America First: President Trump imposes 30% tariff on imported solar products & washing machines

I buy my generic Viagra from dudes in India and certain plastic guitar parts from China. I do not support tarriffs unless they are temporary to make a better deal! Like when a broad refuses to fuck for a week because she is butthurt you went to the game without her.
Their is no global free market you dopes.
The South Korean government has been subsidizing their appliance industry to dump products in the states in an attempt to purchase that market. (drive competition out of business) or drive down value to purchase said competition.

The Chinese government has subsidized the Solar panel industry for decades, both research and manufacturing 90%+ of all solar panels and components are made in Asia, This is a success story of the Chinese government completely purchasing a market to insure future profits.

These are proven facts,

Machining centers are next,
I am constantly struck by the economic ignorance of those on the left. Of course most lefties never get their hands dirty or know how to make anything( see women’s march) Would you have liked it better if the article had said that a bunch of obama appointees populated the independent commission that recommended this. The United States is still the biggest prize and everyone wants access to our markets to gain US dollars. What Donald trump has repeatedly said is that he is for fair trade. What libs don’t get is that the rest of the world does not play fair.

Shrimp is a great example of this. Countries needing foreign currency to buoy their economies latch on to shrimp farming as a way to get it. Most shrimp farming is environmentally destructive, full of,chemicals, no health protocols, and dependent on slave labor. Having said that, the worst part is that these countries sell the product below their cost of production, unfairly disadvantaging for domestic producers. In the case of Chinese solar panels, their strategy is to so lower the cost that it drives competitors out of the market and increases their market share until they are the dominant force and then they raise prices. China will subsidize any industry to gain market advantage. Trump is not going to bend over any more. This is what fair trade is about. Our libs who knee jerk on this issue definitely don’t know what they are talking about.
Probably will help our businesses.

Why just solar panels? Why not everything?

When was the last time you bought a TV built in the US? Computer? Cell phone?
A long time ago, which could change with these tariffs as foreign nations & companies decide to do business in America to avoid the expenses of shipping & tariffs. Not only that but companies like Apple are pressuring their suppliers to move their manufacturing here.
Since Trumps election the economic foreast has not only jumped for America but worldwide growth has been upgraded to 4%. That's the complete opposite of what you loons projected would happen...

World Economic Outlook Update, January 2018: Brighter Prospects, Optimistic Markets, Challenges Ahead

Global growth forecasts for 2018 and 2019 have been revised upward by 0.2 percentage point to 3.9 percent. The revision reflects increased global growth momentum and the expected impact of the recently approved U.S. tax policy changes.
This should come as no surprise...this was part of Trump’s platform from day 1.

This is very true and it was one of the reasons I would’ve never voted for him

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Were you stupid enough to vote for Hillary?

Nope, I have not voted for any candidate from either of the big two parties since 1992. That year was my first and only Dem and before that I was a loyal straight ticket Republican.

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what's with singling out washing machines? what the heck?

That's Trump's signature special interest eocnomics - someone from Whirlpool got into his good graces , so he put his thumb on the scales for consumer's expense.

Consumers Likely Losers As Trump Tariff Takes Another Stab at Helping Whirlpool Fend Off Samsung, LG
Is a president allowed to just pick and choose who he wants to put tariffs on? Seriously?

Yes he is. It is a terrible system that is ripe for abuse.

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Probably will help our businesses.

Why just solar panels? Why not everything?
Remember when Obama gave Porkulus money to Solyndra for higher tech solar panels only to see the Chinese flood the solar market with low tech govt subsidized panels? I certainly don't hate Obama, and in many ways I think he was a good president, but it was not surprising that he regularly got his liberal elite affirmative action law professor's clock cleaned whenever he entered into capital markets - from Steve Jobs though Xi.

Trump should have done this months ago, but better late than never. I want the guy gone, but he's right on this issue. UNLESS you want to buy a less expensive washer. And my cell phone is from LG
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And when working and middle class Americans can no longer afford products they need because of price hikes they'll have trump to thank.

It seems trump just can't find enough things to fuck up.

Anyone else wishing the next couple of elections would hurry up and get here so we can finally get rid of the trash in the White House...?

And go back to giving pallets of cash to countries that chant death to Americans. Go back to signing deals that don’t favor Americans, keep using the intelligence agencies to spy on presidential candidates. Go on another apology tour.
That’s the ticket!

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isn't over 10% to 20% of our total gdp/economy done in goods we make that are sold to nations/customers overseas?

what's with singling out washing machines? what the heck?

AND can a president do this without congress?

Just decide one day out of the clear blue, put the final nail in the coffin for a Sears or a JCPenney who just started selling washer/dryers?

This is on its way to the courts....guaranteed.
LG (and others) are dumping cheap machines here at or below cost. This should have happened years ago.
China has a billion more people and so does India than we have. Without China or India we die.

I had best buy a new washing machine before they go up, and replace everything before the prices go up.

Do you want a billion more people living on our soil. You Pubs have a problem with CA as it is you call it a shithole.
Try a Speed Queen. It will outlast anything else (by a lot) and is US-made.
After spending a long time in Korea and Malaysia mid-2000s' I did not see free trade.

In SK everthing is made by Samsung LG Hynduai Daewoo..etc....maybe saw one old Otis elevator. No Caterpillar, John Deere, Ford etc. Ask why? Import taxes? One guy said SK would collapse if they were to buy foreign goods.

Malaysia. All cars are Proton. Maybe a few BMW for the ultra-elite. Don't remember seeing many USA products. Computers-phones? Some Apple of course. But in general......made in Asia. Not sure what kind all the millions 90CC motorbikes were? Honda? Most seemed to be 2 cycle blue smoke? No Harley. Lol!

I am no expert but it did not seem to be "fair" trade.

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