AMAC Signs the Great Barrington Declaration


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018

AMAC Signs the Great Barrington Declaration
Posted Monday, November 30, 2020 | By Outside Contributor


We now know a great deal more about the coronavirus as we approach the one-year mark of the pandemic in the United States. We have been fortunate that President Trump removed the regulatory obstacles with his Operation Warp Speed initiative leading to the development of vaccines that are on the threshold of approval with more coming soon.

However, some state’s public policy has done more harm than good in attempting to slow the spread of the virus. Jay Bhattacharya, an M.D. – Ph. D from Stanford University recently discussed the results of studies he conducted that detail the accuracy of COVID-19 fatality rates, define the risk for the virus among different age groups, outline what he describes as the “deadliness of the lockdowns” and suggests a change in public policy.

He worked with two other distinguished epidemiologists to create the Great Barrington Declaration, a document that takes into account what we’ve learned from the lockdowns and recommends adopting compassionate measures designed to allow low-risk individuals to resume a normal life while taking a more focused approach to protect those who are at the greatest risk for COVID-19.

To date, nearly 50,000 medical practitioners and medical and public health scientists have signed the declaration worldwide along with over 664,000 concerned citizens who have also endorsed the document. AMAC’s CEO Rebecca Weber has endorsed the declaration on behalf of our 2.3 million members.

Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with Dr. Bhattacharya’s study results and read the Great Barrington Declaration. It is a prudent strategy that is worthy of incorporating into public policy.

Sign the Great Barrington Declaration



Read the rest of the long easy to read article, it is worth the time.
The Barrington Declaration makes perfect sense.

The three top signatures in the declaration are from top medical schools: Harvard University, Oxford University and Stanford University.

Finally some sensible guidance regarding Covid.

It would be patently absurd to believe that the Chinese are still in the dark about the C-19 source in Nature. Knowing the source would automatically give the knower an edge for vaccine making. American media have ignored the Russian vaccine that Putin’s daughter took. Uk media has too.

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