America First: President Trump imposes 30% tariff on imported solar products & washing machines

Many people don't know that America used to be staunchly protectionist and that we thrived under that trade policy. Abraham Lincoln was an ardent protectionist. So was Ulysses S. Grant. Ditto for Rutherford B. Hayes and Teddy Roosevelt.

Many fiercely protectionist nations have done very well, such as China and South Korea.

There is no way on this earth that an American factory in Ohio or Michigan is going to be able to compete with a factory in Ecuador, El Salvador, or Guatemala when the latter has few if any health and safety regulations to worry about and a vastly lower labor cost.

Many people do not know that the world is a very different place than it was in the 1800s.
isn't over 10% to 20% of our total gdp/economy done in goods we make that are sold to nations/customers overseas?

You do understand trade deficits right? Not trying to be a smart ass...real.
The American government, in favor of investors, has allowed itself to be taken advantage of by nearly all of our trade partners.
Not just China dumps markets. Australia does it too. And so does Canada, and so does European countries. This dumping makes investors boatloads of cash while putting many American businesses - out of business.
I haven't read into it, but that 30% tariff isn't slapped on for the helluvit...I can bet you without looking that these machines are getting heavily subsidized by their government.
Now, why would you want to continue with unfair trading???
You know, not everything Trump does means it is automatically wrong.

Edit: Oh and btw - many of these countries slap tariffs on our products.

The evils of a trade deficit are nothing but party talking points. The world runs on trade deficits.

My employer has a trade deficit with me, I give them my time and they give me money in exchange.

You have a trade deficit with your grocery store, you give them money and they give you products.

This christmas I bought a TV for both my children and a sound bar for myself, so I had a huge trade deficit with Best Buy.

The US has a trade deficit with China because China makes things that American citizens want to buy, in reality no different than your trade deficit with your grocery story.

Some light reading for you...

Dispelling More Myths About Trade Deficits

Shattering the Myths About U.S. Trade Policy
Yea the American bread basket funded by the American tax payer with guaranteed profits to supply cheap food to Americans and abroad.

And I will say that America also dumps markets if it makes investors and share holders more money also.
Agri-Business. Nuff said.
Republicans have used the Farm bill as a way to line their pockets for years.

American politicians both republicans and democrats have used America's (2) greatest attributes, #1 the American consumer and #1A the American tax payer to line their pockets and fund their special interests for decades. Realize that the American consumer and the American tax payer are still the (2) biggest cash cows on the planet.
And go back to giving pallets of cash to countries that chant death to Americans. Go back to signing deals that don’t favor Americans, keep using the intelligence agencies to spy on presidential candidates. Go on another apology tour.
That’s the ticket!
trump is dangerous, incompetent, and a third-world-style dictator wannabe. A total sicko.

Yet you trumpanzees are too blind to see it.
And go back to giving pallets of cash to countries that chant death to Americans. Go back to signing deals that don’t favor Americans, keep using the intelligence agencies to spy on presidential candidates. Go on another apology tour.
That’s the ticket!
trump is dangerous, incompetent, and a third-world-style dictator wannabe. A total sicko.

Yet you trumpanzees are too blind to see it.

Fortunately, the number of Trumpetts are shrinking daily....

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