American Dissent

"Corporations are people my friend"--Governor Mitt Romney.

And sometime today, you can probably see 10 people citing that Romney would be a better President than Obama.

As for the thread; no, there will be no civil war. No civil war in any form; political, armed, ideological, or otherwise.

I've read some of the threads here. Encourage your kids to get into the healthcare industry as either a manufacturer, healthcare worker, or vendor to a major system. We're growing by leaps and bounds. In a plain sense, people will always get sick so this is one of the reasons I pursued it. But moreover than that, the amount of goods and services consumed by healthcare is obscene.

One of the up-and-coming niches is optical care...

My 2 cents.

I encouraged my daughter into respiratory therapy. She will graduate in April.
The school she attends is ranked and currently has 100% placement rate. RT is an expanding field as the population ages. She already has three solid offers and she is still in school.

Great news.

One of the greatest gifts of community colleges is that they are gateways into the medical career options.

Anyone who wants a good career with structure and mentors all along the professional path cannot beat this option.
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

[MENTION=45655]Drake_Roberts[/MENTION], I meet with new clients and prospective clients about three or four times a week, and the general attitudes I get from them continue to get worse and worse. Interesting thing is that most of know there is decay, but they find it difficult to put into words. It's almost funny, the way they shake their heads and try to put it into words, but it's difficult for them to. Generally at this point in the conversation I'll say something vaguely positive and change the subject.

They have worked hard for what they have, they love their country, and they see its decline as it "fundamentally changes", as we continue to lower the standards and expectations that made the country so strong. It breaks their heart, because they have kids and grandkids and they know they'll be affected. They see the clear decline in our popular culture and worry about how how much worse it will get.

They also see that there are many who applaud and promote this decay -- you may see some of them here if they respond to my post -- and they try to make sense of that, too. Why would someone who loves their country want to "fundamentally change" it? Well, at that point, we're both just shaking our heads, and I've gotta change the subject again.

Anyway, to respond directly to your point, I think we may be looking in the wrong place. It's not that the government is "broken", it's that our very culture is in rapid decay and the condition of the government is merely a symptom of that decay.


I think this quote form the great George Carlin can sum up some of your clients.

"No, a lot of these – hold on a second. A lot of these cultural crimes I’ve been complaining about can be blamed on the baby boomers. Something else I’m a little tired of hearing about – The Baby Boomers Whinny, Narcissistic, Self-indulgent people, with a simple philosophy: “Give Me IT! It’s Mine!” “Give Me That! It’s Mine!” These people were given everything – everything was handed to them. And they took it all – took it all, sex, drugs and rock-n-roll and they stayed loaded for 20 years and had a free ride, but now they’re staring down the barrel of middle-age-burn out and they don’t like it, they don’t like it, so they turned self-righteous and they want to make things hard on younger people. They tell them to abstain from sex, say no to drugs, as for the Rock-n-Roll they sold that for television commercials a long time ago, so they could buy pasta machines, StairMaster’s and soybean futures; “Soybean Futures.”

You know something: they’re cold bloodless people, it’s in their slogans, it’s in their rhetoric; “no pain, no gain” “just do it” “life is short” “play hard” “shit happens” “deal with it” “get a life”. These people went from ‘do your own thing’ to ‘just say no’. They went from: “love is all you need” to “whoever winds up with the most toys wins”. And they went from ‘cocaine to Regaine’. They did.And you know something they’re still counting grams, only now its fat grams.

And worst of it is, the rest of us have to watch these commercials on TV for Levi’s loose fitting jeans and fat-ass Docker pants because these degenerate yuppie boomer cock-suckers couldn’t keep their hands off the Croissants and the Häagen-Dazs. And there big fat asses have spread all over and they have to wear fat ass Docker pants. Fuck these Boomers! Fuck these Yuppies! And fuck everybody now that I think of it.

Fuck everybody."

No, not once.

I think the same thing OP I know a lot of people that think the same. Why isn't it more widespread? Because the sheeple still think the ballot box is the way to go instead of the cartridge box.
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

[MENTION=45655]Drake_Roberts[/MENTION], I meet with new clients and prospective clients about three or four times a week, and the general attitudes I get from them continue to get worse and worse. Interesting thing is that most of know there is decay, but they find it difficult to put into words. It's almost funny, the way they shake their heads and try to put it into words, but it's difficult for them to. Generally at this point in the conversation I'll say something vaguely positive and change the subject.

They have worked hard for what they have, they love their country, and they see its decline as it "fundamentally changes", as we continue to lower the standards and expectations that made the country so strong. It breaks their heart, because they have kids and grandkids and they know they'll be affected. They see the clear decline in our popular culture and worry about how how much worse it will get.

They also see that there are many who applaud and promote this decay -- you may see some of them here if they respond to my post -- and they try to make sense of that, too. Why would someone who loves their country want to "fundamentally change" it? Well, at that point, we're both just shaking our heads, and I've gotta change the subject again.

Anyway, to respond directly to your point, I think we may be looking in the wrong place. It's not that the government is "broken", it's that our very culture is in rapid decay and the condition of the government is merely a symptom of that decay.


Who applauds and promotes decay?

Names, please.
I would agree that our government is too far gone to repair.
Our nation is now "The Corporate States of America". Corporatism has swept the nation, and permanent high unemployment and stagnate/declining wages is irreversible.
Which is why I repeatedly say that underemployment is a greater problem than unemployment.
As companies get bigger, merge together, and then merge again and again...single companies taking over whole industries...the result is less and less employees needed.
We are the employees.
But the main problem is Americans are too self-involved to understand that their collective buying habits are what encourages corporatism. We are our own worse enemy.
If you are still reading can go back to arguing the other party is worse than yours now.

A LOT of people see corporatism as preferable to democracy, seems we lost the war before it ever started when bankers get rewarded for mega-theft and protests against them get jailed.

"Corporations are people my friend"--Governor Mitt Romney.

And sometime today, you can probably see 10 people citing that Romney would be a better President than Obama.

As for the thread; no, there will be no civil war. No civil war in any form; political, armed, ideological, or otherwise.

I've read some of the threads here. Encourage your kids to get into the healthcare industry as either a manufacturer, healthcare worker, or vendor to a major system. We're growing by leaps and bounds. In a plain sense, people will always get sick so this is one of the reasons I pursued it. But moreover than that, the amount of goods and services consumed by healthcare is obscene.

One of the up-and-coming niches is optical care...

My 2 cents.


My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for the last 35 years. There has been a Nursing shortage for the last 50 years. Now, with this bullshit law - Doctors are planning retirements and Nurses are being urged to get their MSN (Practioner) so they can "replace" the Physicians that will be leaving or refusing to accept Obarrycare patients.

That's your future care. Get used to it. Less Physicians - more Nurses.
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

[MENTION=45655]Drake_Roberts[/MENTION], I meet with new clients and prospective clients about three or four times a week, and the general attitudes I get from them continue to get worse and worse. Interesting thing is that most of know there is decay, but they find it difficult to put into words. It's almost funny, the way they shake their heads and try to put it into words, but it's difficult for them to. Generally at this point in the conversation I'll say something vaguely positive and change the subject.

They have worked hard for what they have, they love their country, and they see its decline as it "fundamentally changes", as we continue to lower the standards and expectations that made the country so strong. It breaks their heart, because they have kids and grandkids and they know they'll be affected. They see the clear decline in our popular culture and worry about how how much worse it will get.

They also see that there are many who applaud and promote this decay -- you may see some of them here if they respond to my post -- and they try to make sense of that, too. Why would someone who loves their country want to "fundamentally change" it? Well, at that point, we're both just shaking our heads, and I've gotta change the subject again.

Anyway, to respond directly to your point, I think we may be looking in the wrong place. It's not that the government is "broken", it's that our very culture is in rapid decay and the condition of the government is merely a symptom of that decay.


Interesting...I also meet with clients everyday.
I operate a B2B business (until October at the latest, we are closing the business) and I deal with clients from every imaginable kind. Medical, Auto, Real Estate, Restaurants, manufacturing etc. etc. etc.
Rare is it to talk to someone whose business is doing well. RARE. It is all about cutting cost, shrinking a product and reducing the quantity. Everyone is also very disturbed at the path our nation is taking. And yes there is a helpless feeling, hell I have it!
I have made comments in 1000 threads about the damage we all cause by our own purchasing habits. "The high cost of a low price." - a concept that escapes at least 80% of the population. All they care is that something is cheap.
We are effectively slowly committing suicide.
We are amoral, impatient, selfish and oh so easily distracted and therefore uninformed.
I do hate to think of what society my grandchildren will have to endure.

Rare, huh? I have roughly 250 active accounts. Well over half of them increased their business with me last year. This is Florida. Hit really hard by the recession. Things are looking up. You should try focusing on the positives. It will improve your overall health.

Your grandkids will enjoy a great society. Just make sure to elect progressives and the American spirit will prevail.
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

[MENTION=45655]Drake_Roberts[/MENTION], I meet with new clients and prospective clients about three or four times a week, and the general attitudes I get from them continue to get worse and worse. Interesting thing is that most of know there is decay, but they find it difficult to put into words. It's almost funny, the way they shake their heads and try to put it into words, but it's difficult for them to. Generally at this point in the conversation I'll say something vaguely positive and change the subject.

They have worked hard for what they have, they love their country, and they see its decline as it "fundamentally changes", as we continue to lower the standards and expectations that made the country so strong. It breaks their heart, because they have kids and grandkids and they know they'll be affected. They see the clear decline in our popular culture and worry about how how much worse it will get.

They also see that there are many who applaud and promote this decay -- you may see some of them here if they respond to my post -- and they try to make sense of that, too. Why would someone who loves their country want to "fundamentally change" it? Well, at that point, we're both just shaking our heads, and I've gotta change the subject again.

Anyway, to respond directly to your point, I think we may be looking in the wrong place. It's not that the government is "broken", it's that our very culture is in rapid decay and the condition of the government is merely a symptom of that decay.


More reactionary nonsense from the rightwing misery offensive.

Our culture is not in 'decay.' Nor does anyone 'promote' or 'applaud' 'decay.'
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

[MENTION=45655]Drake_Roberts[/MENTION], I meet with new clients and prospective clients about three or four times a week, and the general attitudes I get from them continue to get worse and worse. Interesting thing is that most of know there is decay, but they find it difficult to put into words. It's almost funny, the way they shake their heads and try to put it into words, but it's difficult for them to. Generally at this point in the conversation I'll say something vaguely positive and change the subject.

They have worked hard for what they have, they love their country, and they see its decline as it "fundamentally changes", as we continue to lower the standards and expectations that made the country so strong. It breaks their heart, because they have kids and grandkids and they know they'll be affected. They see the clear decline in our popular culture and worry about how how much worse it will get.

They also see that there are many who applaud and promote this decay -- you may see some of them here if they respond to my post -- and they try to make sense of that, too. Why would someone who loves their country want to "fundamentally change" it? Well, at that point, we're both just shaking our heads, and I've gotta change the subject again.

Anyway, to respond directly to your point, I think we may be looking in the wrong place. It's not that the government is "broken", it's that our very culture is in rapid decay and the condition of the government is merely a symptom of that decay.


More reactionary nonsense from the rightwing misery offensive.

Our culture is not in 'decay.' Nor does anyone 'promote' or 'applaud' 'decay.'

Standard leftwing denial of the obvious.

You're getting your way.

Congratulations on that, I guess.

A LOT of people see corporatism as preferable to democracy, seems we lost the war before it ever started when bankers get rewarded for mega-theft and protests against them get jailed.

"Corporations are people my friend"--Governor Mitt Romney.

And sometime today, you can probably see 10 people citing that Romney would be a better President than Obama.

As for the thread; no, there will be no civil war. No civil war in any form; political, armed, ideological, or otherwise.

I've read some of the threads here. Encourage your kids to get into the healthcare industry as either a manufacturer, healthcare worker, or vendor to a major system. We're growing by leaps and bounds. In a plain sense, people will always get sick so this is one of the reasons I pursued it. But moreover than that, the amount of goods and services consumed by healthcare is obscene.

One of the up-and-coming niches is optical care...

My 2 cents.


My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for the last 35 years. There has been a Nursing shortage for the last 50 years. Now, with this bullshit law - Doctors are planning retirements and Nurses are being urged to get their MSN (Practioner) so they can "replace" the Physicians that will be leaving or refusing to accept Obarrycare patients.

That's your future care. Get used to it. Less Physicians - more Nurses.

That "urging" has been going on for about 20 years now (at least) and it has zilch to do with the ACA .
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?


What you ‘hear’ is anecdotal and irrelevant; it is in no way representative of most Americans.

And the notion of a ‘broken government’ and ‘civil war’ as a ‘remedy’ is ignorant idiocy.

This is just some bizarre, pathetic fantasy you and a tiny minority have contrived.

Then what are your solutions when votes are no longer the effective tool for which it was designed?

you're an idiot.

do the people that win the most votes not win the elections?
Anyone who would mount a civil war would be the most horrible leader possible in this country. For such a horrible thing to be worth it our elected leaders would have to become several times worse than the most inept and corrupt bunch of people imaginable.
I wish we could transport you back in time to just before the Civil War, so you could spout that crap in the village square. It would be interesting to see how long it would take before you were lynched.
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?


What you ‘hear’ is anecdotal and irrelevant; it is in no way representative of most Americans.

And the notion of a ‘broken government’ and ‘civil war’ as a ‘remedy’ is ignorant idiocy.

This is just some bizarre, pathetic fantasy you and a tiny minority have contrived.
Bull shit.

I hear from conservatives and liberals alike that our government is broke, and that voting is more or less a joke. The sentiment that it's going to take more than just voting to fix it is present in all political walks.

Just because there's little brain dead odumbobots like you existing on government handouts doesn't mean that there isn't a vast majority of people in America that's nothing like you at all.
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Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

[MENTION=45655]Drake_Roberts[/MENTION], I meet with new clients and prospective clients about three or four times a week, and the general attitudes I get from them continue to get worse and worse. Interesting thing is that most of know there is decay, but they find it difficult to put into words. It's almost funny, the way they shake their heads and try to put it into words, but it's difficult for them to. Generally at this point in the conversation I'll say something vaguely positive and change the subject.

They have worked hard for what they have, they love their country, and they see its decline as it "fundamentally changes", as we continue to lower the standards and expectations that made the country so strong. It breaks their heart, because they have kids and grandkids and they know they'll be affected. They see the clear decline in our popular culture and worry about how how much worse it will get.

They also see that there are many who applaud and promote this decay -- you may see some of them here if they respond to my post -- and they try to make sense of that, too. Why would someone who loves their country want to "fundamentally change" it? Well, at that point, we're both just shaking our heads, and I've gotta change the subject again.

Anyway, to respond directly to your point, I think we may be looking in the wrong place. It's not that the government is "broken", it's that our very culture is in rapid decay and the condition of the government is merely a symptom of that decay.


Interesting...I also meet with clients everyday.
I operate a B2B business (until October at the latest, we are closing the business) and I deal with clients from every imaginable kind. Medical, Auto, Real Estate, Restaurants, manufacturing etc. etc. etc.
Rare is it to talk to someone whose business is doing well. RARE. It is all about cutting cost, shrinking a product and reducing the quantity. Everyone is also very disturbed at the path our nation is taking. And yes there is a helpless feeling, hell I have it!
I have made comments in 1000 threads about the damage we all cause by our own purchasing habits. "The high cost of a low price." - a concept that escapes at least 80% of the population. All they care is that something is cheap.
We are effectively slowly committing suicide.
We are amoral, impatient, selfish and oh so easily distracted and therefore uninformed.
I do hate to think of what society my grandchildren will have to endure.

good summary, and in complete agreement with the comments I hear every day and my own thoughts.

people are very frustrated, feel helpless, and are becoming angrier by the day. I don't know where its going, but something has to give.
"Corporations are people my friend"--Governor Mitt Romney.

And sometime today, you can probably see 10 people citing that Romney would be a better President than Obama.

As for the thread; no, there will be no civil war. No civil war in any form; political, armed, ideological, or otherwise.

I've read some of the threads here. Encourage your kids to get into the healthcare industry as either a manufacturer, healthcare worker, or vendor to a major system. We're growing by leaps and bounds. In a plain sense, people will always get sick so this is one of the reasons I pursued it. But moreover than that, the amount of goods and services consumed by healthcare is obscene.

One of the up-and-coming niches is optical care...

My 2 cents.


My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for the last 35 years. There has been a Nursing shortage for the last 50 years. Now, with this bullshit law - Doctors are planning retirements and Nurses are being urged to get their MSN (Practioner) so they can "replace" the Physicians that will be leaving or refusing to accept Obarrycare patients.

That's your future care. Get used to it. Less Physicians - more Nurses.

That "urging" has been going on for about 20 years now (at least) and it has zilch to do with the ACA .

BULL SHIT. You're full of it - and more importantly, you know it. The "push" for thousands more MSN's has just started since 2010. Try to be honest, won't you?

My Wife is a MSN and has been a Nurse for the last 35 years. There has been a Nursing shortage for the last 50 years. Now, with this bullshit law - Doctors are planning retirements and Nurses are being urged to get their MSN (Practioner) so they can "replace" the Physicians that will be leaving or refusing to accept Obarrycare patients.

That's your future care. Get used to it. Less Physicians - more Nurses.

That "urging" has been going on for about 20 years now (at least) and it has zilch to do with the ACA .

BULL SHIT. You're full of it - and more importantly, you know it. The "push" for thousands more MSN's has just started since 2010. Try to be honest, won't you?

Back when I was in nursing school in 1990 something, they were telling us about this. You are simply wrong. Given your's no surprise. Now call me a communist and run along.

What you ‘hear’ is anecdotal and irrelevant; it is in no way representative of most Americans.

And the notion of a ‘broken government’ and ‘civil war’ as a ‘remedy’ is ignorant idiocy.

This is just some bizarre, pathetic fantasy you and a tiny minority have contrived.

Then what are your solutions when votes are no longer the effective tool for which it was designed?

you're an idiot.

do the people that win the most votes not win the elections?

That, on a national level, doesn't appear to be an option for the GOP. They have to swing 64 electoral votes to win the Presidency or compromise in the Congress. The mathematics to get to 64 doesn't look as though it is possible (they'd need Florida and 2-3 other states) and compromising in Congress is political suicide.

So now it's armed insurrection thinly veiled as "patriotism".
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

Hey, I'll be in Evansville next month. Let's get drunk.

Erm. Uh, I'd kinda have to be 21 to drink so...
Earlier today, I overheard a group of adults talking about how the government is broken and beyond repair. And how a war is necessary to fixing it because no matter who you elect the people are the victims. It seems to me like this is happening more and more often. Sometimes, I'll hear it for days on end from different people. More and more Americans are realizing that the government is broken irreparably. Anyone else notice it? Or is Evansville Indiana just a den of dissidents?

Hey, I'll be in Evansville next month. Let's get drunk.

Erm. Uh, I'd kinda have to be 21 to drink so...

Learn to think first, then drink.
I think the same thing OP I know a lot of people that think the same. Why isn't it more widespread? Because the sheeple still think the ballot box is the way to go instead of the cartridge box.

O.R.I.O.N, I can assure you it will become only more widespread, not less. And not just the old or the adults. I'm only 20 and realized this. Hell, I realized it years ago. People need to realize that there is no ballot box required when the candidates are all sides of the same greedy, fixed coin. Two-faced, cheats to win, double-sided, etc.

What you ‘hear’ is anecdotal and irrelevant; it is in no way representative of most Americans.

And the notion of a ‘broken government’ and ‘civil war’ as a ‘remedy’ is ignorant idiocy.

This is just some bizarre, pathetic fantasy you and a tiny minority have contrived.

Then what are your solutions when votes are no longer the effective tool for which it was designed?

you're an idiot.

do the people that win the most votes not win the elections?

No, he's insightful.

No matter who wins the election, the American people don't. Politicians are by nature upper-class and greedy and highly selfish. The ballot box was designed for a selfless government. One that ruled by the people, for the people.

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