CDZ America and the reign of clowns.


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012



America's love affair with incompetent clowns continues. It certainly has to be an incredible nation that can survive such silliness.

How could anyone vote for them?

How could any worthy candidate lose to such opponents? Obviously, the two tyrannical parties have some agenda other than what is best for the country.

William Blake's observations that the excess may be necessary in order to arrive at wisdom is being put to the test. What can be further into the absurd than such a situation as now presents itself.

Can we wonder why the world regards the U.S. with such confusion and contempt?



America's love affair with incompetent clowns continues. It certainly has to be an incredible nation that can survive such silliness.

How could anyone vote for them?

How could any worthy candidate lose to such opponents? Obviously, the two tyrannical parties have some agenda other than what is best for the country.

William Blake's observations that the excess may be necessary in order to arrive at wisdom is being put to the test. What can be further into the absurd than such a situation as now presents itself.

Can we wonder why the world regards the U.S. with such confusion and contempt?

You say these things when their opponents were incompetent statists or outright can you guys vote for totalitarian statist thugs like carter, gore, and kerry...the slow walkers of the totalitarian state.....
The common denominator, communication, coupled with the fact that the candidates they ran against failed to connect with the common American citizen.
I'm trying to guess why we should give a rat's ass what most of the rest of the world thinks about us, given it's a collection of organized crime families and gangsters and insane sadists and dictators heading up most of the countries. I can't come up with a valid reason to value any foreigners' opinions.
Taking facts into consideration is rational. A proper estimation of those with whom one must deal is logical.
How could one leave out Clinton and Obama when talking about clowns? We are just keeping tradition alive and that goes for both parties. Legitimate leaders don't run for President. Egotistical maniacs do.
Taking facts into consideration is rational. A proper estimation of those with whom one must deal is logical.

the problem with 'rationalism' is that ideologues only consider 'facts' they like and ignore any others that don't fit their narrative, not to mention it's impossible to make any really rational decision since all the facts that have effects are ever known. See F. A. Hayek's The Fatal Conceit for a fine discourse on why claims of 'rationalism' are pure folly and no more than a self-serving superstition popular with narcissists and pseudo-intellectuals.
The liberal rats infesting this cesspool forum are a minority. From what I have seen across the web is that the majority of people support Trump. These losers here are nothing but trash, to float away like turds or to be dealt with like the scum that are when they decide to commit crimes because their criminal lost. Goodbye. The sooner the better.
How could one leave out Clinton and Obama when talking about clowns? We are just keeping tradition alive and that goes for both parties. Legitimate leaders don't run for President. Egotistical maniacs do.

Clinton and Obama are merely mediocre. They do not have 'the right stuff' to qualify as a total joke, albeit a sad one.

America is sorely failed by the Democratic Party, rivaled only by that of the Republican. Trump didn't win, intelligence lost. His opponents, which means to include the other parties offering candidates, were unintelligently chosen. Media reaction to him was unintelligent.

But, history shows that America is not attracted by intelligence. Events and people like Trump are what attract in this country. So, we have illegal invasions and catastrophic economic decisions and lamentable education.

The backlash will be as stupid as the stupidity that provokes it.
It is amusing to see all this talk of 'reconcilliation' coming from those who totally rejected co-operation with Obama. I did not vote for nor support him, and find his presidency disappointing. Viewed objectively, however, it is impossible to understand how his bitter opponants can expect better than they gave.
How could one leave out Clinton and Obama when talking about clowns? We are just keeping tradition alive and that goes for both parties. Legitimate leaders don't run for President. Egotistical maniacs do.

Clinton and Obama are merely mediocre. They do not have 'the right stuff' to qualify as a total joke, albeit a sad one.

America is sorely failed by the Democratic Party, rivaled only by that of the Republican. Trump didn't win, intelligence lost. His opponents, which means to include the other parties offering candidates, were unintelligently chosen. Media reaction to him was unintelligent.

But, history shows that America is not attracted by intelligence. Events and people like Trump are what attract in this country. So, we have illegal invasions and catastrophic economic decisions and lamentable education.

The backlash will be as stupid as the stupidity that provokes it.

You have to be "intelligent" to support criminals for the presidency.

It is amusing to see all this talk of 'reconcilliation' coming from those who totally rejected co-operation with Obama. I did not vote for nor support him, and find his presidency disappointing. Viewed objectively, however, it is impossible to understand how his bitter opponants can expect better than they gave.

Obama was the one who said elections have consequences, we won, get to the back of the bus, or did you forget
How could one leave out Clinton and Obama when talking about clowns? We are just keeping tradition alive and that goes for both parties. Legitimate leaders don't run for President. Egotistical maniacs do.

Clinton and Obama are merely mediocre. They do not have 'the right stuff' to qualify as a total joke, albeit a sad one.

America is sorely failed by the Democratic Party, rivaled only by that of the Republican. Trump didn't win, intelligence lost. His opponents, which means to include the other parties offering candidates, were unintelligently chosen. Media reaction to him was unintelligent.

But, history shows that America is not attracted by intelligence. Events and people like Trump are what attract in this country. So, we have illegal invasions and catastrophic economic decisions and lamentable education.

The backlash will be as stupid as the stupidity that provokes it.

You have to be "intelligent" to support criminals for the presidency.



To what post are you referring?



America's love affair with incompetent clowns continues. It certainly has to be an incredible nation that can survive such silliness.

How could anyone vote for them?

How could any worthy candidate lose to such opponents? Obviously, the two tyrannical parties have some agenda other than what is best for the country.

William Blake's observations that the excess may be necessary in order to arrive at wisdom is being put to the test. What can be further into the absurd than such a situation as now presents itself.

Can we wonder why the world regards the U.S. with such confusion and contempt?

Wait until you see the leper colony that he will appoint. "Zombies have called off their American apocalypse because half of Americans don't have brains to eat". The parade of mononica that will be trotted out in the coming days would make a doorknob say "oh come on. Don't ever call me dumb again."



America's love affair with incompetent clowns continues. It certainly has to be an incredible nation that can survive such silliness.

How could anyone vote for them?

How could any worthy candidate lose to such opponents? Obviously, the two tyrannical parties have some agenda other than what is best for the country.

William Blake's observations that the excess may be necessary in order to arrive at wisdom is being put to the test. What can be further into the absurd than such a situation as now presents itself.

Can we wonder why the world regards the U.S. with such confusion and contempt?
The best thing for America like every other country in the world would be having wise people as rulers.
Unfortunately the best we can have these days is what we see (in USA, here and anywhere else)
I read a book about ancient Romans and they were used to say "mala tempora currunt" which means "bad times are upon us"
Well I think that quote is more true now that then :(



America's love affair with incompetent clowns continues. It certainly has to be an incredible nation that can survive such silliness.

How could anyone vote for them?

How could any worthy candidate lose to such opponents? Obviously, the two tyrannical parties have some agenda other than what is best for the country.

William Blake's observations that the excess may be necessary in order to arrive at wisdom is being put to the test. What can be further into the absurd than such a situation as now presents itself.

Can we wonder why the world regards the U.S. with such confusion and contempt?
The best thing for America like every other country in the world would be having wise people as rulers.
Unfortunately the best we can have these days is what we see (in USA, here and anywhere else)
I read a book about ancient Romans and they were used to say "mala tempora currunt" which means "bad times are upon us"
Well I think that quote is more true now that then :(

Don't be misled by all the media hype. Trump is a moderate, not at all some radical ideologue, which is why right-wingers aren't going to be all that happy, either. Most of those who voted for him did so as a protest vote, and to keep a known crime syndicate from appointing more corrupt and racist judges, that's all.

American politics has a lot of hyperbole, it always has, and every once in a while the peasants get all uppity and fire off political bombs at the insufferably arrogant elites who think they have the right to run the country like its their private property and anybody who doesn't live in New York City or San Francisco is 'Deplorable'.
Taking facts into consideration is rational. A proper estimation of those with whom one must deal is logical.

Yet you ignore the facts about your own party? Good Lord. Trump is not a politician and has never been a politician. I like the idea of giving a person who is not a part of the machine a chance to REALLY make some positive changes in government.
You want to talk about clowns, huh?

Bill and Hillary Clinton are to leave public life after 40 years of sex, lies and scandals | Daily Mail Online

Death of a dynasty that was rotten to its core: After 40 years of sex, lies and scandals, the Clintons are to leave public life beset by a crushing humiliation
  • People had simply grown tired of the Clintons, writes Richard Pendlebury
  • They emerged from scandal after scandal with their ambitions intact
  • But then, the Clintons always came with an awful lot of baggage, as this list of controversies proves . . .

Read more: Bill and Hillary Clinton are to leave public life after 40 years of sex, lies and scandals | Daily Mail Online
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It is amusing to see all this talk of 'reconcilliation' coming from those who totally rejected co-operation with Obama. I did not vote for nor support him, and find his presidency disappointing. Viewed objectively, however, it is impossible to understand how his bitter opponants can expect better than they gave.
Being stupid is an art, with you.

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