but losers such as yourself cant.

1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.
You are mistaken thinking all whites wont let it go, most have.

Where does it say "all"?

Oh wait, that's right --- it doesn't.
No stupid. I am admitting I am attacking whites that cant let it go. I am laughing at the hypocrisy of telling Blacks to let things go but losers such as yourself cant.

1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.

And you have admitted that you are the one attacking.

Attacking whites who just want to celebrate their history and heritage.

You have verified the claim.
Hey dummy. I never said I wasnt attacking. I asked why should I live and let live when whites couldnt.. Cant you read?

Whites celebrating being traitors and enslavement should never be ok with anyone. Sorry if that angers you but I dont really care.

Your spin on the issue is boring. DO you have anything to support your position that a statue is the park is somehow "not leaving your alone", or are you just going to keep pumping out propaganda bullshit?
Isnt it amazing that statues that have been in existence for a long time are just now offending people? I dont worship any statue, it is just a bit puzzling.
IN the context of this thread, you've admitted that you are the one that is attacking white people who are just "living and letting live".

Your excuses for your attacks are irrelevant.
No stupid. I am admitting I am attacking whites that cant let it go. I am laughing at the hypocrisy of telling Blacks to let things go but losers such as yourself cant.

1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.
You are mistaken thinking all whites wont let it go, most have.

Where does it say "all"?

Oh wait, that's right --- it doesn't.
When a response to me saying we do live and let live and being told that WE whine about statues, then my reply was appropriate. I did not whine over anything. Try to keep up.
No stupid. I am admitting I am attacking whites that cant let it go. I am laughing at the hypocrisy of telling Blacks to let things go but losers such as yourself cant.

1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.
You are mistaken thinking all whites wont let it go, most have.

Where does it say "all"?

Oh wait, that's right --- it doesn't.
When a response to me saying we do live and let live and being told that WE whine about statues, then my reply was appropriate. I did not whine over anything. Try to keep up.

Nice try but it still doesn't say "all".
1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.

And you have admitted that you are the one attacking.

Attacking whites who just want to celebrate their history and heritage.

You have verified the claim.
Hey dummy. I never said I wasnt attacking. I asked why should I live and let live when whites couldnt.. Cant you read?

Whites celebrating being traitors and enslavement should never be ok with anyone. Sorry if that angers you but I dont really care.

Your spin on the issue is boring. DO you have anything to support your position that a statue is the park is somehow "not leaving your alone", or are you just going to keep pumping out propaganda bullshit?
Isnt it amazing that statues that have been in existence for a long time are just now offending people? I dont worship any statue, it is just a bit puzzling.

Isn't it amazing that they were virtually all put up at the same time by the same propaganda outfit?

As for "just now", we've already established that "Silent Sam", for one, has been the target of vandalism for at least 65 years. And for another the Battle of Liberty Place monument mentioned a few posts back (the White League in New Orleans) had already been controversially embattled for decades. It got a disclaimer attached to it some thirty years ago, David Duke sued to have it put back up, and so on.

Bottom line remains these are on public property and the cities DO have the right to say what their public property displays and celebrates, and what it doesn't.
Thanks, but I'm not catering to your delusional racial obsessions.

Indeed. You know if the racist who posted it likes it, it's bound to be just a load of trash.

It's a lot more fun to ask the tards why 90% of blacks stayed in the South if Yankees were so enlightened n stuff, and why the majority still live there today. 'Jim Crow' laws were copied from northern 'Black Codes', especially Illinois's, Codes Lincoln made a lot harsher in the 1850's, before he was anointed a 'Great Hero' by idiots who think he freed anybody. In the meantime, we can just laugh at these tards trying to attribute some sort of 'moral authority' to themselves for their own bigotry and racism by babbling stupid shit about 'Da South', even though they've never done shit to free anybody from anything, nor would they ever do so.
Vid's too long, Marc. So, I'm not gonna watch it. Cliff notes are appreciated here.

3 minutes or less is what people are more likely gonna watch. That's the standard in the world of digital activism.
That only applies IF/WHEN the content stinks. However, good content creators are doing gangbusters online and on other platforms. Just ask Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, BS aka Ben Shapiro, The Young Turks, and many others creating good content doing long-form content.
If you get a chance, this is a great book that was a required read for two of my courses last year.


Oh look, some tard wrote an apologia for Stupid Black Culture and its effects on stupid black people who think being a career criminal is just the thing to be. I bet it blames 'Racism N Stuff', what do you think? lol
1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.
You are mistaken thinking all whites wont let it go, most have.

Where does it say "all"?

Oh wait, that's right --- it doesn't.
When a response to me saying we do live and let live and being told that WE whine about statues, then my reply was appropriate. I did not whine over anything. Try to keep up.

Nice try but it still doesn't say "all".
Whats with all the whining about the
1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.
You are mistaken thinking all whites wont let it go, most have.

Where does it say "all"?

Oh wait, that's right --- it doesn't.
When a response to me saying we do live and let live and being told that WE whine about statues, then my reply was appropriate. I did not whine over anything. Try to keep up.

Nice try but it still doesn't say "all".
Where did i mention all?
Vid's too long, Marc. So, I'm not gonna watch it. Cliff notes are appreciated here.

3 minutes or less is what people are more likely gonna watch. That's the standard in the world of digital activism.
That only applies IF/WHEN the content stinks. However, good content creators are doing gangbusters online and on other platforms. Just ask Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, BS aka Ben Shapiro, The Young Turks, and many others creating good content doing long-form content.

Requiring a century of history to be taught in three minutes is patently absurd.

What NC means is he doesn't have the stomach, or attention span, for it. That's his issue. Learning has no "time limit". Learning is an onion --- there's always another layer.
No. I am attacking those whites that cant let go. Losers like you that memorialize and reenact the civil war. Get over it. You lost and got your ass kicked in the process.

IN the context of this thread, you've admitted that you are the one that is attacking white people who are just "living and letting live".

Your excuses for your attacks are irrelevant.
No stupid. I am admitting I am attacking whites that cant let it go. I am laughing at the hypocrisy of telling Blacks to let things go but losers such as yourself cant.

1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.
You are mistaken thinking all whites wont let it go, most have.
Who said anything about "all"?
1. Thanks for admitting that. That was the point, you fool.

2. And you are wrong about what white people are thinking and doing.

No fool. The point was that there was a claim that whites were living and let live. However the facts show thats untrue.

And you have admitted that you are the one attacking.

Attacking whites who just want to celebrate their history and heritage.

You have verified the claim.
Hey dummy. I never said I wasnt attacking. I asked why should I live and let live when whites couldnt.. Cant you read?

Whites celebrating being traitors and enslavement should never be ok with anyone. Sorry if that angers you but I dont really care.

Your spin on the issue is boring. DO you have anything to support your position that a statue is the park is somehow "not leaving your alone", or are you just going to keep pumping out propaganda bullshit?
Isnt it amazing that statues that have been in existence for a long time are just now offending people? I dont worship any statue, it is just a bit puzzling.
Are you really that stupid to think its only been recently?

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