Zone1 American after living abroad

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
Well, kinda had to work out which part of the forum to start this thread.

Basically, the American in this video has been living abroad for 12 years and he covers such areas as Health, Education, Guns, Freedom and so on. Actually, quite a few areas of the "US Discussion" part of the forum.

Not only I found what he had to say interesting, but also the comments. And as I read the comments, I can relate to how these match the posters comments on USMB who are from outside of America.

Now, there's a chance this thread will move from this part of the forum, but I thought it was the most appropriate place.

Would be interesting to hear what you guys think. I know that many will just diss the video without watching it, but I'm sure there should be the odd useful post.

I found his thoughts on Freedom, Health Care, and Education very interesting.
Well, kinda had to work out which part of the forum to start this thread.

Basically, the American in this video has been living abroad for 12 years and he covers such areas as Health, Education, Guns, Freedom and so on. Actually, quite a few areas of the "US Discussion" part of the forum.

Not only I found what he had to say interesting, but also the comments. And as I read the comments, I can relate to how these match the posters comments on USMB who are from outside of America.

Now, there's a chance this thread will move from this part of the forum, but I thought it was the most appropriate place.

Would be interesting to hear what you guys think. I know that many will just diss the video without watching it, but I'm sure there should be the odd useful post.

I found his thoughts on Freedom, Health Care, and Education very interesting.

This guy is a dumbass.
Sadly it is all true , imho .
Or, at rock minimum , it is the typical perception .

I find something stemming from your poor education system the worst concern of all.
Extremely low aptitude for General Comprehension.
Isolation(ism) and Xenophobia seem stratospheric .

It is all so bad that it is hard to know whether the US is effectively destroying itself, or, whether there is a concerted effort over the last 60 years , say , to destroy the US Empire from the outside .
I strongly favour the latter, unfortunately made easier because of so low average General Comprehension .That is , self perception primarily.
All imho . .
Sadly it is all true , imho .
Or, at rock minimum , it is the typical perception .

I find something stemming from your poor education system the worst concern of all.
Extremely low aptitude for General Comprehension.
Isolation(ism) and Xenophobia seem stratospheric .

It is all so bad that it is hard to know whether the US is effectively destroying itself, or, whether there is a concerted effort over the last 60 years , say , to destroy the US Empire from the outside .
I strongly favour the latter, unfortunately made easier because of so low average General Comprehension .That is , self perception primarily.
All imho . .

Blah, the "world" has been forecasting the same gloom-n-doom demise of the US since the US was established......Yet when the chips are down who to they run to for help?

In fact what they are scared of most of all is that we say FU and leave them to their own devices.

IDGAF what people think about the fact that Americans can own guns with fewer government controls than other countries.

I agree that consumerism is one of the major problems in the US but I find it hard to believe that it is so much worse in the US than any other industrialized countries

And hell fucking yes we should pack up our military and stop protecting everyone. Let all you foreigners pay for your own defense.
Blah, the "world" has been forecasting the same gloom-n-doom demise of the US since the US was established......Yet when the chips are down who to they run to for help?

In fact what they are scared of most of all is that we say FU and leave them to their own devices.

Hey, you were in it. Which one was you, the one on the left?
Sadly it is all true , imho .
Or, at rock minimum , it is the typical perception .

I find something stemming from your poor education system the worst concern of all.
Extremely low aptitude for General Comprehension.
Isolation(ism) and Xenophobia seem stratospheric .

It is all so bad that it is hard to know whether the US is effectively destroying itself, or, whether there is a concerted effort over the last 60 years , say , to destroy the US Empire from the outside .
I strongly favour the latter, unfortunately made easier because of so low average General Comprehension .That is , self perception primarily.
All imho . .
It's an outside attack, that moved inside to the brain.
I started watching it, but had to stop after hearing his take on gun ownership. He lost all credibility with me, as he clearly doesn't understand the importance of the RKBA and the 2nd Amendment.

Even if he has some other points that are valid, it seems to me that his views don't come from "living abroad" but because he appears to be just another statist.
Well, kinda had to work out which part of the forum to start this thread.

That was awesome, thank for posting it.

I love that he is not partisan, he is not "right" or "left" and he points out things from both sides that are wrong with the country.

Much of what he said is why the wife and I will be expats starting the month we retire.
Funny that the extremists from both sides are avoiding this video like the plague
I don't see it as that big of a deal.

I grew up poorer than dirt poor with a heroin addict mother on welfare in a shithole slum but somehow I always managed as an adult to have health insurance and a place to live and even though I dropped out of HS I was still able to get my GED and take college classes to help me run my businesses.

I don;' see gun crime as the same big deal as foreigners do. I grew up with it and I know that rampant crime and most gun crimes occur in very small well defined areas of just a handful of of our largest cities and the powers that be know this too but choose to do nothing about it.

If you want to live in a crime free area of the country it is very easy to do.
I grew up poorer than dirt poor with a heroin addict mother on welfare in a shithole slum but somehow I always managed as an adult to have health insurance and a place to live and even though I dropped out of HS I was still able to get my GED and take college classes to help me run my businesses.

I am assuming that was more than just a couple years ago. Much has changed since then.

I don;' see gun crime as the same big deal as foreigners do. I grew up with it and I know that rampant crime and most gun crimes occur in very small well defined areas of just a handful of of our largest cities and the powers that be know this too but choose to do nothing about it.

Yeah, the gun part of it was not a big deal to me either.

His take on education, healthcare, food, wokenss and most of all the idea that people define themselves by their job, a discussion I was jut having in a different thread
I am assuming that was more than just a couple years ago. Much has changed since then.

Yeah, the gun part of it was not a big deal to me either.

His take on education, healthcare, food, wokenss and most of all the idea that people define themselves by their job, a discussion I was jut having in a different thread

Not that much

I still have insurance and I still take classes. In fact you can watch entire lecture series at Harvard and many other top flight colleges for FREE.

Americans eat like shit because they want to eat like shit. They waste their money of crap because they want to waste their money on crap.

I never bought into the consumerism that is rampant in this country

And people define themselves by their work everywhere in the world because it is one of the things in their lives that they spend the most time on.

And all these Euro countries have their own versions of woke. Shit you can be arrested tired and serve jail time for owning the "wrong" book or for being mean on facebook.

These people have been infantilized by their governments to the point where they aren't even allowed to carry a fucking pocket knife.

People think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence but it is almost never true.
Not that much

I still have insurance and I still take classes. In fact you can watch entire lecture series at Harvard and many other top flight colleges for FREE.

Try getting a job based on watching those videos.

Americans eat like shit because they want to eat like shit. They waste their money of crap because they want to waste their money on crap.

I never bought into the consumerism that is rampant in this country

You are special and unique, not ever one is like you.

A couple months ago I went to a Senior PGA event locally and one thing that stuck out to me was that almost all the American golfers had beer guts and were over weight while most of the non-US golfers were still as fit looking as when they were on the PGA tour.

And people define themselves by their work everywhere in the world because it is one of the things in their lives that they spend the most time on.

Simply not true, it is pretty much a solely an American thing, then again most of them do not spend most of their time at work like so many here do and take such great pride in.

People think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence but it is almost never true.

Not greener, just a different variety. I have lived in multiple countries and traveled to dozens, there are a lot of places just as good if not better than the US in many ways.
Try getting a job based on watching those videos.

You are special and unique, not ever one is like you.

A couple months ago I went to a Senior PGA event locally and one thing that stuck out to me was that almost all the American golfers had beer guts and were over weight while most of the non-US golfers were still as fit looking as when they were on the PGA tour.

Simply not true, it is pretty much a solely an American thing, then again most of them do not spend most of their time at work like so many here do and take such great pride in.

Not greener, just a different variety. I have lived in multiple countries and traveled to dozens, there are a lot of places just as good if not better than the US in many ways.

I did just fine without a college degree. It's a total myth that you have to go to college to get a good paying job.

And No I'm not special that's the point.

I don't believe that identifying with your profession is a uniquely American thing. I was a builder and a craftsman my entire adult life and I still identify as that because it is what I am.

So tell me what to all these euro foreigners tell you when you ask them ? Is it something like "Oh I have a job but my true calling is making people laugh by making fart noises"?

I never said the US was the best at anything. But I believe I would not have achieved what I did anywhere else.

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