America in decline as avg life spans collapse


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021

This is what the republican parties policies have done to this country.
-Shit healthcare system
-Shit safetynet
-Shit standards

The pure capitlist model of the republican party fails and is slowly also failing the UK. Funny how people live longer in countries with single payer! All the longest life spans on earth have this system but we can't because GOVERNMENT is so freaking bad these people whine!!!!

= people dying sooner. These bastards want the 18th century and they're getting it slowly but surely. how fucking disgraceful.

This is what the republican parties policies have done to this country.
-Shit healthcare system
-Shit safetynet
-Shit standards

The pure capitlist model of the republican party fails and is slowly also failing the UK. Funny how people live longer in countries with single payer! All the longest life spans on earth have this system but we can't because GOVERNMENT is so freaking bad these people whine!!!!

= people dying sooner. These bastards want the 18th century and they're getting it slowly but surely. how fucking disgraceful.

And you know this is the reason because?
And you know this is the reason because?
This happens to every society that uses this model of doing things...You see the medical system values money over people and the government allows it as it isn't impowered to fight for the little guy but the rich!. So the cost of healthcare keeps going up and up! As no one cares about the little guy. This is also occurring in the Uk as the conservatives there drain the nhs.

Realize that every single one of the highest life spans with the highest standards of living all have single payer and government healthcare. They all value their people over the few at the top. We built our middle class and standards of living on everything but free markets that have no value for the vast majority of society! If they were so good then the gilded age of the 19th century would be far better then the mid 20th century that was vastly more regulated and society spent money on infrastructure, science and enforced anti-trust. Society cared about the overall population in which we can't do anymore or be called commies!!!

This doesn't work and shouldn't be accepted.
The ten million diseased illegal aliens might not be documented but their deaths at a young age are included in American statistics. Ship illegal aliens to Canada or Europe and find out how well they are doing.

This is what the republican parties policies have done to this country.
-Shit healthcare system
-Shit safetynet
-Shit standards

The pure capitlist model of the republican party fails and is slowly also failing the UK. Funny how people live longer in countries with single payer! All the longest life spans on earth have this system but we can't because GOVERNMENT is so freaking bad these people whine!!!!

= people dying sooner. These bastards want the 18th century and they're getting it slowly but surely. how fucking disgraceful.

I blame the sodomites

The average lifespan of the sodomite is 50 years
It's complicated. I agree that American systems are broken and contributing to a decline, but I try to eschew over-simplification and I think it's an over-simplification to just say "Republicans" in this case. Maybe Republicanism or extreme individualism and corporatism is a better summation of our problem.

It's actually the death of young people that is bringing the overall life expectancy average down. Obviously America's youths have problems: social isolation, unstable household situations, addiction to technology, addiction to substances, access to guns, poor access to quality healthcare, and other factors that don't exist or exist to a lesser degree in other countries.

There's also obesity and COVID, which we allowed to run rampant in many vulnerable communities, and now even CDC wants to pretend like the pandemic is a historical footnote.

This is what the republican parties policies have done to this country.
-Shit healthcare system
-Shit safetynet
-Shit standards

The pure capitlist model of the republican party fails and is slowly also failing the UK. Funny how people live longer in countries with single payer! All the longest life spans on earth have this system but we can't because GOVERNMENT is so freaking bad these people whine!!!!

= people dying sooner. These bastards want the 18th century and they're getting it slowly but surely. how fucking disgraceful.

I think I'll linger. My great-grandmother died at age 103, 17 days from 104th birthday. You cannot tell me healthcare is worse in 2023 than 1963. So, you go ahead and drop when ready. Like I said, I think I'll linger.

This is what the republican parties policies have done to this country.
-Shit healthcare system
-Shit safetynet
-Shit standards

The pure capitlist model of the republican party fails and is slowly also failing the UK. Funny how people live longer in countries with single payer! All the longest life spans on earth have this system but we can't because GOVERNMENT is so freaking bad these people whine!!!!

= people dying sooner. These bastards want the 18th century and they're getting it slowly but surely. how fucking disgraceful.

Then blame your Messiah Obama for jamming Obamacare down our throats.
I think I'll linger. My great-grandmother died at age 103, 17 days from 104th birthday. You cannot tell me healthcare is worse in 2023 than 1963. So, you go ahead and drop when ready. Like I said, I think I'll linger.

If we can maintain the systems we now have in place. That is an open question 5, 10, 15, or 20 years from now.
Then blame your Messiah Obama for jamming Obamacare down our throats.

Obamacare gave more people access to the healthcare system.

The downside? More people & more demand means that the system has to adapt to it, and a for-profit system adapted to become less personable. The relationship between doctor and patient is dead; it's a relationship between a physician's assistant/nurses and the patient.

This is what the republican parties policies have done to this country.
-Shit healthcare system
-Shit safetynet
-Shit standards

The pure capitlist model of the republican party fails and is slowly also failing the UK. Funny how people live longer in countries with single payer! All the longest life spans on earth have this system but we can't because GOVERNMENT is so freaking bad these people whine!!!!

= people dying sooner. These bastards want the 18th century and they're getting it slowly but surely. how fucking disgraceful.

Fucking Obama.

This is what the republican parties policies have done to this country.
-Shit healthcare system
-Shit safetynet
-Shit standards

The pure capitlist model of the republican party fails and is slowly also failing the UK. Funny how people live longer in countries with single payer! All the longest life spans on earth have this system but we can't because GOVERNMENT is so freaking bad these people whine!!!!

= people dying sooner. These bastards want the 18th century and they're getting it slowly but surely. how fucking disgraceful.

Did you notice in the washingtonpost link that it's an opinion piece. Says

Do you know what opinion means? Because I don't think you do and neither does that nobody you linked his Twitter comment with the opinion article in.

This is what the republican parties policies have done to this country.
-Shit healthcare system
-Shit safetynet
-Shit standards

The pure capitlist model of the republican party fails and is slowly also failing the UK. Funny how people live longer in countries with single payer! All the longest life spans on earth have this system but we can't because GOVERNMENT is so freaking bad these people whine!!!!

= people dying sooner. These bastards want the 18th century and they're getting it slowly but surely. how fucking disgraceful.

I would say the vaccine has a lot to do with it.

This is what the republican parties policies have done to this country.
-Shit healthcare system
-Shit safetynet
-Shit standards

The pure capitlist model of the republican party fails and is slowly also failing the UK. Funny how people live longer in countries with single payer! All the longest life spans on earth have this system but we can't because GOVERNMENT is so freaking bad these people whine!!!!

= people dying sooner. These bastards want the 18th century and they're getting it slowly but surely. how fucking disgraceful.

All these goddamn diseased Illegals coming here fucks up our health care stats.

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