American Dissent

Then what are your solutions when votes are no longer the effective tool for which it was designed?

you're an idiot.

do the people that win the most votes not win the elections?

That, on a national level, doesn't appear to be an option for the GOP. They have to swing 64 electoral votes to win the Presidency or compromise in the Congress. The mathematics to get to 64 doesn't look as though it is possible (they'd need Florida and 2-3 other states) and compromising in Congress is political suicide.

So now it's armed insurrection thinly veiled as "patriotism".

Liberals and conservatives believe enough is enough. Why should you stick up for those who are destroying are country? How is wishing for America to be great again not patriotism of the highest sense?
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

FWIW, I agree with the sentiment. However, I would not be willing to fight, nor would I want my children fighting. Life is too short, and we have it better than most people in the history of the world have had it. Anyway, no one will fight because with some very rare exceptions the American people have swallowed everything that has been crammed down our throats. The comfort level of people is going to have to be far worse than it is right now.

I just want to live long enough to see Obama out of office. A lot of things are being tolerated right now just to keep from having race riots break out. Those of us who went through that civil unrest in the 60s are just holding our breath hoping no one tries to assassinate him. Once he is out, I am hoping to see the government begin to right itself once again.
Hey, I'll be in Evansville next month. Let's get drunk.

Erm. Uh, I'd kinda have to be 21 to drink so...

Learn to think first, then drink.

You have never drank a day in your life, in that case. Besides, I wouldn't drink anyway. Why reducing your mental faculties has any appeal, I don't know. But, hey, it makes America money so why should we stop them? Aside from getting drunk, enough is enough.
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

FWIW, I agree with the sentiment. However, I would not be willing to fight, nor would I want my children fighting. Life is too short, and we have it better than most people in the history of the world have had it. Anyway, no one will fight because with some very rare exceptions the American people have swallowed everything that has been crammed down our throats. The comfort level of people is going to have to be far worse than it is right now.

I just want to live long enough to see Obama out of office. A lot of things are being tolerated right now just to keep from having race riots break out. Those of us who went through that civil unrest in the 60s are just holding our breath hoping no one tries to assassinate him. Once he is out, I am hoping to see the government begin to right itself once again.

I wouldn't mind fighting if in doing so I secure prosperity for future generations. If I die so that many may be happy, so be it.
you're an idiot.

do the people that win the most votes not win the elections?

That, on a national level, doesn't appear to be an option for the GOP. They have to swing 64 electoral votes to win the Presidency or compromise in the Congress. The mathematics to get to 64 doesn't look as though it is possible (they'd need Florida and 2-3 other states) and compromising in Congress is political suicide.

So now it's armed insurrection thinly veiled as "patriotism".

Liberals and conservatives believe enough is enough. Why should you stick up for those who are destroying are country?
I know of no one in government trying to destroy the country.

How is wishing for America to be great again not patriotism of the highest sense?

America is great dumbass.

Recommending war as an expressway to greatness is like recommending water as a cure for drowning. Only someone with zero idea of the concept would ever think otherwise.
I would agree that our government is too far gone to repair.
Our nation is now "The Corporate States of America". Corporatism has swept the nation, and permanent high unemployment and stagnate/declining wages is irreversible.
Which is why I repeatedly say that underemployment is a greater problem than unemployment.
As companies get bigger, merge together, and then merge again and again...single companies taking over whole industries...the result is less and less employees needed.
We are the employees.
But the main problem is Americans are too self-involved to understand that their collective buying habits are what encourages corporatism. We are our own worse enemy.
If you are still reading can go back to arguing the other party is worse than yours now.

A LOT of people see corporatism as preferable to democracy, seems we lost the war before it ever started when bankers get rewarded for mega-theft and protests against them get jailed.

"Corporations are people my friend"--Governor Mitt Romney.

And sometime today, you can probably see 10 people citing that Romney would be a better President than Obama.

As for the thread; no, there will be no civil war. No civil war in any form; political, armed, ideological, or otherwise.

I've read some of the threads here. Encourage your kids to get into the healthcare industry as either a manufacturer, healthcare worker, or vendor to a major system. We're growing by leaps and bounds. In a plain sense, people will always get sick so this is one of the reasons I pursued it. But moreover than that, the amount of goods and services consumed by healthcare is obscene.

One of the up-and-coming niches is optical care...

My 2 cents.

Good advice. Tell people to get into the health care field because the sick will just increase in this economy.

Also of note, think about becoming an undertaker or one of those guys who repossess houses or cars. These kind of jobs are like gold in the new progressive economy.
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

FWIW, I agree with the sentiment. However, I would not be willing to fight, nor would I want my children fighting. Life is too short, and we have it better than most people in the history of the world have had it. Anyway, no one will fight because with some very rare exceptions the American people have swallowed everything that has been crammed down our throats. The comfort level of people is going to have to be far worse than it is right now.

I just want to live long enough to see Obama out of office. A lot of things are being tolerated right now just to keep from having race riots break out. Those of us who went through that civil unrest in the 60s are just holding our breath hoping no one tries to assassinate him. Once he is out, I am hoping to see the government begin to right itself once again.

I wouldn't mind fighting if in doing so I secure prosperity for future generations. If I die so that many may be happy, so be it.

You don't believe that. Not for a minute. If that ever came out of the hypothetical you would not be saying that.

After my grandmother's death, we sold the last of the property that was a land grant for service during the American Revolution. It had been in the family those many years. 1500 acres on the American frontier was a most valuable thing. But my family suffered in many ways by leaving the comforts and enlightenment of the east coast. It was a struggle from the day the settlers came to KY. The work was grueling, they had land, but generations lived in poverty. Education was taught at the knee of the mother because there were no schools. Babies died because of the severe conditions. One generation can make a deal for future generations that turns out to be a bitter pill to swallow. Right now, the national debt, and the cost of Obamacare are two of those things. A war on American soil would also be a most bitter pill because it would take generations to recover and there would still be animosity. We can see that from the one war that was fought on American soil to this day.

If you are not drinking age, you are young and have much to learn. You could die and future generations wouldn't give a shit. Your best bet is to keep breathing, serve humanity in peaceful endeavors. There are many human service professions, and they can be most gratifying. I know. I just retired from one. My only regret is that I only had 25 years that I could engage in it.
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That "urging" has been going on for about 20 years now (at least) and it has zilch to do with the ACA .

BULL SHIT. You're full of it - and more importantly, you know it. The "push" for thousands more MSN's has just started since 2010. Try to be honest, won't you?

Back when I was in nursing school in 1990 something, they were telling us about this. You are simply wrong. Given your's no surprise. Now call me a communist and run along.

The "urging" that you so mistakenly write about is nothing more than continuing education - I'm sure that when you received your ADN or your LPN at So and So community college, they encouraged you to get your BSN and then, possibly your MSN and, at the very best - your PhD. It had absolutely NOTHING to do with the idea of "socialized medicine" and you know it. However, knowing you, you morph the logical conclusion from a junior college into the futuristic notion of "Obamacare". Anything to further your BS.

1990 something??? Hell, don't you know when you were in school?

Hell, you're too stupid to be called a communist. I'll just start referring to you as "dumbass".
A LOT of people see corporatism as preferable to democracy, seems we lost the war before it ever started when bankers get rewarded for mega-theft and protests against them get jailed.

"Corporations are people my friend"--Governor Mitt Romney.

And sometime today, you can probably see 10 people citing that Romney would be a better President than Obama.

As for the thread; no, there will be no civil war. No civil war in any form; political, armed, ideological, or otherwise.

I've read some of the threads here. Encourage your kids to get into the healthcare industry as either a manufacturer, healthcare worker, or vendor to a major system. We're growing by leaps and bounds. In a plain sense, people will always get sick so this is one of the reasons I pursued it. But moreover than that, the amount of goods and services consumed by healthcare is obscene.

One of the up-and-coming niches is optical care...

My 2 cents.

Good advice. Tell people to get into the health care field because the sick will just increase in this economy.

Also of note, think about becoming an undertaker or one of those guys who repossess houses or cars. These kind of jobs are like gold in the new progressive economy.

Not a bad idea. I was already a nurse when Tenncare hit in themed 90s. But I found greater prosperity as an NP. NPs were already out there in general practice, but I was one of the first in a specialty.
BULL SHIT. You're full of it - and more importantly, you know it. The "push" for thousands more MSN's has just started since 2010. Try to be honest, won't you?

Back when I was in nursing school in 1990 something, they were telling us about this. You are simply wrong. Given your's no surprise. Now call me a communist and run along.

The "urging" that you so mistakenly write about is nothing more than continuing education - I'm sure that when you received your ADN or your LPN at So and So community college, they encouraged you to get your BSN and then, possibly your MSN and, at the very best - your PhD.
I didn't get my nursing degree.

It had absolutely NOTHING to do with the idea of "socialized medicine" and you know it. However, knowing you, you morph the logical conclusion from a junior college into the futuristic notion of "Obamacare". Anything to further your BS.
Not sure what you're talking about but I'm sure it doesn't matter.

1990 something??? Hell, don't you know when you were in school?

Hell, you're too stupid to be called a communist. I'll just start referring to you as "dumbass".

I don't discuss specifics of my personal life on this forum. Too many deranged motherfuckers like you on here; hence my policy.
Back when I was in nursing school in 1990 something, they were telling us about this. You are simply wrong. Given your's no surprise. Now call me a communist and run along.

The "urging" that you so mistakenly write about is nothing more than continuing education - I'm sure that when you received your ADN or your LPN at So and So community college, they encouraged you to get your BSN and then, possibly your MSN and, at the very best - your PhD.
I didn't get my nursing degree.

It had absolutely NOTHING to do with the idea of "socialized medicine" and you know it. However, knowing you, you morph the logical conclusion from a junior college into the futuristic notion of "Obamacare". Anything to further your BS.
Not sure what you're talking about but I'm sure it doesn't matter.

1990 something??? Hell, don't you know when you were in school?

Hell, you're too stupid to be called a communist. I'll just start referring to you as "dumbass".

I don't discuss specifics of my personal life on this forum. Too many deranged motherfuckers like you on here; hence my policy.

What the hell has not remembering when you went to school have to do with anything? I went to University from 1974-1978. My Wife went to College in 1971-1974 then 1981-1983.

I have a BA in Communications with a minor in Political Science. My Wife has a BS in Nursing and a MSN in Nursing (education).

Personal enough for you?

I am many things - and have been many things in my life. "deranged" is NOT one of them. The Army Psychologists told me so. :razz: I had to be cleared for my TS-SC3 Security Clearance to work in my field.

Personal enough for you?

Try to remember when you attended school. It might bolster your argument dumbass.

Oh, and on a final note. I'm no "Motherfucker", either...
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I don't discuss specifics of my personal life on this forum. Too many deranged motherfuckers like you on here; hence my policy.

This was the first and most likely last thing we will agree on.. :redface:

Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

FWIW, I agree with the sentiment. However, I would not be willing to fight, nor would I want my children fighting. Life is too short, and we have it better than most people in the history of the world have had it. Anyway, no one will fight because with some very rare exceptions the American people have swallowed everything that has been crammed down our throats. The comfort level of people is going to have to be far worse than it is right now.

I just want to live long enough to see Obama out of office. A lot of things are being tolerated right now just to keep from having race riots break out. Those of us who went through that civil unrest in the 60s are just holding our breath hoping no one tries to assassinate him. Once he is out, I am hoping to see the government begin to right itself once again.

I wouldn't mind fighting if in doing so I secure prosperity for future generations. If I die so that many may be happy, so be it.

No. You wouldn't. Not even I would. We can do this without shedding the blood of fellow Americans. We had a war over this once. Never again.
All those who say they wouldn't fight, I'm not so sure about that. Are you saying you wouldn't defend yourself if attacked?
Talk to US Veterans like myself what we think about the State of Affairs today and it's clear the left has many assumptions about what the people will allow to transpire.

"Corporations are people my friend"--Governor Mitt Romney.

And sometime today, you can probably see 10 people citing that Romney would be a better President than Obama.

As for the thread; no, there will be no civil war. No civil war in any form; political, armed, ideological, or otherwise.

I've read some of the threads here. Encourage your kids to get into the healthcare industry as either a manufacturer, healthcare worker, or vendor to a major system. We're growing by leaps and bounds. In a plain sense, people will always get sick so this is one of the reasons I pursued it. But moreover than that, the amount of goods and services consumed by healthcare is obscene.

One of the up-and-coming niches is optical care...

My 2 cents.


My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for the last 35 years. There has been a Nursing shortage for the last 50 years. Now, with this bullshit law - Doctors are planning retirements and Nurses are being urged to get their MSN (Practioner) so they can "replace" the Physicians that will be leaving or refusing to accept Obarrycare patients.

That's your future care. Get used to it. Less Physicians - more Nurses.

That "urging" has been going on for about 20 years now (at least) and it has zilch to do with the ACA .

90% of everything I have had to see a doctor for could well have been handled by a competant nurse. That would have freed doctors up to look harder at cases that did need a doctors attention. So, Hurray for that trend!
Talk to US Veterans like myself what we think about the State of Affairs today and it's clear the left has many assumptions about what the people will allow to transpire.


Well, buddy boy, my dd214 states Honorable, and no way will I allow a bunch of armed thugs to take over my nation.
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

More we bury our heads in the sand, more likely it becomes we get fuct. :)
Talk to US Veterans like myself what we think about the State of Affairs today and it's clear the left has many assumptions about what the people will allow to transpire.


Well, buddy boy, my dd214 states Honorable, and no way will I allow a bunch of armed thugs to take over my nation.

Best hope you are in the majority like the ones that voted for this destruction.........twice


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