American boy in Syria threatens Trump in new ISIS video


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A new propaganda video released by ISIS Wednesday features a 10-year-old American boy issuing threats to U.S. President Donald Trump.
American Boy in Syria Threatens Trump in New ISIS Video

Imagine how dumbed down the leftist are with thier open borders just begging for " KIDS" like this to come in who would and could kill yah in a heartbeat. These leftards seem to think these kids have grown up being taught how to have tea parties with ken and barbie. They are this stupid.
American or not their kids are taught how to do this, and this kid has probably been brainwashed into the same bs. Just like you love those schools that brainwash your kid into thinking they are a girl when they are a boy.
anyone who imagines that there are not MILLIONS of muslim kids -----inculcated with
this sort of filth FROM INFANCY-------just does not know-------

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