American education and Otto Warmbier.

What people, including Warbier’s parents should be asking is what prompted Otto to casually enter one of the most dangerous places on Earth and behave as if he was on a scavenger hunt? It’s difficult for a reasonable person to understand and blaming Otto is too easy. Otto was probably a spoiled kid at home that seldom heard the word no. He was likely of the same grouping that completes college and leaves clueless about the real world and the consequences of what it means to survive in that world. These are the Bernie Bros, and they do not act and react in the normal sense. And they are getting more and more violent. Luckily for the rest of us Otto only hurt himself. You have to take a long, hard look at their schooling.
What people, including Warbier’s parents should be asking is what prompted Otto to casually enter one of the most dangerous places on Earth and behave as if he was on a scavenger hunt? It’s difficult for a reasonable person to understand and blaming Otto is too easy. Otto was probably a spoiled kid at home that seldom heard the word no. He was likely of the same grouping that completes college and leaves clueless about the real world and the consequences of what it means to survive in that world. These are the Bernie Bros, and they do not act and react in the normal sense. And they are getting more and more violent. Luckily for the rest of us Otto only hurt himself. You have to take a long, hard look at their schooling.
and all we can do in here is guess pretty much. at this point all "guesses" are valid and to put one over the other is preference, not reality.

it sucks. he went in and did something stupid. i can agree the "we have a right to do whatever we want" is more prevalent in *this* generation of kids and like my father before me - i can now easily say THIS GENERATION HAS IT ALL WRONG!!! and with any luck be just as wrong as my father was.

different is not wrong but it does take some getting used to.

in this case, it sucks for him and his family but others need to fully understand consequences are going to happen for your actions and you don't often get to choose what those consequences are going to be.
Did you hear Otto Warmbier's father singing the praises of victimology? Otto was "lured" to North Korea? Does anyone get that North Korea was just fishing for idiots? Does anyone get that Otto Warmbier was not a victim of North korea? Does anyone get that Otto Warmbier was a victim of a second class education that left him with the mental capacity of a month-old kitten wandering onto a freeway? Otto Warmbier is the canary in the coal mind warning us about the tragic failure of American education and its fatal effect on innocent citizens who are ill-prepared to function in the real world. Does anyone get this?
Otto was "lured" to North Korea?

Nobody lured Otto to the DPRK. He's an adult. He went on his own as an adult.

Otto Warmbier was not a victim of North korea?

Otto is a victim of the DPRK's inhumane treatment of prisoners. DPRK prison officials are the ones who failed to provide safe-to-eat food to the man. DPRK officials are the ones who first saw Otto become ill form food poisoning and did nothing about it, thereby resulting in his becoming comatose as a result.

Since I last read about Otto, new information has come to light. It seems he did not in fact acquire botulism poisoning.

TY Admiral Rockwell Tory for sharing the new information that credibly refutes reports that he had been food poisoned.​

Otto Warmbier was a victim of a second class education

Warmbier is not the victim of a second class education. He went to Wyoming High School, which by US News & World Report is ranked 95th (there are ~25.5K public high schools in the U.S.), thus placing it in the top 1% of the top 1% of U.S. public high schools. The school has an ongoing record of graduating individuals who excel at something, and that includes one Congressional Medal of Honor winner, several professional sports players, an Olympic gold and silver medalists, actors, writers, a hedge fund manager, attorneys and judges, and an ambassador. I don't know what Otto's academic achievement/performance record was at his school, but the notion that the school delivers "second class" education does not hold water.
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Otto Warmbier is a sad example of an educational system in the US that believes the best way to solve societal problems is to go into classrooms and stretch condoms over cucumbers. Unfortunately for generations of American students bad educational policies have left them pathetically unable to cope with, perceive or make sense of the real world. Otto Warmbier is a product of the American educational system and today he lies poisoned in a coma because the real world is very real indeed in spite of the bad education Warmbier received.

The Republic of North Korea did not come to the United States and kidnap Otto Warmbier. Warmbier, apparently infused with a Harry-Potter, liberalized carefree worldview, went there on his own with a tour group called the Young Pioneers. It’s difficult for a reasonable mind to wrap itself around the motivation to go into a region that is notorious for the gravest human rights violations on the planet-against its own people, let alone foreigners. Warbier’s casual dismissal of reality ostensibly emboldened him to flip off the North Koreans by stealing one of their propaganda signs.

The North Korean government routinely arrests its own citizens for perceived infractions against the state and then not only imprisons them in concentration camps it rounds up all the members of the citizen’s family and throws them in prison as well. People go into these camps and are never seen again. Apparently Warmbier, armed with his grand liberal education couldn’t figure this out. To Warmbier it was all just a joke because according to his education the real world isn’t really real and the North Koreans would all laugh when they got the joke.

Otto Warmbier was sentenced to be worked to death just like any average North Korean citizen. The North Koreans do not supply the best cuisine for their prisoners. Warmbier was probably eating rats like the other prisoners and got food poisoning. The North Koreans, who exist in the real world, do not waste money on medical attention for prisoners so when Warmbier fell into a coma he was on his own.

American education needs to be seriously examined so the Otto Warmbiers of this world can make sense of the real world.

SEE the RED text I highlighted You have a post of congruent thought, and although somewhat speculative very true to REALITY, so no liberal can even begin to follow it and they will just label, dismiss and mock it because they are the same as the poor indoctrinated young man it is about.
But they are a socialist state, exactly what the liberal shit want here, and they say that EVRYONE gets great healthcare in a socialist country, surely they treated this insurgent just as they would their god like leader.
Otto Warmbier is a sad example of an educational system in the US that believes the best way to solve societal problems is to go into classrooms and stretch condoms over cucumbers. Unfortunately for generations of American students bad educational policies have left them pathetically unable to cope with, perceive or make sense of the real world. Otto Warmbier is a product of the American educational system and today he lies poisoned in a coma because the real world is very real indeed in spite of the bad education Warmbier received.

The Republic of North Korea did not come to the United States and kidnap Otto Warmbier. Warmbier, apparently infused with a Harry-Potter, liberalized carefree worldview, went there on his own with a tour group called the Young Pioneers. It’s difficult for a reasonable mind to wrap itself around the motivation to go into a region that is notorious for the gravest human rights violations on the planet-against its own people, let alone foreigners. Warbier’s casual dismissal of reality ostensibly emboldened him to flip off the North Koreans by stealing one of their propaganda signs.

The North Korean government routinely arrests its own citizens for perceived infractions against the state and then not only imprisons them in concentration camps it rounds up all the members of the citizen’s family and throws them in prison as well. People go into these camps and are never seen again. Apparently Warmbier, armed with his grand liberal education couldn’t figure this out. To Warmbier it was all just a joke because according to his education the real world isn’t really real and the North Koreans would all laugh when they got the joke.

Otto Warmbier was sentenced to be worked to death just like any average North Korean citizen. The North Koreans do not supply the best cuisine for their prisoners. Warmbier was probably eating rats like the other prisoners and got food poisoning. The North Koreans, who exist in the real world, do not waste money on medical attention for prisoners so when Warmbier fell into a coma he was on his own.

American education needs to be seriously examined so the Otto Warmbiers of this world can make sense of the real world.

Looks like Otto's father, Fred Warmbler, is a Trump fan.

Otto Warmbier’s father denounces North Korea as his son is treated for a ‘severe neurological injury’

About 10 p.m. Wednesday, President Trump called him, he said, asking how Otto was doing and urging him to take care of himself. “It was gracious,” he said. “It was nice.” He said the president told him that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and others had worked hard to free his son, and that he was sorry about his condition.

Asked whether he felt that the Obama administration had not done enough to help, Fred Warmbier said, “I think the results speak for themselves.”

Trump's people got his son home. Obama did not. Big surprise? No!
Did you hear Otto Warmbier's father singing the praises of victimology? Otto was "lured" to North Korea? Does anyone get that North Korea was just fishing for idiots? Does anyone get that Otto Warmbier was not a victim of North korea? Does anyone get that Otto Warmbier was a victim of a second class education that left him with the mental capacity of a month-old kitten wandering onto a freeway? Otto Warmbier is the canary in the coal mind warning us about the tragic failure of American education and its fatal effect on innocent citizens who are ill-prepared to function in the real world. Does anyone get this?
Otto was "lured" to North Korea?

Nobody lured Otto to the DPRK. He's an adult. He went on his own as an adult.

Otto Warmbier was not a victim of North korea?

Otto is a victim of the DPRK's inhumane treatment of prisoners. DPRK prison officials are the ones who failed to provide safe-to-eat food to the man. DPRK officials are the ones who first saw Otto become ill form food poisoning and did nothing about it, thereby resulting in his becoming comatose as a result.

Otto Warmbier was a victim of a second class education

Warmbier is not the victim of a second class education. He went to Wyoming High School, which by US News & World Report is ranked 95th (there are ~25.5K public high schools in the U.S.), thus placing it in the top 1% of the top 1% of U.S. public high schools. The school has an ongoing record of graduating individuals who excel at something, and that includes one Congressional Medal of Honor winner, several professional sports players, an Olympic gold and silver medalists, actors, writers, a hedge fund manager, attorneys and judges, and an ambassador. I don't know what Otto's academic achievement/performance record was at his school, but the notion that the school delivers "second class" education does not hold water.

He did not get food poisoning. His doctors definitely ruled that out, and he was not beaten nor abused either.

Doctors: Ex-North Korea detainee Otto Warmbier has severe brain injury -
What people, including Warbier’s parents should be asking is what prompted Otto to casually enter one of the most dangerous places on Earth and behave as if he was on a scavenger hunt? It’s difficult for a reasonable person to understand and blaming Otto is too easy. Otto was probably a spoiled kid at home that seldom heard the word no. He was likely of the same grouping that completes college and leaves clueless about the real world and the consequences of what it means to survive in that world. These are the Bernie Bros, and they do not act and react in the normal sense. And they are getting more and more violent. Luckily for the rest of us Otto only hurt himself. You have to take a long, hard look at their schooling.

What does his education have to do with his behavior? Maybe he was a fool!
Did you hear Otto Warmbier's father singing the praises of victimology? Otto was "lured" to North Korea? Does anyone get that North Korea was just fishing for idiots? Does anyone get that Otto Warmbier was not a victim of North korea? Does anyone get that Otto Warmbier was a victim of a second class education that left him with the mental capacity of a month-old kitten wandering onto a freeway? Otto Warmbier is the canary in the coal mind warning us about the tragic failure of American education and its fatal effect on innocent citizens who are ill-prepared to function in the real world. Does anyone get this?
Otto was "lured" to North Korea?

Nobody lured Otto to the DPRK. He's an adult. He went on his own as an adult.

Otto Warmbier was not a victim of North korea?

Otto is a victim of the DPRK's inhumane treatment of prisoners. DPRK prison officials are the ones who failed to provide safe-to-eat food to the man. DPRK officials are the ones who first saw Otto become ill form food poisoning and did nothing about it, thereby resulting in his becoming comatose as a result.

Otto Warmbier was a victim of a second class education

Warmbier is not the victim of a second class education. He went to Wyoming High School, which by US News & World Report is ranked 95th (there are ~25.5K public high schools in the U.S.), thus placing it in the top 1% of the top 1% of U.S. public high schools. The school has an ongoing record of graduating individuals who excel at something, and that includes one Congressional Medal of Honor winner, several professional sports players, an Olympic gold and silver medalists, actors, writers, a hedge fund manager, attorneys and judges, and an ambassador. I don't know what Otto's academic achievement/performance record was at his school, but the notion that the school delivers "second class" education does not hold water.

He did not get food poisoning. His doctors definitely ruled that out, and he was not beaten nor abused either.

Doctors: Ex-North Korea detainee Otto Warmbier has severe brain injury -
TY for pointing that out. The last I'd seen was an attestation of his having contracted botulism.

I have read the following:

Kanter and his colleagues say they've found no evidence that Warmbier, who has demonstrated no awareness of his surroundings, suffered from the effects of botulism — a finding that appears to contradict the explanation offered by his North Korean captors. Authorities there have said Warmbier fell into a coma after contracting botulism and taking a sleeping pill.

Instead, the doctors told reporters that the more likely cause of Warmbier's condition is cardiopulmonary arrest. Their tests also did not reveal any signs of physical trauma to Warmbier, such as "acute or healing fractures."
WTF? When the cause of a bad/sad thing that happens is perfectly "nobody's fault," there's no reason to attribute the event to something other than non-blameworthy reason.

Why the hell would DPRK authorities lie about the man having had a heart attack? I'm not disputing that he did have one. It just doesn't make sense that anyone, much less authorities, would not just attribute the man's decline to that if that were indeed what caused it. Not a lot of people Otto's age have heart attacks, but some do; Otto could well be among the few who do. There's no good reason to state otherwise if that is what happened to him.

Other than Trump, who the hell lies about stuff for which they have absolutely no need -- great or small -- to lie about? I guess the North Koreans.....

BTW, the sleeping pill thing sounds sketchy. Why would a prisoner be given a sleeping pill? I would think it's not hard to sleep when one has little to do or when one has so much to do by dint of being worked "to the bone."
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What people, including Warbier’s parents should be asking is what prompted Otto to casually enter one of the most dangerous places on Earth and behave as if he was on a scavenger hunt? It’s difficult for a reasonable person to understand and blaming Otto is too easy. Otto was probably a spoiled kid at home that seldom heard the word no. He was likely of the same grouping that completes college and leaves clueless about the real world and the consequences of what it means to survive in that world. These are the Bernie Bros, and they do not act and react in the normal sense. And they are getting more and more violent. Luckily for the rest of us Otto only hurt himself. You have to take a long, hard look at their schooling.

What does his education have to do with his behavior? Maybe he was a fool!

The problem in contemporary education appears to be a shift from teaching people how to think to a system that proselytizes people about “what” to think-political correctness if you will. Students in the US are leaving colleges and universities infused with a false sense of how the world works. The world is the same as it ever was. The only thing that’s changed is how people are being taught to confront it. By the time a lot of these kids come to grips with how the world actually works the outcome is tragically final. Those of us who went to school in the 1960’s saw this coming.

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