America’s Crumbling Infrastructure


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
One of the key signs that we are in the early stages of an economic collapse and that we are heading towards another Great Depression is America's crumbling infrastructure. The truth is that our infrastructure is literally falling apart all around us.
America's aging infrastructure cannot handle the number of people that we have now. With the population of the United States expected to hit 420 million by 2050, there are serious questions about how the national infrastructure is going to hold up under such a strain.
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure

Look Out Below! America's Infrastructure Is Crumbling.
Look Out Below! America's Infrastructure Is Crumbling - Pew Research Center

This is a disaster waiting to happen and Obama as talked about it but there is no money to fix it and Congress would never approve it anyway. It would require another stimulus package and states would sit on it or use it for pork projects as they did with first stimulus. The stimulus worked to some degree but it was not big enough. It is the sure way of jump starting the economy that we cannot afford not to take seriously. Bridges, dams, levies, highways and roads, pipelines, sewer system, power grids, transportation system, railroads are aging and past their life and need repair and would create millions of jobs and is a matter of life for Americans that has gone ignored long enough.
$2.2 trillion needed to repair?
Democrats see a crumbling infrastructure.

Republicans see a waste of money.
Republicans think America isn't worth fixing.

It's a terrible thing to say, but I believe it's true. They certainly believe it about education. And without that, America's future becomes a "banana republic".
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
One of the key signs that we are in the early stages of an economic collapse and that we are heading towards another Great Depression is America's crumbling infrastructure. The truth is that our infrastructure is literally falling apart all around us.
America's aging infrastructure cannot handle the number of people that we have now. With the population of the United States expected to hit 420 million by 2050, there are serious questions about how the national infrastructure is going to hold up under such a strain.
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure

Look Out Below! America's Infrastructure Is Crumbling.
Look Out Below! America's Infrastructure Is Crumbling - Pew Research Center

This is a disaster waiting to happen and Obama as talked about it but there is no money to fix it and Congress would never approve it anyway. It would require another stimulus package and states would sit on it or use it for pork projects as they did with first stimulus. The stimulus worked to some degree but it was not big enough. It is the sure way of jump starting the economy that we cannot afford not to take seriously. Bridges, dams, levies, highways and roads, pipelines, sewer system, power grids, transportation system, railroads are aging and past their life and need repair and would create millions of jobs and is a matter of life for Americans that has gone ignored long enough.
$2.2 trillion needed to repair?

It's ALL spent on SOCIAL PROGRAMS that aren't Constitutionally mandated.

What did you expect?
Did Government Spending get us out of the First Republican Great Depression, or was it massive spending cuts?
Investment in highways, bridges, schools, infrastructure, while the private sector was failing. Putting money into peoples pockets and spurring the economy into recovery and stability which would last for several decades. Erasing the damage done by the previous 3 presidents who were shilling for the wealthy, and coincidentally were all Republicans ... 235AADReoK
I see a $1.3 Trillion deficit

I see over $16T in unfunded MANDATES.

Taxes is revenue and revenue would fix it and not tax cuts and cuts in goverenment programs for the poor and creating more poverty and more spending we don't have.
Thousands of years ago Jesus saw the need for taxes.
Ezra 4:13 Furthermore, the king should know that if this city is built and its walls are restored, no more taxes, tribute or duty will be paid, and the royal revenues will suffer.

The Romans ruled most of the known world at the time Jesus lived. While the Jewish people resented this intrusion into their lives, they were nonetheless allowed basic freedoms, provided they stayed out of trouble and paid their taxes.
The Romans levied taxes on every aspect of life. There were taxes on the land as well as a poll tax on every male child over fourteen years old and every female over twenty. There were tolls people had to pay to go from one place to another, dues and market fees. There were taxes on everything.

Children's Sunday School Curriculum; Book 2
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Republicans think America isn't worth fixing.

It's a terrible thing to say, but I believe it's true. They certainly believe it about education. And without that, America's future becomes a "banana republic".

Hey, dumb fuck, look at California... its profligate spending on all things liberal is what has got them in the state that they currently are. And yet, numbnutz like yourself clamor for more.

Lay off the drugs buddy... it's fucking up what little brainpower you ever had.
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Republicans think America isn't worth fixing.

It's a terrible thing to say, but I believe it's true. They certainly believe it about education. And without that, America's future becomes a "banana republic".

They are just kicking the can down the road, they know this stuff needs to be done but republicans would rather do it in piecemeal fashion under extreme duress later when there is no choice but to fix something.
Let it happen. When it does they have to pay someone to xray and ultrasonically inspect those bridges and overpasses and I get to charge an arm and a leg. This is a boom time for the Salt Jones family.
I have no problems if they want to fix the roads but the left wants to many entitlements that we have NO money do it , Instead of Obamacare lets fix the roads:eusa_whistle:

America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
One of the key signs that we are in the early stages of an economic collapse and that we are heading towards another Great Depression is America's crumbling infrastructure. The truth is that our infrastructure is literally falling apart all around us.
America's aging infrastructure cannot handle the number of people that we have now. With the population of the United States expected to hit 420 million by 2050, there are serious questions about how the national infrastructure is going to hold up under such a strain.
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure

Look Out Below! America's Infrastructure Is Crumbling.
Look Out Below! America's Infrastructure Is Crumbling - Pew Research Center

This is a disaster waiting to happen and Obama as talked about it but there is no money to fix it and Congress would never approve it anyway. It would require another stimulus package and states would sit on it or use it for pork projects as they did with first stimulus. The stimulus worked to some degree but it was not big enough. It is the sure way of jump starting the economy that we cannot afford not to take seriously. Bridges, dams, levies, highways and roads, pipelines, sewer system, power grids, transportation system, railroads are aging and past their life and need repair and would create millions of jobs and is a matter of life for Americans that has gone ignored long enough.
$2.2 trillion needed to repair?
See what I mean? These Republicans are representative of their party. This country is going down. Republicans will make sure of it.
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
One of the key signs that we are in the early stages of an economic collapse and that we are heading towards another Great Depression is America's crumbling infrastructure. The truth is that our infrastructure is literally falling apart all around us.
America's aging infrastructure cannot handle the number of people that we have now. With the population of the United States expected to hit 420 million by 2050, there are serious questions about how the national infrastructure is going to hold up under such a strain.
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure

Look Out Below! America's Infrastructure Is Crumbling.
Look Out Below! America's Infrastructure Is Crumbling - Pew Research Center

This is a disaster waiting to happen and Obama as talked about it but there is no money to fix it and Congress would never approve it anyway. It would require another stimulus package and states would sit on it or use it for pork projects as they did with first stimulus. The stimulus worked to some degree but it was not big enough. It is the sure way of jump starting the economy that we cannot afford not to take seriously. Bridges, dams, levies, highways and roads, pipelines, sewer system, power grids, transportation system, railroads are aging and past their life and need repair and would create millions of jobs and is a matter of life for Americans that has gone ignored long enough.
$2.2 trillion needed to repair?

It's ALL spent on SOCIAL PROGRAMS that aren't Constitutionally mandated.

What did you expect?

Weren't the C.C.C. and the W.P.A. social programs?

Not saying they were "good" programs but didn't they put millions to work in addition to doing wonders for America's infrastructure?

Of course that was back when a loaf of bread probably cost a nickel. What would Uncle Sam have to pay workers nowdays? I mean even minimum wage is such a joke that it only convinces most people that it's simply more profitable NOT to work! Those that will work for it often take jobs that require them to STILL depend upon government assistance just to make ends meet.

Of course our infrastructure is in trouble. Private entities simply can't afford to pay shovel guys and laborers $35 to $40K a year which is pretty much the bare minimum needed to work and enjoy something like a moderately good lifestyle these days. It would kill their profits!

Are you suggesting we take the profit out of it and appoint the federal government to manage it?
I really do not see what Romney and his kids dodging military service effects infrastructure but oh well.

Our infrastructure is a good example of our failing society and is one of the most important issues we have. The stimulus was done wrong. Federal infrastructure should never be turned over to the states. Our infrastructure is a federal problem not state and if Congress and the president were serious we would be employing thousands of people for many years just rebuilding our bridges, dams and interstate infrastructure.

It's not true we do not have to ability to raise revenue for infrastructure because all we have to do is start using a fair tax rate on all income including the 1% that are still living on taxpayer funds.
Did Government Spending get us out of the First Republican Great Depression, or was it massive spending cuts?

Massive government spending and regulation got us into the great depression. WWII got us out of it. Every FDR spending program to fix the economy ended up like every massive Obama spending program did, it created more debt and a deeper whole for us to crawl out of.

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