America Suffered A Terrorist Attack EVERY YEAR Under Barak Obama


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
JUNE 2009:
Al Qaeda-trained Abdulhakim Muhammad opened fire on an Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Ark., killing Pvt. William Long and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula.

Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, the self-proclaimed 'Warrior of Allah', opened fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13. Despite Hasan being in contact with Al Qaeda leaders before the attack, despite being a regular member on Jihad web sites, and despite having threatened to behead a fellow officer if he refused to convert to Islam, President Obama ruled it “workplace violence”, NOT a 'terrorist' attack.

MARCH 2010:
An attacker was shot and killed at the gate of the Pentagon

MAY 2010:
Failed car-bombing in Times Square, NY

Attempted shooting at Capitol Hill; gunman shot and injured by guards

Pakistani-American arrested plotting bombing attack on Washington subway

1 arrested plotting bombing of military recruiting center

2 arrested plotting attacks on a Manhattan synagogue, 2 arrested plotting attack on Seattle military recruiting station, thwarted attempt to attack restaurant near Fort Hood with bombing and shooting attack; Naser Abdo arrested

shooting attack at restaurant, killing 4 (2 died immediately, 2 died later of injuries) and injuring 7 others; casualties included 3 Nevada National Guard soldiers killed and 2 injured; gunman also died of self-inflicted wounds

Terrorists with al Qaeda in the Maghreb attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing the US ambassador, a US Foreign Service officer and two CIA contractors. Obama and then-Secretary of State Clinton misled the American people, blaming the attack on an anti-Muslim video.

AUGUST 2012:
6 killed, 4 injured in shooting attack at a Sikh temple shortly before worship service on Sunday morning; one of those injured was a police officer, another was president of the temple; the gunman was shot and killed at the scene by police.

APRIL 2013:
Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Muslim brothers from Chechnya, exploded a pair of pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding more than 260. At least 17 people lost limbs from the shrapnel. Despite being warned well in advance of the identities of the 2, that 1 had attended an Al Qeada training camp, and that they intended to affect the bombings in Marathon in Boston Obama failed to stop the attacks. Afterwards his administration put their pictures on national TV and asked Americans to help Identify them ... even though they already knew who they were. Obama was trying to con the American people into believing they had no idea who they were and had not been warned in advance about the attack (as they had been before the Benghazi attack).

APRIL 2014:
Shooting attack on Fort Hood; 3 killed, 16 injured; in addition the gunman killed himself

shots fired at Mexican consulate, US courthouse, and police station during early morning hours; failed attempt at arson at consulate; attacker was shot at by police

MAY 2015:
attempted shooting attack at event involving art critical of Islam, one guard shot and injured, both attackers shot and killed by police officer serving as guard.

JULY 2015:
Mohammad Abdulazeez opened fire on a military recruiting center and US Navy Reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn., where he shot to death four Marines and a sailor. Obama refused to call it terrorism.

Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married Pakistani couple, stormed a San Bernardino County government building with combat gear and rifles and opened fire on about 80 employees enjoying an office Christmas party. They killed 14 after pledging loyalty to ISIS. A third Muslim was charged with helping buy weapons.

More for the argument of Obama as the WORST President in U.S. History...and a TRAITOR:

One could make the argument that terrorist attacks and the threat of terrorist attacks have become almost accepted new part of life; however, what makes this list of terrorist attacks so bad is the realization that during his entire 8 years in office, while all of these attacks were going on, President Obama financed, supplied, aided, abetted, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the United States into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-approved wars to help terrorists take over their own nations / safe havens.

He helped the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group take over the government the government of our ally Egypt, forcing the Egyptian military to later execute a coup to deny an acknowledged terrorist group control of their nation / government.

He refused to call obvious terrorist attacks 'terrorist attacks'. He even sent out his criminal US AG out to threaten Americans with Judicial punishment for exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech by making negative comments about Islamic Extremism and the terrorists he had allowed into the country who had just killed 7 Americans in California.

He lied about the known pending Middle East-wide terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11/12, blamed and demonized an American citizen who had made a film ' claiming the video was the reason for the terrorist attack. Obama vowed to arrest the film-maker for inciting the 'riot'...and did...before later acknowledging the attack had been a terrorist attack, one of 22 on U.S. Embassies and compounds throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12.

During all of these attacks Obama protected terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug Operations, protected ISIS Black Market Oil Production Ops that paid for 1/2 their terrorist attack operations - like the attack in Paris, and violated the Constitution to enter into his own personal Iran-benefitting treaty negotiation on behalf of the United States.

Terrorist attacks and related incidents in the United States
Lame list. Even failed attempts that were caught and prevented are on your list of "attacks". You even include an attack by a white supremacist on a Sikh Temple.
Lame list.


June 2009:
1 US Soldier dead, 1 wounded.

13 US soldiers dead, more wounded

September 2011:
4 Americans dead.

4 Americans murdered, to include the 1st US Ambassador killed by terrorists in over 30 years - ABANDONED to die, NEEDLESSLY killed.

AUGUST 2012:
6 killed, 4 wounded

APRIL 2013:
3 dead, 260 wounded - PREVENTABLE

APRIL 2014:
3 killed, 16 injured

MAY 2015:

JULY 2015:
5 US military members murdered
*** 'Fast and Furious' weapons used in the attack




YOUR Response: 'LAME LIST'

Yeah, I guess, in the immortal words of your beloved 2016 FELOB Presidential candidate,


Obama was the most corrupt president we have ever had....He and Kerry lied to congress and asked two banks to ignore Iranian sanctions the banks said no that is illegal so Obama and Kerry went to a bank in the UK to get their way...and they paved the road for Iran to build more IED's to kill Americans....Will he be investigated? He would be if he wasn't black...There is a lesson for Americans here...we can not ever elect a liberal minority ever again if our cowardly congress are too afraid to hold them in check...
We survive because we have checks and balances...Obama showed they don't effect everyone....the first black president was as corrupt as the day is long and will probably escape with no penalty except the ruination of his reputation....
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Why do we have a CIA? The agency has a secret budget and a pop-culture reputation but they haven't been on top of any important event since WW2. Apparently the Agency was focused on undermining President Bush's reputation in the non issue of the alleged "outing" of socialite Valerie Plame rather than National Security. Drain the freaking swamp.
This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory forum or rubber room. The OP has no relationship to accepted history. Nothing more than a list of distorted and warped subjective opinions with no substantive supporting data. Just nonsense and made up trash.
JUNE 2009:
Al Qaeda-trained Abdulhakim Muhammad opened fire on an Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Ark., killing Pvt. William Long and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula.

Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, the self-proclaimed 'Warrior of Allah', opened fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13. Despite Hasan being in contact with Al Qaeda leaders before the attack, despite being a regular member on Jihad web sites, and despite having threatened to behead a fellow officer if he refused to convert to Islam, President Obama ruled it “workplace violence”, NOT a 'terrorist' attack.

MARCH 2010:
An attacker was shot and killed at the gate of the Pentagon

MAY 2010:
Failed car-bombing in Times Square, NY

Attempted shooting at Capitol Hill; gunman shot and injured by guards

Pakistani-American arrested plotting bombing attack on Washington subway

1 arrested plotting bombing of military recruiting center

2 arrested plotting attacks on a Manhattan synagogue, 2 arrested plotting attack on Seattle military recruiting station, thwarted attempt to attack restaurant near Fort Hood with bombing and shooting attack; Naser Abdo arrested

shooting attack at restaurant, killing 4 (2 died immediately, 2 died later of injuries) and injuring 7 others; casualties included 3 Nevada National Guard soldiers killed and 2 injured; gunman also died of self-inflicted wounds

Terrorists with al Qaeda in the Maghreb attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing the US ambassador, a US Foreign Service officer and two CIA contractors. Obama and then-Secretary of State Clinton misled the American people, blaming the attack on an anti-Muslim video.

AUGUST 2012:
6 killed, 4 injured in shooting attack at a Sikh temple shortly before worship service on Sunday morning; one of those injured was a police officer, another was president of the temple; the gunman was shot and killed at the scene by police.

APRIL 2013:
Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Muslim brothers from Chechnya, exploded a pair of pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding more than 260. At least 17 people lost limbs from the shrapnel. Despite being warned well in advance of the identities of the 2, that 1 had attended an Al Qeada training camp, and that they intended to affect the bombings in Marathon in Boston Obama failed to stop the attacks. Afterwards his administration put their pictures on national TV and asked Americans to help Identify them ... even though they already knew who they were. Obama was trying to con the American people into believing they had no idea who they were and had not been warned in advance about the attack (as they had been before the Benghazi attack).

APRIL 2014:
Shooting attack on Fort Hood; 3 killed, 16 injured; in addition the gunman killed himself

shots fired at Mexican consulate, US courthouse, and police station during early morning hours; failed attempt at arson at consulate; attacker was shot at by police

MAY 2015:
attempted shooting attack at event involving art critical of Islam, one guard shot and injured, both attackers shot and killed by police officer serving as guard.

JULY 2015:
Mohammad Abdulazeez opened fire on a military recruiting center and US Navy Reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn., where he shot to death four Marines and a sailor. Obama refused to call it terrorism.

Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married Pakistani couple, stormed a San Bernardino County government building with combat gear and rifles and opened fire on about 80 employees enjoying an office Christmas party. They killed 14 after pledging loyalty to ISIS. A third Muslim was charged with helping buy weapons.

More for the argument of Obama as the WORST President in U.S. History...and a TRAITOR:

One could make the argument that terrorist attacks and the threat of terrorist attacks have become almost accepted new part of life; however, what makes this list of terrorist attacks so bad is the realization that during his entire 8 years in office, while all of these attacks were going on, President Obama financed, supplied, aided, abetted, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the United States into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-approved wars to help terrorists take over their own nations / safe havens.

He helped the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group take over the government the government of our ally Egypt, forcing the Egyptian military to later execute a coup to deny an acknowledged terrorist group control of their nation / government.

He refused to call obvious terrorist attacks 'terrorist attacks'. He even sent out his criminal US AG out to threaten Americans with Judicial punishment for exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech by making negative comments about Islamic Extremism and the terrorists he had allowed into the country who had just killed 7 Americans in California.

He lied about the known pending Middle East-wide terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11/12, blamed and demonized an American citizen who had made a film ' claiming the video was the reason for the terrorist attack. Obama vowed to arrest the film-maker for inciting the 'riot'...and did...before later acknowledging the attack had been a terrorist attack, one of 22 on U.S. Embassies and compounds throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12.

During all of these attacks Obama protected terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug Operations, protected ISIS Black Market Oil Production Ops that paid for 1/2 their terrorist attack operations - like the attack in Paris, and violated the Constitution to enter into his own personal Iran-benefitting treaty negotiation on behalf of the United States.

Terrorist attacks and related incidents in the United States

America has suffered multiple terror attacks every year under Donald Trump.

March 20, 2017 Stabbing by sword 1 0 New York City Stabbing of Timothy Caughman: James Harris Jackson, 28, traveled from his home state of Maryland to New York City with the "sole purpose of stalking and killing black men for a statement-making media spectacle" according to police. On March 20 he allegedly attacked Timothy Caughman, 66, in Midtown Manhattan with a sword, killing him. Police allege ties to White Supremacist hate groups.[149] James Harris Jackson
August 5, 2017 Bombing 0 0 Bloomington, Minnesota On August 5, 2017, an explosive device shattered windows and damaged an office at the mosque, which primarily serves people from the area's large Somali community.
October 31, 2017 Assault with vehicle 8 11 (+1) New York City 2017 New York City truck attack: On October 31, 2017, an ISIS-inspired man drove a rented Home Depot flatbed pickup truck in a vehicle-ramming attack on cyclists and runners along 1 mile (1.6 km) of a bike path alongside West Street in Lower Manhattan, killing eight people and injuring at least 11 others. The attack took place several blocks north of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Sayfullo Saipov
February 16, 2018 Assault with vehicle 0 3 East Orange,
New Jersey

A man crashed a stolen truck into a Planned Parenthood clinic, injuring a pregnant woman and two others.[150]
Obama was the most corrupt president we have ever had....He and Kerry lied to congress and asked two banks to ignore Iranian sanctions the banks said no that is illegal so Obama and Kerry went to a bank in the UK to get their way...and they paved the road for Iran to build more IED's to kill Americans....Will he be investigated? He would be if he wasn't black...There is a lesson for Americans here...we can not ever elect a liberal minority ever again if our cowardly congress are too afraid to hold them in check...
We survive because we have checks and balances...Obama showed they don't effect everyone....the first black president was as corrupt as the day is long and will probably escape with no penalty except the ruination of his reputation....
Nixon was forced from office, forced into resignation because of the corruption in his administration. Reagan had the most corrupt administration in history if the number of indicted, convicted, imprisoned and pardoned members and associates of his administration determines "most corrupt".
Nixon was forced from office, forced into resignation because of the corruption in his administration. Reagan had the most corrupt administration in history if the number of indicted, convicted, imprisoned and pardoned members and associates of his administration determines "most corrupt"
There was no problem with the protesters .... It was the counter protesters who caused all the problems .
JUNE 2009:
Al Qaeda-trained Abdulhakim Muhammad opened fire on an Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Ark., killing Pvt. William Long and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula.

Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, the self-proclaimed 'Warrior of Allah', opened fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13. Despite Hasan being in contact with Al Qaeda leaders before the attack, despite being a regular member on Jihad web sites, and despite having threatened to behead a fellow officer if he refused to convert to Islam, President Obama ruled it “workplace violence”, NOT a 'terrorist' attack.

MARCH 2010:
An attacker was shot and killed at the gate of the Pentagon

MAY 2010:
Failed car-bombing in Times Square, NY

Attempted shooting at Capitol Hill; gunman shot and injured by guards

Pakistani-American arrested plotting bombing attack on Washington subway

1 arrested plotting bombing of military recruiting center

2 arrested plotting attacks on a Manhattan synagogue, 2 arrested plotting attack on Seattle military recruiting station, thwarted attempt to attack restaurant near Fort Hood with bombing and shooting attack; Naser Abdo arrested

shooting attack at restaurant, killing 4 (2 died immediately, 2 died later of injuries) and injuring 7 others; casualties included 3 Nevada National Guard soldiers killed and 2 injured; gunman also died of self-inflicted wounds

Terrorists with al Qaeda in the Maghreb attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing the US ambassador, a US Foreign Service officer and two CIA contractors. Obama and then-Secretary of State Clinton misled the American people, blaming the attack on an anti-Muslim video.

AUGUST 2012:
6 killed, 4 injured in shooting attack at a Sikh temple shortly before worship service on Sunday morning; one of those injured was a police officer, another was president of the temple; the gunman was shot and killed at the scene by police.

APRIL 2013:
Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Muslim brothers from Chechnya, exploded a pair of pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding more than 260. At least 17 people lost limbs from the shrapnel. Despite being warned well in advance of the identities of the 2, that 1 had attended an Al Qeada training camp, and that they intended to affect the bombings in Marathon in Boston Obama failed to stop the attacks. Afterwards his administration put their pictures on national TV and asked Americans to help Identify them ... even though they already knew who they were. Obama was trying to con the American people into believing they had no idea who they were and had not been warned in advance about the attack (as they had been before the Benghazi attack).

APRIL 2014:
Shooting attack on Fort Hood; 3 killed, 16 injured; in addition the gunman killed himself

shots fired at Mexican consulate, US courthouse, and police station during early morning hours; failed attempt at arson at consulate; attacker was shot at by police

MAY 2015:
attempted shooting attack at event involving art critical of Islam, one guard shot and injured, both attackers shot and killed by police officer serving as guard.

JULY 2015:
Mohammad Abdulazeez opened fire on a military recruiting center and US Navy Reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn., where he shot to death four Marines and a sailor. Obama refused to call it terrorism.

Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married Pakistani couple, stormed a San Bernardino County government building with combat gear and rifles and opened fire on about 80 employees enjoying an office Christmas party. They killed 14 after pledging loyalty to ISIS. A third Muslim was charged with helping buy weapons.

More for the argument of Obama as the WORST President in U.S. History...and a TRAITOR:

One could make the argument that terrorist attacks and the threat of terrorist attacks have become almost accepted new part of life; however, what makes this list of terrorist attacks so bad is the realization that during his entire 8 years in office, while all of these attacks were going on, President Obama financed, supplied, aided, abetted, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the United States into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-approved wars to help terrorists take over their own nations / safe havens.

He helped the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group take over the government the government of our ally Egypt, forcing the Egyptian military to later execute a coup to deny an acknowledged terrorist group control of their nation / government.

He refused to call obvious terrorist attacks 'terrorist attacks'. He even sent out his criminal US AG out to threaten Americans with Judicial punishment for exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech by making negative comments about Islamic Extremism and the terrorists he had allowed into the country who had just killed 7 Americans in California.

He lied about the known pending Middle East-wide terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11/12, blamed and demonized an American citizen who had made a film ' claiming the video was the reason for the terrorist attack. Obama vowed to arrest the film-maker for inciting the 'riot'...and did...before later acknowledging the attack had been a terrorist attack, one of 22 on U.S. Embassies and compounds throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12.

During all of these attacks Obama protected terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug Operations, protected ISIS Black Market Oil Production Ops that paid for 1/2 their terrorist attack operations - like the attack in Paris, and violated the Constitution to enter into his own personal Iran-benefitting treaty negotiation on behalf of the United States.

Terrorist attacks and related incidents in the United States
And a mass shooting every few month under trump.

Do you think they are responsible for the killers?
And a mass shooting every few month under trump.
Yes, due to violent Democrat rhetoric triggering snowflakes into violence, such as the attempted GOP assassination, or cases where the Liberal-established policies set up to identify and get mentally ill students and get them help before they went on a shooting rampage failed due to the liberal teachers / principals refusing to adhere to the procedures ...and cops refusing to go into the schools while 1 shooting was going on. (Guess the anti-gun crowd needed/wanted a higher body count...)
Your theory is blown by 2010 where there were no attacks

MARCH 2010:
An attacker was shot and killed at the gate of the Pentagon

MAY 2010:
Failed car-bombing in Times Square, NY

Attempted shooting at Capitol Hill; gunman shot and injured by guards

Pakistani-American arrested plotting bombing attack on Washington subway

1 arrested plotting bombing of military recruiting center
JUNE 2009:
Al Qaeda-trained Abdulhakim Muhammad opened fire on an Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Ark., killing Pvt. William Long and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula.

Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, the self-proclaimed 'Warrior of Allah', opened fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13. Despite Hasan being in contact with Al Qaeda leaders before the attack, despite being a regular member on Jihad web sites, and despite having threatened to behead a fellow officer if he refused to convert to Islam, President Obama ruled it “workplace violence”, NOT a 'terrorist' attack.

MARCH 2010:
An attacker was shot and killed at the gate of the Pentagon

MAY 2010:
Failed car-bombing in Times Square, NY

Attempted shooting at Capitol Hill; gunman shot and injured by guards

Pakistani-American arrested plotting bombing attack on Washington subway

1 arrested plotting bombing of military recruiting center

2 arrested plotting attacks on a Manhattan synagogue, 2 arrested plotting attack on Seattle military recruiting station, thwarted attempt to attack restaurant near Fort Hood with bombing and shooting attack; Naser Abdo arrested

shooting attack at restaurant, killing 4 (2 died immediately, 2 died later of injuries) and injuring 7 others; casualties included 3 Nevada National Guard soldiers killed and 2 injured; gunman also died of self-inflicted wounds

Terrorists with al Qaeda in the Maghreb attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing the US ambassador, a US Foreign Service officer and two CIA contractors. Obama and then-Secretary of State Clinton misled the American people, blaming the attack on an anti-Muslim video.

AUGUST 2012:
6 killed, 4 injured in shooting attack at a Sikh temple shortly before worship service on Sunday morning; one of those injured was a police officer, another was president of the temple; the gunman was shot and killed at the scene by police.

APRIL 2013:
Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Muslim brothers from Chechnya, exploded a pair of pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding more than 260. At least 17 people lost limbs from the shrapnel. Despite being warned well in advance of the identities of the 2, that 1 had attended an Al Qeada training camp, and that they intended to affect the bombings in Marathon in Boston Obama failed to stop the attacks. Afterwards his administration put their pictures on national TV and asked Americans to help Identify them ... even though they already knew who they were. Obama was trying to con the American people into believing they had no idea who they were and had not been warned in advance about the attack (as they had been before the Benghazi attack).

APRIL 2014:
Shooting attack on Fort Hood; 3 killed, 16 injured; in addition the gunman killed himself

shots fired at Mexican consulate, US courthouse, and police station during early morning hours; failed attempt at arson at consulate; attacker was shot at by police

MAY 2015:
attempted shooting attack at event involving art critical of Islam, one guard shot and injured, both attackers shot and killed by police officer serving as guard.

JULY 2015:
Mohammad Abdulazeez opened fire on a military recruiting center and US Navy Reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn., where he shot to death four Marines and a sailor. Obama refused to call it terrorism.

Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married Pakistani couple, stormed a San Bernardino County government building with combat gear and rifles and opened fire on about 80 employees enjoying an office Christmas party. They killed 14 after pledging loyalty to ISIS. A third Muslim was charged with helping buy weapons.

More for the argument of Obama as the WORST President in U.S. History...and a TRAITOR:

One could make the argument that terrorist attacks and the threat of terrorist attacks have become almost accepted new part of life; however, what makes this list of terrorist attacks so bad is the realization that during his entire 8 years in office, while all of these attacks were going on, President Obama financed, supplied, aided, abetted, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the United States into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-approved wars to help terrorists take over their own nations / safe havens.

He helped the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group take over the government the government of our ally Egypt, forcing the Egyptian military to later execute a coup to deny an acknowledged terrorist group control of their nation / government.

He refused to call obvious terrorist attacks 'terrorist attacks'. He even sent out his criminal US AG out to threaten Americans with Judicial punishment for exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech by making negative comments about Islamic Extremism and the terrorists he had allowed into the country who had just killed 7 Americans in California.

He lied about the known pending Middle East-wide terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11/12, blamed and demonized an American citizen who had made a film ' claiming the video was the reason for the terrorist attack. Obama vowed to arrest the film-maker for inciting the 'riot'...and did...before later acknowledging the attack had been a terrorist attack, one of 22 on U.S. Embassies and compounds throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12.

During all of these attacks Obama protected terrorist-supporting Hezbollah Drug Operations, protected ISIS Black Market Oil Production Ops that paid for 1/2 their terrorist attack operations - like the attack in Paris, and violated the Constitution to enter into his own personal Iran-benefitting treaty negotiation on behalf of the United States.

Terrorist attacks and related incidents in the United States
In all fairness, no one can put blame for an enemies attack on a sitting President, though the left would love to do so. Intellectually, we cannot blame Clinton, Bush, Obama, nor Trump for what the enemy did or will do.
There was no problem with the protesters .... It was the counter protesters who caused all the problems .

Did they hand out Tiki torches or did the "very fine" hoodless KKKers bring their own?
Actually, as the links provided numerous times showed, the Antifa leader (the SAME Antifa exposed to have taken Russian cash to spread racial division and violence) openly declared that their group showed up in Charlottesville with the intent of instigating violence, which they did, and use this tactic quite frequently.

POS Liberals like this love to CLAIM they are tolerant and stand up for the Constitution...then they show up and attack others who have a different view/opinion but who are exercising their Right of Free Speech PEACEFULLY ... or it was until Antifa attacked.

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