America May Not Believe in Manmade Climate Change, But We're the Only Ones Doing Something About It


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Nineteen nations “believe” in climate change. How are they backing up their statement of faith?

China was praised for signing on to the Paris Climate Agreement and in Argentina reaffirmed its commitment to controlling greenhouse gas emissions. Last year, however, China increased those emissions by 1.7 percent.

India, the fourth largest source for CO2, saw their emissions grow by 4.6 percent in 2017. Luckily for them, they too were praised for signing that “nonbinding communiqué.”

Overall, the European Union raised their CO2 output by 1.5 percent.

France, home of the Paris Agreement, is leading the diplomatic effort to save the planet. They increased their greenhouse gas emissions by 3.6 percent. . . .

If the nations paying lip service to climate change aren’t meeting their goals, imagine how poorly the oil-drilling, coal-mining Americans must be doing. President Donald Trump was pilloried for withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and for being only G20 leader who refused to sign the climate change statement in Argentina.

From 2016 to 2017, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 2.7 percent. Emissions from large power plants declined 4.5 percent since 2016, and nearly 20 percent since 2011. All without signing a piece of paper in Paris or Buenos Aires.

The U.S. may not 'believe' in climate change. But we're the only one doing something about it

Note that the U.S. reduction comes from the switch to cleaner fuels made possible by fracking, which environmentalists opposed. Now if they would only let us build nuclear power plants.
Apparently so:

It's the difference between lip service and results.
You’d think those that say they care so much about the environment would be singing praises for the US.

But alas, their entire platform is centered upon destruction of the US so they don’t give a damn about the real world.
With the Trump administration's positions on these things, it is obvious that we could be doing a lot more (and UNdoing a lot less). So, please don't convince yourself that we're okay and that Trump hasn't done anything wrong.

We're not and he most assuredly has.
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