Almost Half of Conservative Students Claim Their Profs Rant Against Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Surprised? I’m not.

The survey, which was conducted by College Pulse, revealed that 46 percent of Republican students said that their professors are openly engaging in leftist activism in the classroom. For students majoring in the social sciences, the arts, and the humanities, this percentage was even higher.

Students were encouraged to provide comments on their experiences with activist professors. One student noted that his professor cried in class after Trump was elected. Another student said that their professor forced them to watch CNN for 30 minutes during class time.

I love this comment:

One student from Central Michigan University said that even their French professor used class time to bash President Trump. “I don’t care if you like him or not but when I’m in French class I would prefer to talk about French stuff. Maybe even French politics but I’m not paying you $25 an hour to give me your opinion about politics.”

More @ Survey: Almost Half of Conservative Students Claim Their Profs Rant Against Donald Trump | Breitbart
Good thing is that today students have the opportunity to watch both sides just by using their smart phones.

In the past, the use of schools to brainwash the minds of students was very effective. The information was limited to newspapers and 10 o'clock news at nights. Students were barely exposed to that information and teachers took advantage of that.

But today, we live in a world where more than 50% of people gave the opinion of proceeding with the impeachment against president Trump, but after watching, reading, heard the transcript of the conversation and the "witness", they are changing their minds, the don't see any wrongdoing.

Students must start using the cell phones and record those teachers speaking their political views in Mathematics class, and post them in YouTube, Facebook, and other media. Those teachers must be exposed and identified to public knowledge. The board of education and private school owners must take action right after that.
Surprised? I’m not.

The survey, which was conducted by College Pulse, revealed that 46 percent of Republican students said that their professors are openly engaging in leftist activism in the classroom. For students majoring in the social sciences, the arts, and the humanities, this percentage was even higher.

Students were encouraged to provide comments on their experiences with activist professors. One student noted that his professor cried in class after Trump was elected. Another student said that their professor forced them to watch CNN for 30 minutes during class time.

I love this comment:

One student from Central Michigan University said that even their French professor used class time to bash President Trump. “I don’t care if you like him or not but when I’m in French class I would prefer to talk about French stuff. Maybe even French politics but I’m not paying you $25 an hour to give me your opinion about politics.”

More @ Survey: Almost Half of Conservative Students Claim Their Profs Rant Against Donald Trump | Breitbart
I find that unfortunate, but believe this is a sign of the "radical" left dying.

It's possible that the only two viable sides will now be the traditionalist conservative right, and the "nationalist" right (Trump and affiliated groups), the left has been reduced to the "crazy" party, made up of pedophile apologists, transgender activists, anarchists, illiterates, and white supremacists conspiracy theorists.

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