America now #2....

this would be true if you mean they heavily regulate or push toward freedom and capitalism
No, the fact that China heavily regulates is true regardless of what the forum idiot spouts. They regulate how many children people can have, what people can watch on TV/movies, what people can access on the internet, how their open markets are accessed, how fair competition between foreign, local private, and state owned enterprise is, where research and univesities is directed, no matter how you look at it China is a heavily regulated country.
I said that they are not heavy regulators on pollution.

Which is what they were. They were anti Capitalists. When they moved toward Capitalism they started to grow economically.
Spin all you want, the statement you made that I disagree with is:

China's former political ideology of big government control and big regulations called anti-Capitalism

Big government control is their current political ideology, and they are currently big on regulations. There is no former about.
only if communism means making more and more businesses capitalist?

most importantly it is heavily toward Republican capitalism which accounts for 10% growth a year for the last 30 years and 60 million buying cars rather than slowly starving to death.
Clearly I'm talking to a brick wall, you are incapable of understanding the difference between a system of government and economy.

And that is why you are considered the forum idiot.... and yes yes... slow.
Big government control is their current political ideology, .

actually dear they are giving up on govt control and switching to capitalism more and more
and have been doing so for 30 years or so. Its been in all the papers. Now you know how to account for 30 years of 10% growth per year. Imagine, in light of that our liberals want to switch to socialism. Go figure.
Eh you get what you vote for in 2012 the nation had a choice between a man with business and economic knowledge or a man who had a big smile and was good at reading off a teleprompter and they chose style over substance.

hey shit for brains this slide started way before obama
Hey dumb fuck I didn't say it started with Obama I pointed out the choice the nation had in 2012 and which way it went.
Eh you get what you vote for in 2012 the nation had a choice between a man with business and economic knowledge or a man who had a big smile and was good at reading off a teleprompter and they chose style over substance.

hey shit for brains this slide started way before obama
That's right... when did the democrats take over congress?
I said that they are not heavy regulators on pollution.

Which is what they were. They were anti Capitalists. When they moved toward Capitalism they started to grow economically.
Spin all you want, the statement you made that I disagree with is:

China's former political ideology of big government control and big regulations called anti-Capitalism

Big government control is their current political ideology, and they are currently big on regulations. There is no former about.

I agree with you, but you turned my statement into the rest of the way the govern. My statement is about their changes with their economy toward Capitalism which is less government and less regulations, not the rest of their big government control.
The thread is about how well they are doing in their economy and that is because of their changes, while we are moving toward bigger government control and large amounts of regulations over our economy just like they did in the past.
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actually dear they are giving up on govt control and switching to capitalism more and more
Correct. It is the communist government thing you can't get your pea brain around, which is probably why you've had the word "slow" pounded into you so much during your life that it just pours our of you instinctively.
I agree with you, but you turned my statement into the rest of the way the govern.
You related it to Obama, which is about governance. Bottom line you felt inspired to roll in here and attempt some random lame political cheap shot that really made no sense, just like posters ShootSpeedos, KatznDogs, etc. it is pretty sad.
We borrow money from China, we buy cheap, ill-constructed toys and utensils from China...we do nothing but send them money for interest payments and cheap goods. No wonder the Chinese economy is now bigger than ours.

Hang on to your hats, America.

And throw away that big, fat styrofoam finger while you’re about it.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: We’re no longer No. 1. Today, we’re No. 2. Yes, it’s official. The Chinese economy just overtook the United States economy to become the largest in the world. For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

It just happened — and almost nobody noticed.

It s official America is now No. 2 - MarketWatch

Both the Dems and the GOP are GUILTY of signing trade treaties that have done great damage to our economic power and prowess. Our #1 enemy isn't China -- it's the Globalist who've infiltrated our Federal Government. If we remain on our current path then we can expect India to take second place as we decline into the depths of Third-Worldism!

The key to a vital economy is diversification of goods and markets.

Asia cornered the international consumer electronics market and posed a serious threat in the automobile industry.

America has to keep pace with Hong Kong to effectively compete with China.

Consumerism, a key component of capitalism, has two basic parts: availability and demand.

Toys that are in demand and toys that are available affect shopping trends. America arguably produces the best toys in the world, and the American company Toys 'R Us is the world's most successful toy retail shop.

America's largest export right now is fast food (i.e., Burger King, McDonald's, etc.). China competes in the food hospitality industry here with its vast network of Chinese restaurants spread out across the USA and in key ethnicity-based American business districts such as Chinatown, San Francisco. In order for America to stay ahead of the pack in the food hospitality industry, it must continue to develop the marketing of its successful sit-down restaurant chains such as Red Lobster (seafood) and Olive Garden (American-Italian cuisine).

American imagineers must coordinate Hong Kong trade with USA-based toys and restaurants to seriously continue competing with China's emerged billion-manned market.


Toys R Us - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If we remain on our current path then we can expect India to take second place as we decline into the depths of Third-Worldism!
Exactly how are we declining? Wages are stagnant for most Americans but a country with one of the highest standards of living having stagnant wages doesn't equate to declining into third world status.

India's economy is under 2 trillion compared to US 17 trillion ((not sure exact in 2014 for either) and India's growth rate was around 5% in 2013. I'll let you do the math on when we can expect them to overtake us. Do you really think you're making a rational statement given those numbers?

And either way everyone caught up in total GDP while disregarding size of country is making a pointless ranking anyway.
I agree with you, but you turned my statement into the rest of the way the govern.
You related it to Obama, which is about governance. Bottom line you felt inspired to roll in here and attempt some random lame political cheap shot that really made no sense, just like posters ShootSpeedos, KatznDogs, etc. it is pretty sad.

I related it to the large amount of rules and regulations used by this President of 3,500 to 3,800 passed every year since 2009 that is harming our businesses.
If we remain on our current path then we can expect India to take second place as we decline into the depths of Third-Worldism!
Exactly how are we declining? Wages are stagnant for most Americans but a country with one of the highest standards of living having stagnant wages doesn't equate to declining into third world status.

India's economy is under 2 trillion compared to US 17 trillion ((not sure exact in 2014 for either) and India's growth rate was around 5% in 2013. I'll let you do the math on when we can expect them to overtake us. Do you really think you're making a rational statement given those numbers?

And either way everyone caught up in total GDP while disregarding size of country is making a pointless ranking anyway.

1) We're on the brink of "naturalizing" millions of third-worlders.
2) Wages ARE stagnant while the price of milk is above $4.00 per gallon.
3) The fact that China just surpassed us should strongly indicate that we're declining. There's no, good reason to allow ourselves to be overtaken by ANYONE.

At one point ... China wasn't even close to our economic power. Now they're our masters. You do the math!!!
America's largest export right now is fast food (i.e., Burger King, McDonald's, etc.).
United States Top 10 Exports - World s Top Exports
  1. Machinery: $213,108,199,000 (13.5% of total exports)
  2. Electronic equipment: $165,604,449,000 (10.5%)
  3. Mineral fuels including oil: $148,426,743,000 (9.4%)
  4. Vehicles excluding trains and streetcars: $133,640,479,000 (8.5%)
  5. Aircraft and spacecraft: $115,380,944,000 (7.3%)
  6. Optical, technical and medical apparatus: $84,281,276,000 (5.3%)
  7. Pearls, precious stones, precious metals and coins: $72,830,232,000 (4.6%)
  8. Plastics: $60,836,970,000 (3.9%)
  9. Organic chemicals: $46,510,903,000 (2.9%)
  10. Pharmaceutical products: $39,742,717,000 (2.5%)
Jesus Christ.
Really people? Obama caused this?? You believe that?
Nonsense. He is not a good President for many reasons, he is flawed in several critical ways - but - he is in no way responsible for the American economy. Good or bad.
Like Bush, he ignores it. Doesn't want to have anything to do with it.
1) We're on the brink of "naturalizing" millions of third-worlders.
2) Wages ARE stagnant while the price of milk is above $4.00 per gallon.
3) The fact that China just surpassed us should strongly indicate that we're declining. There's no, good reason to allow ourselves to be overtaken by ANYONE.

At one point ... China wasn't even close to our economic power. Now they're our masters. You do the math!!!

1) No we aren't. Look up what naturalization means, there are no proposals to grant citizenship to millions of third world workers.

2) Wages have been stagnant, and ARE starting to rise. Inflation is quite low, pointing to a single commodity isn't a reasonable way of attempting to prove a point on wages vs. prices. Someone else could point to gasoline to make the opposite point, you'd both be doing it wrong.

3. Nope because it isn't a zero sum gain, a rise in China doesn't indicate we're declining. Other countries improving their economies and quality of life is a good thing.

China isn't our masters, you're pegging the hyperbole meter at this point.
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