American courage...


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
Open up fully and encourage those that want to avoid the virus. To stay home. How can anyone lose in this?
Open up fully and encourage those that want to avoid the virus. To stay home. How can anyone lose in this?
I think that’s a good idea. Lefties and others who consume corporate news are likely to be frienghtened out of their minds. They stay home like good little sheep, so I can get around town easily and enjoy my favorite restaurants without waiting. Win-win.

The insane global shutdown because of the virus is going to cause both of the first two to increase going forward...

10,000 children a month are dying because of this stupidity....

All around the world, the coronavirus and its restrictions are pushing already hungry communities over the edge, cutting off meager farms from markets and isolating villages from food and medical aid. Virus-linked hunger is leading to the deaths of 10,000 more children a month over the first year of the pandemic, according to an urgent call to action from the United Nations shared with The Associated Press ahead of its publication in the Lancet medical journal.

Further, more than 550,000 additional children each month are being struck by what is called wasting, according to the U.N. — malnutrition that manifests in spindly limbs and distended bellies. Over a year, that’s up 6.7 million from last year’s total of 47 million. Wasting and stunting can permanently damage children physically and mentally, transforming individual tragedies into a generational catastrophe.

But.....Trump had to be beaten....right?
People who are afraid of masks are showing courage? :laughing0301:

Afraid of masks? should stop mixing your booze and your meds.....I would say you should know better but you are a left winger....and "Knowing Better," and being a left winger do not go together....
People who are afraid of masks are showing courage? :laughing0301:
They are not afraid of masks. That is you projecting your fear onto others.

They are afraid of becoming Venezuala and intend to push back. i wouldn't expect you to understand that though because you belive in personal liberty for ONLY those who agree with you.
Open up fully and encourage those that want to avoid the virus. To stay home. How can anyone lose in this?

I'm gonna drink a bottle of scotch and then drive around town this evening. The
chances that I kill you or someone you love are miniscule. But if you don't want to take a chance,
you can just stay home. Cool?

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